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FF2 02-07-2008 09:31 PM

Just joined the Verizon 8830 ownership group(ie).

I was surprised that the gps was locked but checking the box, it does not make any statements about gps being available. Did they change the packaging since initially offering it.

And a question - might Verizon be getting what I'll call a CLICK fee (like when Google gets you to a site) when folks use their gps-software to find a restaurant or other business?

Regarding a similar case - Creative's 30gig Zen Vision M originally shipped with a RECORDER that could record the built-in FM radio. Apparently under pressure from the Recording Industry Creative issues a firmware update that removed the Recording feature. Lots of screaming about the removal of an advertised feature. Creative maintained that copyright was involved in the Fm-recorder (even those recording from radio has been going on for decades). Creative finally caved and its next firmware restored the function. I don't know if any law suit was filed but a number were threatened.

I hope verizon graciously restores the function.

JSanders 02-07-2008 09:59 PM


Originally Posted by FF2 (Post 826774)
I hope verizon graciously restores the function.

I think this train has already left station.

Dawg 02-08-2008 06:30 AM


RobM 02-16-2008 01:05 AM

Why do you guys stay with verizon if you know up front that they are going to screw you over

Dawg 02-16-2008 06:24 AM


Originally Posted by RobM (Post 837504)
Why do you guys stay with verizon if you know up front that they are going to screw you over

I do not consider myself as being screwed over. I have a great device a great network. I did all the research prior to purchasing. I dont need a crappy cellphone GPS I have a nice gramin in my truck. So how are they screwing me?

Why do you bash Verizon when you are a ATT customer.

scottjb 02-16-2008 10:41 PM

Nor do I feel screwed over -- I agree with Dawg. VZW works well for me.

FF2 02-16-2008 10:59 PM

Well, frankly, I am pretty satisfied with Verizon but I also don't quite believe in "love it or leave it" philosophies. So I believe Verizon can be criticized for locking the gps that is included in the phone unless you pay an additional $10/month.

halda 02-20-2008 12:11 PM


Originally Posted by webmonarch (Post 771279)
I am a bit surprised at how political this board My firm is not involved in the suit in any way.

Do you know which firm is?

JSanders 02-20-2008 12:19 PM

It's the firm listed in the complaint, see the first post in this thread.

RobM 02-26-2008 08:41 AM

I dont know if a class action suit will really solve the will just happen again in the future

topdj 03-03-2008 12:56 PM


Originally Posted by jibi (Post 774162)
Their intentions for VZ Navigator are good-hearted. They want to provide a secure GPS system on a wireless device that will not give someone other than yourself your coordinates on request. With that said, they are supposedly in discussions with companies such as Google and TeleNav to offer a product that will utilize the Google or TeleNav interface and maps but securely through the VZ Navigator transport. the end, they should offer customers both the free, built-in GPS functionality and a pay-for service offering for the security and paranoid customers that would be weary otherwise.

Verizon's main issue wasn't that they didn't specify the devices were released with the GPS functionality disabled. They simply didn't mention publically why they disabled the standard functionality and it was long-since rumored on the internet for other purposes. I believe it was more about money, but if they tell the story about 'security concerns' then perhaps others would be more interested in that approach and agree with it (and pay for the premium GPS service).

Needless to say, I wish someone would hack the VZ Navigator transport and just make a mockery out of their security. :)

I think advertising the BB's built in GPS and a Optional secure privacy VZ navigator is a good Idea. all they have to do to sell more Navigator is Harp on the fact someone could track you using just the built in GPS :) Imagine how much RIM would complain if they said that.

Why cant anyone just hack the BB's so they have the GPS reenabled?

penguin3107 03-03-2008 01:05 PM


Originally Posted by topdj (Post 857932)
Why cant anyone just hack the BB's so they have the GPS reenabled?

Here we go again. Grabbing my bag of popcorn.

TroyDBrown 03-22-2008 08:17 PM

I am waiting for the hack...., Maybe try a Buffer Overflow

ezrunner 03-22-2008 09:19 PM

no no no Troy

gotta use a Buffer underflow

NickfromIL 03-23-2008 01:35 AM

Wirelessly posted

What about a turtle wax buffer?

Note: tried this and all I got was a nice shine on my BB

BFEINZIMER 03-26-2008 10:13 PM


Originally Posted by NickfromIL (Post 866899)
Wirelessly posted

What about a turtle wax buffer?

Note: tried this and all I got was a nice shine on my BB

hmm did you try glosshaus, leaves a beautiful shine, or try a machine glaze :P

Dawg 03-27-2008 04:55 PM

no no no you have to use a belt sander with 100 grit sandpaper and then go up from there.

novafluxx 04-05-2008 01:40 AM


Originally Posted by Dawg (Post 837566)
I do not consider myself as being screwed over. I have a great device a great network. I did all the research prior to purchasing. I dont need a crappy cellphone GPS I have a nice gramin in my truck. So how are they screwing me?

Why do you bash Verizon when you are a ATT customer.

Is the chip/antenna for the GPS still being powered even though its disabled on your device? If it is, and you have no access to that feature, you're battery life is being infringed upon by a feature you have no access to. If it can't be turned off and use ZERO power. Then it shouldn't be disabled via software.

My 2 cents

wabbit 04-10-2008 12:29 AM

Wirelessly posted

I bashed them for vz tactics. I have both vz / att. Their are things that bother me paying full market price for sub products. Also even though its on their network its your device. That bothers me they can mod devices into what they want. I would understand if I rent the phone its their phone they can do what they wish. Not something you buy. I still think this is a bs vz will cont doing what they want.

uviuar 06-24-2008 08:33 AM


Originally Posted by jibi (Post 774162)
Their intentions for VZ Navigator are good-hearted. They want to provide a secure GPS system on a wireless device that will not give someone other than yourself your coordinates on request. With that said, they are supposedly in discussions with companies such as Google and TeleNav to offer a product that will utilize the Google or TeleNav interface and maps but securely through the VZ Navigator transport. the end, they should offer customers both the free, built-in GPS functionality and a pay-for service offering for the security and paranoid customers that would be weary otherwise.

Verizon's main issue wasn't that they didn't specify the devices were released with the GPS functionality disabled. They simply didn't mention publically why they disabled the standard functionality and it was long-since rumored on the internet for other purposes. I believe it was more about money, but if they tell the story about 'security concerns' then perhaps others would be more interested in that approach and agree with it (and pay for the premium GPS service).

Needless to say, I wish someone would hack the VZ Navigator transport and just make a mockery out of their security. :)

This is hogwash pure and simple. A GPS is a receiver, not a transmitter. There is absolutely no merit to the idea that somehow, just maybe, if you are using a GPS your smartphone may suddenly start broadcasted GPS related information about you in a manner that other cell-phone users or internet users could receive, interpret, and use. Thats ridiculous. Thats like saying maybe, just maybe, the FM receiver in my car that I listen to the radio with, might suddenly start broadcasting on a frequency that someone else with some specialized hardware might pick up, and not only pick up but be able to interpret as usable data representing my location on the road. Completely ridiculous.

Yea sure, VZW is protecting me from myself, from having a virus on my unhackable blackberry that is specifically designed to tell the hacker in China what street im driving around in Texas. Oh please let me pay $10/month to VZW to make sure that never happens.

I hope someone writes a virus specifically for the VZNavigator software to do just this, to show what a charade this whole nonsense is.


Originally Posted by wabbit (Post 889797)
Wirelessly posted

I bashed them for vz tactics. I have both vz / att. Their are things that bother me paying full market price for sub products. Also even though its on their network its your device. That bothers me they can mod devices into what they want. I would understand if I rent the phone its their phone they can do what they wish. Not something you buy. I still think this is a bs vz will cont doing what they want.

EXACTLY. I could understand if i was LEASING the phone, but im not. I BOUGHT IT. I OWN IT. IT'S MINE. How dare they say what I can and cant do with something i purchased. Thats like the Nissan dealership saying I cant install satellite radio in the car that I bought for $30,000. B/c they have a deal with XM and only want me using XM radio in my.

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