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ZombieBerry 01-05-2012 07:21 PM

Leaked OS 9900
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yahjoogooleh 01-05-2012 07:31 PM

Re: Leaked OS 9900
With this do you still have to have .540 installed for a hybrid? I just installed .540 because I was having issuses with .440 from att. I was having call failed and random dialed calls. Thanks in advance.
Posted via Mobile

ZombieBerry 01-05-2012 07:35 PM

Re: Leaked OS 9900
No, you can install as usual. Standard rules apply.

yahjoogooleh 01-05-2012 07:37 PM

Re: Leaked OS 9900
Okay I might have to do this if I have any issuses with .540. Thanks again. I've noticed you're on point with the updates haha.
Posted via Mobile

NJBlackBerry 01-05-2012 08:20 PM

Re: Leaked OS 9900
Who started that stuff about using .540? I've gone from 7.1 back to 7.0 to and now to .190. Never ran .540!

yahjoogooleh 01-05-2012 08:25 PM

Re: Leaked OS 9900
How is the .190 is it solid? I had a 9810 running 7.1 and loved it but I'm hestitant to put it on the 9900 because of some of the bugs users have posted.
Posted via Mobile

ZombieBerry 01-05-2012 09:06 PM

Re: Leaked OS 9900
I think it had something to do with a leaked OS on a 98xx. Not too sure, I remember being told to post it in one of the OS leaks.

Not sure I haven't loaded it yet.

DropBox link if the other one is slow.

stevew 01-05-2012 10:28 PM

Re: Leaked OS 9900

Originally Posted by NJBlackBerry (Post 1762391)
Who started that stuff about using .540? I've gone from 7.1 back to 7.0 to and now to .190. Never ran .540!

It started on by someone (their typical demographics) with sh!t for brains. IDK if you read the posts there, but almost all of them are written by people who have no clue how to tie their own shoelaces, leave alone handle a BlackBerry. I have a feeling that RIM's woes are in part due to the people who post on that board...LOL:razz:

yahjoogooleh 01-05-2012 10:52 PM

Re: Leaked OS 9900
I mean I'm not entirely sure but I've looked on CB and here and it seems like CB has way more traffic than here. I have much love for bbforums this is the one and only bb forum that I'm registered to but that guy mecca seems to know what he's talking about.
Posted via Mobile

stevew 01-06-2012 01:23 AM

Re: Leaked OS 9900
There is way more traffic there - agreed, but most of the posters are brain-dead 3-yr olds. There are a (very) few posters who do know what they're doing, but the overall experience there is akin to babysitting 13 year olds on crack...

If I were to take anything written there with even a tiny grain of salt...I'd have a different device other than a BlackBerry. I mostly go there to troll and cause a ruckus. LOL

stevew 01-06-2012 01:27 AM

Re: Leaked OS 9900

Originally Posted by ZombieBerry (Post 1762393)
I think it had something to do with a leaked OS on a 98xx. Not too sure, I remember being told to post it in one of the OS leaks.

Not sure I haven't loaded it yet.

DropBox link if the other one is slow.

Actually, what it was was someone who created some POS "hybrid" version for the 9810, that had no installer and required the user to have a specific previous OS installed on the PC, so the COD files would get added to the device. The day I do that to any of my devices will be the day I toss them over a bridge. It's not like there aren't enough issues to deal with on the 99xx's.:-o

NJBlackBerry 01-06-2012 06:21 AM

Re: Leaked OS 9900
It also has a very active social forum area, so if you are looking for three legged, bi sexual animal lovers, that's the place to go.

If you need an answer to a technical problem - it's not a place to go.

ZombieBerry 01-06-2012 07:09 AM

Re: Leaked OS 9900
Yeah, more of a quantity site than quality site.

yahjoogooleh 01-06-2012 08:30 AM

Re: Leaked OS 9900
I see. I very much enjoy here better. Has anyone installed this? Any issues with it?
Posted via Mobile

NJBlackBerry 01-06-2012 08:45 AM

Re: Leaked OS 9900
No issues so far. No reboots. Have NOT tried WiFi calling. Hotspot didn't work for me as T-Mobile wants yet more money.

yahjoogooleh 01-06-2012 08:59 AM

Re: Leaked OS 9900
Oh okay I'll install it now before work and hopefully everything is good. I'll post my two cents later. Thanks all for input on OS and CB haha.
Posted via Mobile

yahjoogooleh 01-06-2012 10:07 AM

Re: Leaked OS 9900
Just installed everything seems to be running smoothly. It's nice to finally have NFC on ATT :).
Posted via Mobile

ZombieBerry 01-06-2012 10:58 AM

Re: Leaked OS 9900
Just installed it as well. Don't see much of a difference from .74

Hopefully some of the bugs and battery bleed will be addressed.

lovescakemix 01-06-2012 11:32 AM

Re: Leaked OS 9900
installed it yesterday and the main screen was black instead of the transparency it has normally. reset fixed everything. and the first time i turned on wifi after turning it off cause a reboot. Nothing has happened since, and no matter what i do i cant recreate any issue seems solid enough like .74.

given2fly 01-06-2012 01:47 PM

Re: Leaked OS 9900
This os is super fast on my bold. I thought .590 was fast but this is crazy fast. One problem I've noticed is that I can't delete certain emails. i've noticed that i have duplications of all my emails and i can delete the dups but not the originals. anyone ever have this problem?

Edit: nevermind, i fixed it. Sorry for the post.

Posted via Mobile

HAPPYTREE 01-06-2012 03:43 PM

Re: Leaked OS 9900
Does this cure the battery issue when it drops from 100%-92%?

ZombieBerry 01-06-2012 03:49 PM

Re: Leaked OS 9900
Problem mostly existed with pre OS 7 .1 releases. I experienced it on Have yet to experience it on any leak or official.
Posted via Mobile

HAPPYTREE 01-06-2012 03:55 PM

Re: Leaked OS 9900

Originally Posted by ZombieBerry (Post 1762528)
Problem mostly existed with pre OS 7 releases. I experienced it on Have yet to experience it on any leak or official.
Posted via Mobile


I'll d/load this tomorrow and install. Have you noticed any improvement in battery life?

ZombieBerry 01-06-2012 04:35 PM

Re: Leaked OS 9900
Not really. I am getting ok time on the thing when I am at home or when I am off work. At work though my battery life is bad, not sure if it is an app, my signal(big part), or general OS deficiencies.

I would look at apps that you have installed and install a battery app so you can track your usage. Maybe spot trends, or trouble areas where you can improve battery life. I save a few percentages by installing 'WiFi or Network' (Available on App World, there are also other paid ones but I haven't tried them. The free app works fine), kills the radio when you are connected to a WiFi signal.

I'll know more in a few days, give it the week-end before I make a decision.

yahjoogooleh 01-06-2012 06:29 PM

Re: Leaked OS 9900
I've noticed with this OS if I'm listening to music and make a call and hang up the music will be mute and I have to press stop and play again to hear it. Battery life was horrible for the first day by the time I got home from work I had maybe 20% left from a full charge. I'll wait a few days and hopefully the OS will settle. Outside of that everything seems pretty solid.
Posted via Mobile

HAPPYTREE 01-07-2012 04:54 AM

Re: Leaked OS 9900

Originally Posted by ZombieBerry (Post 1762538)
Not really. I am getting ok time on the thing when I am at home or when I am off work. At work though my battery life is bad, not sure if it is an app, my signal(big part), or general OS deficiencies.

I would look at apps that you have installed and install a battery app so you can track your usage. Maybe spot trends, or trouble areas where you can improve battery life. I save a few percentages by installing 'WiFi or Network' (Available on App World, there are also other paid ones but I haven't tried them. The free app works fine), kills the radio when you are connected to a WiFi signal.

I'll know more in a few days, give it the week-end before I make a decision.

Appreciate the feedback. Aside from Twitter/Whatsapp, I dont have anything else installed so hopefully the battery life should at least be on par with what I have now.

I'll probably hang-fire until you report back on your findings before installing. As you say, there may well be OS deficiencies that have yet to be ironed out.

snoxr500 01-07-2012 11:34 AM

Re: Leaked OS 9900
Hopefully this will fix my dropped 3g+ on rogers im stuck using edge :( what a waste for a fast phone, but wifi calling is too important to me to switch back lol

ZombieBerry 01-07-2012 05:36 PM

Re: Leaked OS 9900
I haven't heard of a 3G bug in my dealings with 7.1, but there are various bugs and issues that crop up from time to time.

You do know that by installing the leak chances are being taken. I expect an official 7.1 for the 9900 sooner rather than later. You survived without any type of UMA support in the past. As you say though, you can\t live without it. My carrier doesn't support it, so I don't know what I am missing...LoL

ZombieBerry 01-09-2012 05:58 PM

Re: Leaked OS 9900
I am not having any problems with this build so far (knocks on wood)

Using the diagnostic tool to track battery performance (we'll see how that goes :razz:) Options>Device>Advanced System Settings>BlackBerry Device Analyzer (if anyone is interested), after that it gives you a few options like Mail Issues, Device Responsiveness, Cellular Connections, and Hardware. I started tracking from 00:00 Monday, I'll let it run for a week or so.

HAPPYTREE 01-11-2012 04:03 PM

Re: Leaked OS 9900
Meant to ask - is this unofficial release the same as the now "official" one BlackBerry announced?

Also, is there any direct link to the official OS7.1 for the 9900?

NJBlackBerry 01-11-2012 04:19 PM

Re: Leaked OS 9900
Announced and Released are two different things...
Until one of the carriers official releases it, we won't know what version it is..

NokiaFanToo 01-12-2012 09:28 PM

Re: Leaked OS 9900
Observation/Issues/Problems I experienced with

- Strange install - kept my Apps and some settings, even though I chose to do no backup. In the past the OS install procedure did a "fresh install" with no apps and settings retained from the previous install. I installed using latest DM Bundle 38, and upgraded from firmware (and have done many successful other on

- OS installs and runs OK, but with a few problems:

- GPS did not work initially. All GPS apps Google Maps, built-in BB Maps, and the Device>Location Settings>Refresh showed incorrect GPS location. Always showed location 0.0.0 and "waiting for GPS." Reboots, battery pull did not fix. Only thing that resolved the issue: run Device Analyzer>Hardware>GPS. Now works OK. Had not seen this issue on any other install.

- UMA/WiFi calling is spotty. When it works it's solid. There are several issues with WiFi calling on my BB9900. I am able to associate fine with T-Mo UMA (evidence WiFi diagnostics panel). BUT...

1) WiFi reception range is very limited (short distance) before BB9900 and UMA/WiFi calling says that the access point is too far away. Maybe 25 feet from the AP (and through only one wood/drywall wall), the BB WiFi reception strength meter is on one dot, or zero (around -80dBM according to BB9900 WiFi diagnostics). However in the same location, iPADs and notebook computers have full bars for WiFi reception BB9900 seems to have poor WiFi reception sensitivity.

2) This sensitivity causes a limited range for using WiFi calling. The phone signals "too far away" and phone wants to switch back to 2G/3G. In my location 2G/3G reception is poor, so the phone constantly hunts back and forth between 2G and WiFi calling even though when I'm only 25 ft from WiFi access point. I have the phone network set to "WiFi preferred" and the hunting problem occurs when BB9900 WiFi diagnostics claim WiFi signal strength is down around -80dBM.

3) Phone mostly seems to handle the cell/WiFi switching OK, but takes a long time (20-60?) seconds to switch onto the new transmission carrier. Sometimes though it tries to hang on too long onto the WiFi/UMA carrier even when it claims it is in low range, and therefore seems to not let incoming calls through. Result: causing me to miss calls.

4) The WiFi calling gets confused at times...sometimes incoming callers never get through, they hear the phone rings 15+ times before switches to my voice mail. Also outgoing dialed calls seem to connect, but no sound is heard on my end.

Hope someone from Blackberry gets to read this, I like my BB9900 in general and hope WiFi calling gets debugged. UMA used to work fine on my previous BB9700.

yahjoogooleh 01-12-2012 09:58 PM

Re: Leaked OS 9900
I mean with me personally a lot of these issues I have never experienced. I'm with ATT though but have you tried battery pulls and such? The only real issue I've experienced with this release is the media player issue with the muting. I've had horrible battery life but I've deleted wikitude and my battery life has greatly improved.
Posted via Mobile

snhrph 01-12-2012 10:50 PM

Re: Leaked OS 9900

Originally Posted by yahjoogooleh (Post 1763272)
I mean with me personally a lot of these issues I have never experienced. I'm with ATT though but have you tried battery pulls and such? The only real issue I've experienced with this release is the media player issue with the muting. I've had horrible battery life but I've deleted wikitude and my battery life has greatly improved.
Posted via Mobile

You could not experience UMA issue since at&t does not "UMA"... ;-)

NokiaFanToo 01-13-2012 12:42 PM

Re: Leaked OS 9900

Originally Posted by yahjoogooleh (Post 1763272)
I mean with me personally a lot of these issues I have never experienced. I'm with ATT though but have you tried battery pulls and such? The only real issue I've experienced with this release is the media player issue with the muting. I've had horrible battery life but I've deleted wikitude and my battery life has greatly improved.
Posted via Mobile

My wireless operator is T-Mobile, which enables WiFi/UMA calling. Apparently AT&T does not support this service.

The main reason *for me personally* to switch from to is for WiFi calling only, since the previous leak worked OK for my use, with the exception of missing WiFi/UMA and Hotspot (which I don't use).

My new usage of WiFi/UMA calling points out an apparent weakness in the BB9900 that I hadn't noticed before...its WiFi reception sensitivity is poor compared to iPAD/iPOD/notebooks. According to diagnostics, it is about -20dBM signal strength lower than iPAD/iPOD/notebooks I've tested.

That lower sensitivity makes the UMA/WiFi want to "release" sooner than it ought to...because it "thinks" I'm out of WiFi range.

There is a another symptom with WiFi...the BB9900 has a hard time "letting go" of one access point to switch to another stronger signal access point. I see this when roaming my house which has 2 associated access points at opposite ends of the house. BB9900 normally grabs onto one AP which has strongest reception, but when I move far enough away it should "let go" when its signal reception is low and switch to the stronger AP. Yes, my AP frequencies and transmit strengths have been adjusted, and yes I've done a WiFi signal sweep to adjust optimal location and transmission strengths throughout the house.

It seems these issues interact with UMA calling at what I would think is only moderate distance from the AP (20-25 ft). WiFi wants to hang on to the AP but UMA wants to let go, and vice-versa. I suspect there is some tuning/adjustment needed in the hysteresis software loop used to hold onto and let go of WiFi and UMA. It might cause the problems I observe of missed calls.

When I'm right next to the AP (5-10 feet) then WiFi/UMA calling is rock solid.
I'll check a second BB9900 (my wife's) for similar WiFi/UMA performance in case it's a hardware/WiFi antenna issue, but I doubt it.

me4tux 01-20-2012 05:30 AM

Re: Leaked OS 9900

Originally Posted by HAPPYTREE (Post 1763137)
Meant to ask - is this unofficial release the same as the now "official" one BlackBerry announced?

Also, is there any direct link to the official OS7.1 for the 9900?

I am also interested if anyone has some tidbits to share....

avelasqu 01-24-2012 05:55 PM

Re: Leaked OS 9900
I seem to get lots of network pauses and errors with this release when on 4G and the UMA is horrible. I cannot place a call on UMA without turning off the WiFi.

I am going back to .540.

NJBlackBerry 01-24-2012 06:10 PM

Re: Leaked OS 9900
Ummm. UMA doesn't work unless you have the WiFi on. Actually, the 9900 doesn't have UMA, which involves a handoff between WiFi and 3G. There is no handoff on the 9900.

avelasqu 01-24-2012 06:26 PM

Re: Leaked OS 9900
Thats what I mean. I cannot place a call on UMA at all. To make a call, I have to turn off the WiFi (hence no UMA).

I'll wait for a better working version. Back to .540 for now. ;-)

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