1PC-Johnson Controls M9109-GGA-4 Electric Actuator 80 IN-LB(9Nm) 24VAC 50/60HZ For Sale

1PC-Johnson Controls M9109-GGA-4 Electric Actuator 80 IN-LB(9Nm) 24VAC 50/60HZ
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1PC-Johnson Controls M9109-GGA-4 Electric Actuator 80 IN-LB(9Nm) 24VAC 50/60HZ:

1PC-Johnson Controls M9109-GGA-4 Electric Actuator 80 IN-LB(9Nm) 24VAC 50/60HZ- NEW

30 Days money back warranty we ensure 100% customer satisfaction.

Datasheet or technical specifications is available upon request


We are the leading distributors of Electronic components, ICs, MOSFETs, IGBTs,Industrial automation, PLC, Servo motor, drives, process control devices, MilitaryGrade components, RF Devices and other Semiconductors.

We are distributor and Importer of all kind of Semiconductors, ElectronicComponents -ICS, transistors, MOSFETs, diodes, Analog & Digital devices, Bridges,Rectifiers, High power Thyristors, LCD Displays, Transducers, Sensors, Opto-couplers,Fiber optic devices, Instruments, Servo motors, Drives, PLCs and other process controlAnd industrial automation devices. We are specialized in hard-to-find components.

We are having 20 years of global sourcing experience with our associates inNorth America & East Asia. All type of Military Grade Components, VHF, UHF, Ghz,Microwave components for radar, military equipment’s, Military Aircrafts.Shipping and Handling Policy:

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  • WeAccept Goods backonly if there are functional problem Within 14 days. Buyer is to pay the return shipping charges.
  • We intend to satisfy our buyer’s expectations and will gladly issue a refund/replacement to resolve if there is any issue
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  • Please contact us for any query regards the product and your package!


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