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devnull 08-06-2010 06:37 PM

Tom, another question.

Is it possible to somehow enhance the search capabilities to enable searching for phrases or strings and not just single words?

Tom 08-13-2010 05:27 PM

That is a good question, what do you mean exactly, as you can do some of this now..
Posted via Mobile

aiharkness 08-13-2010 06:31 PM

I think they mean a phrase as in words in a specific order.

I know you can search on multiple key words, not just one single word at a time. And that works good for error messages.

I can't think of a good example phrase, and I haven't tried one to see what happens.

EDIT: I just tried "and I haven't tried one to see what happens" (with the quote marks) and this is what I got:

Sorry - no matches. Please try some different terms.

The following words are either very common, too long, or too short and were not included in your search : I, tried, one, to, see, what

Tom 08-14-2010 11:43 AM

you could search the site using Google? the Google search engine is a lot more powerful than the built in vbulletin engine.

Tom 08-14-2010 01:17 PM

I have incorporated Google search into the site. Not only will it let you search using the strings you asked for, but it will also take away some of the strain off the servers for in house searches. Give it a try, it is both available in Advanced Search and the navbar search box.

Tom 08-14-2010 01:26 PM

I have also updated the look and feel of the Private Messages section, allowing you to preview a private message from the main page.

djm2 08-14-2010 01:38 PM

The Google search option is nice. Thx.

devnull 08-14-2010 03:02 PM


Originally Posted by Tom (Post 1641274)
I have incorporated Google search into the site. Not only will it let you search using the strings you asked for, but it will also take away some of the strain off the servers for in house searches. Give it a try, it is both available in Advanced Search and the navbar search box.

You rock Tom!!!!


Chris K 08-17-2010 02:26 AM

Wheres forums for fun stuff, games, themes, ringtones, wallpapers?

Tom 08-17-2010 12:02 PM


Originally Posted by Chris K (Post 1642554)
Wheres forums for fun stuff, games, themes, ringtones, wallpapers?


BlackBerry Themes - : Your Number One BlackBerry Community

Media Center - : Your Number One BlackBerry Community

Aftermarket Software - : Your Number One BlackBerry Community

jsconyers 08-17-2010 12:37 PM

Is the new search broken already? :?:razz:

Chris K 08-20-2010 11:20 AM


Originally Posted by Tom (Post 1633150)
The forums have been a bit re-arranged to flow a bit better on the main page, let me know what you think!

I would like to see forum pictures, camera, wallpaper related.
Also think forums should promote 'community' spirit and as such forums have been over specialised, many of which could be condensed into one 'popular' forum
Posted via Mobile

Chris K 08-20-2010 11:31 AM

Supose the fact that people have to be told that these forms contain "fun stuff' speaks volumes
'games' seems to be a dirty word around here and the whole organisation of forums smacks of elite, techyness
Posted via Mobile

djm2 08-20-2010 12:19 PM


jsconyers 08-20-2010 12:22 PM


Originally Posted by djm2 (Post 1644325)


@Chris - You have been here less than a month and are saying these forums are not a "community". I think that is way off base. Having been party of this community for a few years now, I will defend this forum as nothing but a community. Far more friendlier than many of the other forums I frequent.

Chris K 08-20-2010 12:56 PM

I have been writing to forums forever & I dont want you to think I'm taking a pop at BB forums - much of what I posted here I have also posted at other forums - based upon my personal experiences

Many forums (& websites) seem to categorise for the sake of it - it must be easy to do

Say you're looking for TV, the web site makes you answer 15 questions 1st
Widescreen?, Plasma or LCD, 15" or 17", freeview, hi-def, Black, White, Red or flippin Green

by the time you've answered all those questions they haven't even got a green TV in stock - at all

This 'over'-categorising comes from designer 'running away' with nothing more than an assumption that the reader has 'very specific requirements' in mind - when *in fact*, *most* (over 70%) people are just 'window shopping' on the internet (e.g. they haven't got a clue what TV they want *until* they see it)

As a result over -catagorising makes it nigh on impossible for people to 'browse' (window-shop)

In the case of the BB Forums Sponsorship/Promotions, OS 6, Contests, Rim Stock are evidently unsupported, yet if those same threads where in a more general forum they would prolly been read by 10 times more people (the people that just browse = see it, read it)

E.G. 'Rumours' and 'Beta products' are very much of a kin (people interested in one subject would also have an interest in other) and should they be in the same forum would probably double the amount of readers (promote the community)

jsconyers 08-20-2010 01:02 PM

I see your point, but this is a forum structure that is tried and true. The categories are there for a reason and are very effective when used properly. For example, if I have a 9700, I can go to the 9700 forum and get info for my device and only my device. I don't have to worry about coming across threads on the 9500 series devices.

Same goes for other categories. If I wanted a Theme, I could go to the appropriate forum and find what I want quickly and easily. For BBM questions, I could go straight to the BBM forum. Makes it easy and to the point.

Think of it like going into a department store to get a pair of shoes. Would you want to go right to the shoe section and look at the shoes available and then choose the one you want, or would you want to go into a general section of the store and have toys, clothes, food and tools mixes in with the shoes?

aiharkness 08-20-2010 04:10 PM

Chris, we do have entertainment here, but it's sort of like a big club with many bars, and the entertainment floats around. That, and I now realize I haven't seen the entertainment in a while. I'm wondering if the troupe leader is on vacation or has gone missing? Mod's you didn't fire the entertainment, did you?
Posted via Mobile

devnull 08-20-2010 05:26 PM


Originally Posted by Chris K (Post 1644304)
I would like to see forum pictures, camera, wallpaper related.
Also think forums should promote 'community' spirit and as such forums have been over specialised, many of which could be condensed into one 'popular' forum
Posted via Mobile

I like the fact that the forums are specialized / separated. It gives me better control of what I do want to see.

I guess it just goes to show, there is no way to please everyone.

Tom 08-21-2010 12:56 PM

@ Chris K.

I am not really sure if part of your post should end up in the Rants and Raves section, as you generalized BlackBerryForums into the same category as a online tv store.

Here is the deal:
85% of BBF traffic is from seach engines, by placing things into categories that search engines understand, people find what they are looking for quicker. This statistic speaks for itself, most people are NOT browsers, but rather want straight to the point answers.
Posted via Mobile

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