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Mark Rejhon 02-04-2005 06:00 AM

BlackBerry IM Chat Apps/FAQ - MSN/AIM/ICQ/Yahoo/Google [UPDATED]
BlackBerry Instant Messaging FAQ

What Instant Messaging Software Is Available For BlackBerry?

BeeJive's JiveTalk (Multi Network) (One-Time Fee) (see review)
IM+ (Multi Network) (One-Time Fee)
RIM's Google Talk (Google Talk) (Free)
RIM's Yahoo Messenger (Yahoo) (Free)
RIM's Windows Messenger (MSN) (Free, only on some carriers)
RIM's AOL Instant Messenger (AIM) (Free, only on some carriers)
RIM's BlackBerry Messenger (PIN) (Free)
Yak-On (Multi Network) (One-Time Fee)
WebMessenger (Multi Network) (Annual Subscription)
Causerie Messenger (Multi Network) (Annual Subscription)
BerryVine Messenger (MSN Direct Connect) (One-Time Fee)
QuickIM Messenger (MSN Direct Connect) (One-Time Fee)
Ramble (AIM Direct Connect) (Freeware)
BlackChat ICQ (ICQ Direct Connect) (Free Open Source)
(Updated List: Click Here.)

How Do I Configure My BlackBerry To Work With Instant Messaging Software?

It's now automatic with the better software, such as JiveTalk - no further configuration needed. In fact, with a minimal amount of extra configuring, most BlackBerry instant messaging software now work even without a BlackBerry plan (See article on using BlackBerry on a Cheap Data Plan, just configure the APN setting). Many software programs can be configured to automatically work over the BlackBerry Internet Service (BIS), which is always included with all BlackBerries and are usually not blocked. In other cases, you can just configure the APN. For common carriers that do not work automatically with instant messaging software on BlackBerry, please see a list of common APN's.

What about Instant Messaging Built Into T-Mobile BlackBerry?

It is perfectly adequate for light usage. If you are not a heavy IM user, then this client works very well. However there are disadvantages to the Instant Messenger built into T-Mobile BlackBerry (Oz Instant Messaging):
- It uses SMS messages, instead of data.
- It is slow. Messages are delayed by a few seconds, sometimes worse.
- In older versions, you cannot hit Enter to transmit messages.
- You cannot be logged onto multiple chat networks at the same time.
- You cannot conduct multiple chat conversations simultaneously as easily
- It cannot run in the background reliably in a 24/7 always-on mode.
- Alerting is not as configurable as the best BlackBerry IM clients.

Heavy IM users prefer a full-fledged client, such as JiveTalk for BlackBerry, which overcomes many of these problems.

What Is Instant Messaging?

If you don't know what instant messaging is, then you are probably not interested in using instant messaging on BlackBerry. However, this FAQ will explain instant messaging anyway for completeness.

Instant Messaging (IM) is a form of Internet chat. It is called "IM" for short. Essentially, IM is a text version of a telephone call that is more realtime than email or SMS. An IM conversation typically looks like the following:

Mark: Hello!
Smith: hey back
Mark: Did you hear from Sherrie?
Smith: Not yet - trying to reach her by phone, no answer
Mark: When you reach her, tell her about the dinner at dad's.
Mark: And say hi to her for me!
Smith: Definitely will! Do you want me to bring the cookies we just baked?
Mark: Yep
Smith: Great. They're REALLY delcious
Smith: You'll love them!
Mark: Look forward to it! I'll ping you back at 4pm.
There are several different instant messaging networks:
MSN - Microsoft MSN Messenger, Windows Messenger
AIM - AOL Instant Messenger
ICQ - ICQ Instant Messaging Service
Y! - Yahoo! Messenger
GTALK - Google Talk

Most installations of Windows XP usually include an application called "Windows Messenger", which connects to the MSN Messenger network. This program can easily be used as a trial, to see if you like instant messaging. IM was only a niche market for business, but is becoming much more popular with businesses, especially with the introduction of Jabber-based protocols and enterprise messaging. It is popular among consumers, especially young people, as well as among deaf people including Mark Rejhon, the writer of this FAQ.

IM includes a contact list called a "Buddy List". Usually, only people who are inside your Buddy List are authorized to contact you. That allows you to prevent strangers from even attempting to reach you by IM, and it is also very easy to block someone from reaching you by IM, simply by removing their name from your Buddy list, or using a blocking feature.

Why Use Instant Messaging?

Extra communications choice for your BlackBerry.
Some people check their email faster -- Use your BlackBerry email.
Some people prefer phone -- Call them via your BlackBerry phone
Some people prefer IM chat -- Ping them via JiveTalk

This can be true, especially if you know people who tend to hang out all the time on at least one of the IM networks. There are many times it can be more discreet than a phone call, and internationally. It can actually be cheaper to chat via IM, than making a roaming phone call.

IM is good for realtime chatting. It is typically treated as a text equivalent of a telephone call. Email is almost fast enough to be realtime, but you can't read and write at the same time -- while you can with IM! You can read incoming messages scrolling in simultaneously while you're writing a reply in IM. At the beginning of 2004, there was only 2 chat programs available for BlackBerry. By the end of 2004, there was over 15 chat programs available, including several instant messenger software programs! Now in 2007, there are many more, so only a small list is mentioned. Of these, most people tend to prefer JiveTalk, IM+, or RIM's own chat clients. In a year from now, something better could even come out.

What Are The Advantages Of Instant Messaging?

There are some advantages of IM:
  • Realtime conversation.
  • Split screen chat.
  • Read & Write simultaneously.
  • Color coded text: Red versus Blue.
  • Chat to more than 1 person at the same time.
  • Some IM software supports multiple people in the same "chat room".
  • Can be a substitute for telephone conversations, if phone is turned off.
  • Sometimes, some people prefer IM over phone or email -- especially younger people, deaf and hearing impaired persons, etc.

Advantages of Using Instant Messaging Over SMS

Some people have asked what are the advantages of using a dedicated instant messaging client instead of using plain old SMS. Most BlackBerry IM clients such as JiveTalk use data instead of SMS text messages.

Advantages Of Using IM Instead Of SMS:
  • Some BlackBerry plans have unlimited data, but not unlimited SMS
  • True 2-way chat, you can type while they are messaging you;
  • Chat faster, quicker messaging, messages arrive in just 1-2 seconds;
  • Multitask multiple conversations more easily;
  • Group conversations are possible in some IM software;
  • Just hit Enter to send message, and you're immediately ready to type the next message;
  • You can easily chat to someone sitting at a computer too, not just another phone;
  • Cheaper than a long distance call;
Disadvantages of Using IM Instead Of SMS:
  • Cost of software such as annual subscription fee, although this may be still be cheaper than the cost of an "Unlimited" SMS add-on.
  • Not good if you do not have an unlimited data plan;
  • Overkill, if you only do very infrequent SMS or IM;
  • Other people need to run IM software too, or log onto an IM system over SMS. (People can log onto AIM using SMS, so you that SMS users can send messages to your IM client that way!)

I Don't Have Instant Messaging Accounts. How Do I Sign Up?

Here are the signup links for each Instant Messaging Network. All are free:
MSN: MSN Messenger
AIM: AOL Instant Messenger
ICQ: ICQ Instant Messaging Service
Y!: Yahoo Messenger
GTALK: Google Talk

Some of the IM software programs support all networks simultaneously. If you have never used instant messaging, you do not need to sign up for all the networks. The most popular networks are MSN and AIM respectively. If you wished, you could just use MSN, just because it is included with Windows XP. Also, did you know that if you have a Hotmail account, you can just use your Hotmail username and password to logon to the MSN Messenger system? So that means you've already got an account on MSN if you are a Hotmail user!

Software such as JiveTalk do not require you to have accounts on all systems. Just keep the username and password blank for the IM networks that you do not use, and disable the login checkbox for those IM accounts. You can just use 1 or 2 accounts, rather than all 4 networks, if you wish.

Too Many People Contacting Me! What Do I Do Now?

This can sometimes happen if you imported your whole massive desktop buddy list into your BlackBerry.

To solve this problem, the easiest solution is to simply signup for separate IM accounts for your BlackBerry, separate from your desktop. That way, you can only add only the most important contacts ("buddies") to your IM buddy lists. That means people who you don't want contacting you on your BlackBerry, won't be able to ring you on your BlackBerry via IM.


This is a "Mark Rejhon BlackBerry FAQ" article.
Copyright (C) 2005, 2007 by Mark Rejhon, All Rights Reserved. Some portions may be Copyright (C) by respective forum members.
Mark Rejhon grants permission to use this article only for private use. For all other uses, please ask Mark Rejhon at Mark Rejhon - aka Marky - Home Page of Mark D. Rejhon to ask for permission to use this article. If any content of this article also contains content by other forum members, please ask them for permission too as well. This includes commercial use, public use, reposting in full/part anywhere on the Internet, publication in magazine/book or any other media, or any other use than private use. This copyright notice may not be edited or removed in any manner. Mark Rejhon reserves exclusive right to edit, remove, or restore this article, and this article may not be edited, removed, or restored by any other individual or organizations.

Mark Rejhon 02-04-2005 06:03 AM

For more information about Mark Rejhon's favourite IM client for BlackBerry, see:
Verichat 1.78 Download Thread (With New Features List)

Or alternatively, enter this web address in your BlackBerry Browser for an Over-The-Air download: (Version 1.91)

Mark Rejhon 02-08-2005 06:34 PM

This FAQ has now been updated again (February 8th, 2005).

If you have any common questions about instant messaging, please post in this thread, and I will do my best to integrate it in this FAQ.


Too Many People Contacting Me! What Do I Do Now?

This can sometimes happen if you imported your whole massive desktop buddy list into your BlackBerry.

To solve this problem, the easiest solution is to simply signup for separate IM accounts for your BlackBerry, separate from your desktop. That way, you can only add only the most important contacts ("buddies") to your IM buddy lists. That means people who you don't want contacting you on your BlackBerry, won't be able to ring you on your BlackBerry via IM.

The author of this FAQ, Mark Rejhon, uses this method. He keeps eight separate IM accounts -- two each on all four networks, four for desktop use and four for BlackBerry use. He keeps a subset of only the most important IM contacts on the BlackBerry.

Diceman 02-14-2005 02:04 PM

Mark (or anyone) does the IM client use actual minutes on the phone or is it part of the web portion. I am assuming the web portion, but want to make sure. Any help would be great.

bfrye 02-14-2005 02:08 PM

That would be part of your data plan (web portion)

roofus 02-15-2005 12:07 PM


Originally Posted by bfrye
That would be part of your data plan (web portion)

Do all the IM clients ( WeMessenger, Verichat, BerryVine Messenger etc.) use the same amount of data when conducting a conversation? Since these programs have different fee structures, are some better value than others, strictly on an "data efficiency" standpoint?

bfrye 02-15-2005 12:09 PM

If I actually paid for my service I could tell you, but unfortunately I'm not sure :(

RMS 02-15-2005 06:38 PM

T-Mobile help
Can anyone tell me if i've missed a step?

I downloaded the t-mobile version of verichat, I have myAPN at, I have tried with force MDS on and Off and I still get an error "Failed to transmit"

I have full GPRS, I have 4.0 on the phone and desktop.

In the options/applications there are 2 versions of verichat listed, 1.78B and then indented right below is 1.51b

Any suggestions as to what I am doing wrong?

I was under the impression that t-mobile has re-openned ports in the wap gateway. Are there any confirmations for Los Angeles?

Thank you


Mark Rejhon 02-15-2005 10:58 PM

At this stage, I believe you now have to telephone T-Mobile to make sure that the is properly added to your account. Sometimes you have to do this.

Make sure you contact a BlackBerry tech support representative and ask for this quote "I am calling about my phone. I need to have something added to my account. I need the wap dot voicestream dot com Internet Access Point Name added to my account." (or say something similiar).

RMS 02-15-2005 11:29 PM

Already did that. I have everything in place. my account is in order and I have the correct service. They were even trying to troubleshoot it with me! I guess they changed their policy about 3rd party support. Anyhow, they couldn't figure it out either :(

RMS 02-16-2005 12:18 AM

got it to work!
I decided to just reinstall the 4.0 software and it whiped my phone clean and now it works after a fresh install.
Thank you everyone for your help

Mark Rejhon 02-16-2005 01:54 AM

Excellent. If they're currently answering the phone quickly, you might want to call T-Mobile back and let them know how you fixed the problem! So that they can improve tech support procedures. At least if you're calling T-Mobile back for other reasons, make it a point to mention how you fixed it, out of matter of courtesy!

Mark Rejhon 02-21-2005 07:12 PM

You can download Verichat 1.91 Over-The-Air by entering this web address into your BlackBerry browser:

Handango did not allow PDAapps to post a version that had all 4 networks, because of some kind of deal they have with AOL.

Please note, if you last installed Verichat via BlackBerry Desktop, you must uninstall that version before you download Over-The-Air. Yes, your same registration code will work.

roofus 02-22-2005 07:08 PM

PDAapps used to post every upgrade on their download webpage. Now for whatever reason they just offer periodic upgrades.

Mark Rejhon 02-22-2005 07:47 PM

That's because they are working hard on the new single-socket version. All four networks are multiplexed over one single connection, to solve several problems. It's a vastly major architectural change, which is why it is taking so long.

pdxchick 02-23-2005 09:29 PM

Hi Mark Rejhon,

This is a dumb question but I know Mark you prefer public questions rather than PM, so here goes:

If two people have Blackberries that both have Verichat and you are primarily interested in chatting with each other at times that you cannot talk on the phone, is Verichat and IM in general the way to go or should we just use SMS?

Basically I am not IMing with anyone else, but I like to use it for real-time or non-real time quick messages. I know SMS is not two-way real time, however it seems like IM might be overkill if you don't have other buddies you want to chat with and both people have Blackberries.

Also not using IM from the computer, just the handheld.

Thoughts or pros/cons?

- pdxchick

Mark Rejhon 02-24-2005 04:45 AM


Yes, you can do Verichat from BlackBerry to BlackBerry if you wish. It can be an excellent way to conduct a conversation. Not a dumb question, but an excellent question that other people no doubt want to know more about. There are advantages and disadvantages:

Advantages Of Using Verichat Instead Of SMS
  • Some BlackBerry plans have unlimited data (good for Verichat) but not unlimited SMS
  • True 2-way chat, you can type while they are messaging you.
  • Chat faster, quicker messaging, messages arrive in just 1-2 seconds.
  • Multitask multiple conversations
  • Group conversations will be possible in an upcoming version of Verichat
  • The other end doesn't necessarily require Verichat; it can just be anything that can access the same IM networks that Verichat can. (i.e. AIM, etc)
  • Just hit Enter to send message, and you're immediately ready to type the next message
  • You can easily chat to someone sitting at a computer too, if you decide to do this later.
  • Cheaper than a long distance call
Disadvantages of Using Verichat Instead Of SMS
  • Annual subscription of ~$35 per year, but this may be cheaper than an "Unlimited" SMS add-on
  • Not good if you do not have an unlimited data plan
  • Overkill, if you only do infrequent SMS
  • Other people need to run Verichat or other instant messaging software too (However, there's a workaround! The other end can setup to send SMS over AIM, if they wish, so they can send an SMS message to your Verichat that way!)

pdxchick 02-25-2005 01:55 AM

Thanks for the info, Mark. Based on your excellent breakdown, I think we'll try the SMS route first. Reason being we use messaging infrequently and that Verichat when open seems to access data more often which affects my ability to get phone calls and also the battery life.

It is an excellent application and for me, if I had more IM buddies I'd be all over it. For now, I tend to call them if we both can talk at the same time and I was just looking for something to send messages to my husband.

I'll keep playing to see if my usage model with change.

- pdxchick

Mark Rejhon 02-25-2005 02:49 AM

While you're at it, did you know Windows XP already comes with Windows Messenger?

1. Click Start
2. Select "All Programs"
3. Select "Windows Messenger"
4. Login using your MSN account.

This is free and already pre-installed on your computer, so it is good for testing things out too. You can create two MSN accounts (using the links in my FAQ above), one for your computer, one for your BlackBerry. And do some tests sending messages back and fourth between the BlackBerry and the desktop computer -- at least while you're still within your 2 week VeriChat trial period.

You probably do not need IM anyway, but if you are going to play with it anyway -- you might as well do the simple 1-2-3-4 steps above too :)

MobileRC 02-27-2005 05:59 PM

Hey Mark,

I downloaded it and it works great right off the bat. My only question is... How does it affect my phone? Will people be able to call me while I am chatting or if I have VeriChat running in the background? Since theoretically you can only do one at a time either voice GSM or GPRS

MobileRC 02-27-2005 06:06 PM

Ok well I tested it for myself and it doesnt seem to interfere with my ability to use my phone or get email etc. It works great too.. I am pleasantly surprised.

MobileRC 02-27-2005 06:16 PM

if I were to uninstall and reinstall it would I have to readd my buddies as well (msn specific)? ICQ seems to add buddies automatically.

Mark Rejhon 02-27-2005 08:23 PM

No. All the buddies gets downloaded automatically on all IM networks.

sempai 03-01-2005 08:51 AM

VeriChat has the "feature" of disconnecting from AIM all the time.

It will stay connected to MSN Messenger most of the time, but AIM falls off with little to no provocation.

austinheat 03-02-2005 11:49 PM

Downloading Verichat OTA for the 7100t
I've attempted to enter the address for downloading Verichat 1.91 OTA; however, I get a 404 error on my 7100t browser.

I had the previous version of Verichat loaded (from the web) and it connected fine the first time I started. After that, however, it wouldn't connect with more than one service at a time. Also, even when Verichat was shut down and I launched the default IM client, I noticed that none of the services would connect anymore; I kept getting a "Communication Error", even after shutting down and removing the battery.

I uninstalled Verichat (in prep for the OTA download) and tried running the default IM client again, but continue to get the same "Communication Error" message.

So, now I'm stuck - no working default IM client and no download for 1.91. Suggestions anyone?

UPDATE - this link worked: ;
this one did not:

The prob with the default client still exists...

crowsnest 03-08-2005 11:09 PM

I have Verichat and IM+ and like the Verichat best so far. I'm disapointed I can't seem to get Yahoo on the IM+.

MooseNYC 03-09-2005 06:07 AM


Originally Posted by pdxchick
If two people have Blackberries that both have Verichat and you are primarily interested in chatting with each other at times that you cannot talk on the phone, is Verichat and IM in general the way to go or should we just use SMS?

Hi pdxchick,

Have you looked into a PIN message? If two people have BlackBerries then all you need to do is PIN the other person which is the same as an SMS except it wont cost you any $$. This is what I use for other people who have BB's as my data / voice plan does not include SMS messages so it costs me $0.10 ea message.

You can also look into alternate meathods of SMS like 'TeleFlip' which acts as a relay for those who dont have blackberries, etc. Read the thread that is hyperlinked here

Again, if you're looking to message between another BB user I'm assuming that you each have a data plan already so that should be covered to send a PIN from the message feild Click your wheel and select "Compose PIN" - From the Contact list select a name and click your track wheel and select "PIN 'contact name'".
Please note that in order to use this feature you need to have the PIN number of your contact programmed into the contact info.

To view your own PIN# from the home screen select Options / Status



asfberg 03-14-2005 11:46 AM

cingular charged me data rates of either $0.03/kb or $0.01/kb for using verichat with the wix pay per use feature. not cool. they refunded the charges but removed the feature as well. will now call bb support to see what to do next.

Eric5273 03-14-2005 11:30 PM


Originally Posted by asfberg
cingular charged me data rates of either $0.03/kb or $0.01/kb for using verichat with the wix pay per use feature. not cool. they refunded the charges but removed the feature as well. will now call bb support to see what to do next.

It's looking like we're going to have to shell out the extra $10/month for a MDS service :(

pikappilian 03-15-2005 12:13 AM

Im a newb so sorry if I am doing something wrong. I just installed Black Chat and it works fine with the 7520 but does Bchat support Aol aim??

Mark Rejhon 03-15-2005 12:14 AM

No. BlackChat only supports ICQ.

pikappilian 03-15-2005 01:04 AM

I am using web messenger on my 7520, when I log in it keeps saying that my device is currently out of coverage, is this normal? Do i have to do anything to the server settings, aol? whats the deal?

AL904 03-16-2005 08:01 AM

I have been using a trial version of Verichat on my 7730 with T-Mobile. ( I entered several posts, here, that got lost in the conversion to vBulletin. BTW, I love vBulletin. In fact, I am considering converting my forums to Bulletin.)

I am able to run AIM with Verichat without any problems. However, MSN, ICQ, and Yahoo! seem to cause problems. The single socket version may be the answer, when it is released.

In the meantime, I am considering Webmessenger. If I understand correctly, Webmessenger currently offers a single-socket connection to their server for all four IM clients. I can also understand the advantage of connecting to a third-party server that consolidates connections to AOL, Yahoo!, etc. rather than separate connections from the Blackberry to each. All the other IM software (including the yet-to-be-released RIM solution) will connect separately to each service. If I am wrong, please let me know.

I guess my real question is why fumble around with Verichat now, when Webmessenger is a viable solution right now? Are there disadvantages of Webmessenger that I am not seeing? Would I be better off to wait for the single-socket version of Verichat?

AussieBB 03-18-2005 05:51 PM

I am using 7730 and have Verichat installed and working fine, but cannot seem to get the same resuly with Blackchat program. I keep getting the error message at attempted log in that tunnel cannot be found. Any ideas on why Verichat works (on icq which is all I use it for) and Blackchat doesnt?

techteam 03-21-2005 08:56 PM

Does anyone have an explanation of why all the IM clients are pay per year rather than pay per license? I am sure there is a reason, I am just not seeing it at the moment. thanks

CINCNORAD 03-21-2005 09:03 PM

I could be wrong... but I think it's because you're using their server for IM. You log into the IM services (aim, yahoo, msn etc) through their computers, and they keep you logged in all day. Otherwise, you'd have to maintain a constant connection through your own blackberry to five separate chat clients, which would kill your batteries, as well as disconnect when you went out of service range of towers etc.

techteam 03-21-2005 09:56 PM

Thank you. I have looked at that image half a dozen times and my brain was just not in gear! I can see that now.

tchao 03-22-2005 05:10 PM

sorry if anyone had already address this. How do you turn aim sound off? I just got a 7100t and using the software that came with it (OZ).


briandor 03-22-2005 05:30 PM


Originally Posted by CINCNORAD
I could be wrong... but I think it's because you're using their server for IM. You log into the IM services (aim, yahoo, msn etc) through their computers, and they keep you logged in all day. Otherwise, you'd have to maintain a constant connection through your own blackberry to five separate chat clients, which would kill your batteries, as well as disconnect when you went out of service range of towers etc.

This is true. Ironically however the screenshot is for IM+ which is the one that doesn't charge a yearly fee. They only charge a one time purchase fee and then you are done. The client isn't designed as well as VeriChat but I refuse to buy something then have to pay a yearly fee for what is essentially a free service. There is not way in the world that it costs them anywhere near $30/client to maintain a server connection for 1 client. Besides that I can't even get VeriChat to stay connected for more than an hour at a time without rebooting. Doesn't matter how good the client is if it keeps killing your connection in the middle of conversations.

techteam 03-22-2005 11:20 PM

After digging I see that IM+ is one time. the original post at the top of this thread says that it is annual. I thought I was missing something

tchao 03-23-2005 12:08 AM

alerting sound
sorry if anyone had already address this. How do you turn aim sound off? I just got a 7100t and using the software that came with it (OZ).


Mark Rejhon 03-24-2005 12:41 AM

You can't (unless they've released a newer version). That's why many of us prefer third party software instead of the OZ software.

Mark PPG 03-25-2005 12:42 PM

I have been using Verchat for a few days now, but I have a question. When someone ICQ's me a phone number, it comes up as a clickable link but defaults to the browser and trys to open it as an ip address. Do any of the other IM programs offer proper phone number intergration?
Thanx in advance

Harreh 03-27-2005 01:17 AM

Hi, I'm new to blackberry and couldn't get IM+ to work on my 7750. I installed Verichat and it seems to be installed correctly. BUT, whenever i try to login i get "Could not find service book ent". Any idea what i need to do so i can connect to the chat services?

It looks like nice program. I hope i'm able to use it. :smile:

I'm using verizon, btw.


teskew 03-27-2005 01:57 AM

Just wait till BB's have the AOL, Yahoo pre-installed. Verichat users - would you still use it as much or not?

AL904 03-27-2005 09:09 AM

I gave up on Verichat a couple of weeks ago. I am in my second week of a 30-day trial of WebMessenger. I find WebMessenger works fine with all four (ICQ, AOL, MSN, and Yahoo!) IM services.

You can check them out at

I plan to purchase a license.

Harreh 03-27-2005 03:38 PM

do you have to connect thru an enterprise server to get it to work? i don't connect to any sort of enterprise server.

Mark Rejhon 03-27-2005 07:13 PM

Both WebMessenger and VeriChat works without a BES/MDS now. (Regardless of outdated specs on their webpage). Just make sure you follow the "Configuring Internet On BlackBerry" from the BlackBerry FAQ in the link below:

jrogers 03-27-2005 07:29 PM

where do i go to download it msn messager for 7100r blackberry

capngeno 03-27-2005 10:41 PM

IM Not in Business? Au contraire, mon ami !!
Mark Rehjon, thanks so much for all your insightful work on these forums - you've got a dedicated reader in me !!

Earlier in this thread (I haven't figured out the quote function yet), you stated:

IM is only a niche market for business.

With all due respect, I manage 300 employees in 17 locations spanning 4 countries, and we use an IM program all the time (we happen to use the Lotus Notes add-ons called "SameTime" or "Notes Buddy".

A few business advantages of IM-type apps:

1. since everyone's on the same email software with this add-on, its almost a natural to log onto ST (SameTime) when you log in to check your mail, so most folks are accessible.

2. we do lots of telephone conferences (usually secure 8xx phone-in numbers with passwords for security) and may have many folks on a call. since we're remote physically from each other (not in the same conference room looking at each other eye ball to eye ball), often hard to read "body language", so we use ST to ping other attendees "off line" for their impressions of what's being said by the speaker(s), etc. or to have "side conversations" since we're already all "there"

3. its a great way to just stay in touch with employees, colleagues or your boss (the new electronic way of practicing MBWA (management by walking around).

4. i bet i have at least half a dozen ST windows going at any point during my 10 to 12 hour days, either at my home office or work site office.

5. people get used to "seeing" you on ST, and as such, you are a viable presence in the "office" no matter where you are physically (I also spend a couple of months a year working from my boat - its ok when at the dock and tied into a land line (dial up speed for email SUCKS but one gets by :smile: - one of the reasons I just bought a BB (7100g) is so I can do this while "hangin' on the hook" (at anchor), and not be punished by dial up speeds to my laptop or land line. in many cases, i avoid a LOT of otherwise essential email to get the job done by using ST.

So Mark, for me, and a few other tens of thousands of IBMers, ST (IM, etc) is a fundamental part of how we do business worldwide. not just a consumer gadget, but a serious business tool !!

thanks again for all the great posts, you guys, this is awesome stuff !!

wlee309 03-29-2005 06:54 PM


Do you happen to use SameTime on your blackberry? What proggie do you use to have that capability for the Blackberry?

Andicardwell 03-30-2005 12:29 PM

To turn off AIM sounds, you will need to go to Profiles and edit your options for SMS.

Andicardwell 03-30-2005 12:37 PM

Verichat works fine for me except for one thing. I love how you can be signed on to AOL at two different places at the same time. Wish this was an option for MSN as well because we use both at my company.

chiroosgoode 04-01-2005 05:28 PM

Blackberry 7100r How to get Verichat going?
Verichat installed successfully ... then I get to the choosing of the "prviders" (MSN and Yahoo) for instant messaging ... they ask for the ID/Passwords , which I do, then !!!! What ????? When I go to the Applications then to Verichat ... it still asks to re-renter all of the info ... seems I CANNOT save the entries!
What to do please?

CINCNORAD 04-01-2005 10:54 PM


Originally Posted by AL904
I gave up on Verichat a couple of weeks ago. I am in my second week of a 30-day trial of WebMessenger. I find WebMessenger works fine with all four (ICQ, AOL, MSN, and Yahoo!) IM services.

You can check them out at

I plan to purchase a license.

I finally tried this program. I still prefer the Verichat interface, but the damn thing keeps logging on and off on me all day long. Having tried IM+, and Verichat as well now... I think Webmessenger is the best of the three at this point in time. I'll probably purchase a license as well at the end of the trial.

They should really update their webpage... I didn't try it all this time since I thought you had to have BES/MDS as indicated. I'm glad Mark posted otherwise.

killasphynx 04-02-2005 01:10 AM


Originally Posted by chiroosgoode
Verichat installed successfully ... then I get to the choosing of the "prviders" (MSN and Yahoo) for instant messaging ... they ask for the ID/Passwords , which I do, then !!!! What ????? When I go to the Applications then to Verichat ... it still asks to re-renter all of the info ... seems I CANNOT save the entries!
What to do please?

If you configured it right, it should auto sign you in to all or any of them that you pick when verichat starts. I wanted to sign into all 4, so when i set it up, i made sure that the checkbox was checked to auto connect when verichat is started. It saved my info and signs me in automatically.

CINCNORAD 04-02-2005 08:10 PM

For any of you experienced with Webmessenger... Quick question:

I'm leaving the program running in the background all day... but often when I switch back to it throughout the day, it says it's "disconnected" -- and I can't seem to manually connect it again (unless I perhaps log out completely, close the program, and log back in again.) I'm in service area, so it's not like my phone is out of range. And my screen-names appear online to my buddies, but any messages they send are lost. What's the cause of this... any way to fix it?

wlee309 04-03-2005 10:55 AM

I'm on my 3rd day with WM and that is also the same problem I face. Despite clicking on 'connect' when one or two of my IM services show 'disconnect' status, the only way to get connection back is to exit and relog back into WM providing it does not crash your BB.

But what is funny is that if WM is a single socket connection, then why is it that sometimes 1 or 2 of the IM services log me off? What's annoying about this is that it wouldn't log back on.

Some additional info: If you have trouble logging into WM consistently, it may be time to do a hard reboot (removal of battery). I have a hunch that (for Nextel at least) when using WM for too long of a period, something happens and you lose the MDG connection which renders WM useless. I test this by going into Reqwireless' WebBrowser and if I can;t view websites, then it's time to reboot. This does nto seem to affect the NOL browser however I wonder if this affects the DC or cell calls.

AL904 04-03-2005 11:37 AM


Originally Posted by wlee309
But what is funny is that if WM is a single socket connection, then why is it that sometimes 1 or 2 of the IM services log me off?

That is one problem that I have not experienced with WebMessenger. (Knock on wood!_

TTG 04-03-2005 02:17 PM

Verichat for Blackberry Preparation and Installation
Mark -

A client of mine wants to use AIM on his Blackberry 7520 with Nextel service. I have upgraded him to OS 4.0. I want to get explicit instructions to be able to install Verichat in one visit. I've looked over Verichat's instructions and yours. Little confused. Will I need and APN from Nextel and the TCP static IP? Can you give me exact instructions including if I need to speak to Nextel to "turn on" any additional services for this install to go relatively seemlessly.

Thanks, TTG

CINCNORAD 04-03-2005 02:49 PM


Originally Posted by wlee309
I'm on my 3rd day with WM and that is also the same problem I face. Despite clicking on 'connect' when one or two of my IM services show 'disconnect' status, the only way to get connection back is to exit and relog back into WM providing it does not crash your BB.

But what is funny is that if WM is a single socket connection, then why is it that sometimes 1 or 2 of the IM services log me off? What's annoying about this is that it wouldn't log back on.

Some additional info: If you have trouble logging into WM consistently, it may be time to do a hard reboot (removal of battery). I have a hunch that (for Nextel at least) when using WM for too long of a period, something happens and you lose the MDG connection which renders WM useless. I test this by going into Reqwireless' WebBrowser and if I can;t view websites, then it's time to reboot. This does nto seem to affect the NOL browser however I wonder if this affects the DC or cell calls.

I went ahead and emailed Webmessenger support with my issues, as well as your post. Hopefully they'll give us an answer.

And the search continues for an IM program that actually works how it's supposed to...

conrelma 04-04-2005 08:47 AM

Verichat - bypass BES?

I recently got a blackberry 7290. At first I had a personal account using the BWC while I waited for my work to sort out some cost issues. Verichat worked like a charm during this period using the TCP APN settings.

I subsequently changed my package to BES. I haven't been able to confirm this, but it seems like my work not only runs an older version of the BES server, but also doesn't allow browsing etc through the BES server.

Here is my problem, I can successfully connect using IM+ with the WAP settings, but I cannot get Verichat to connect using the TCP settings rather than the BES settings. This happens even if I select "T-Mobile, non-BES" in the connection settings. I actually tried the other connection option as well and that also didn't work.

Does anyone have a suggestion on how I can connect with Verichat, but not using the BES server?


patrick 04-10-2005 08:31 PM

Verizon 7250 & webmessenger for ver 4.0
Call me dense...... but I got everything loaded fine I believe but I cannot set up the IM networks....for AOL & Yahoo i get error user name/password unsuccessfully updated.... for msn - I get a WAIT....

Have I missed a step?

blabber 04-18-2005 09:55 PM


Originally Posted by sempai
VeriChat has the "feature" of disconnecting from AIM all the time.

It will stay connected to MSN Messenger most of the time, but AIM falls off with little to no provocation.

Yeah, what's up with that? And I can't re-connect to AIM when this happens without removing the battery. Ugh. (n)

boucherj 04-20-2005 10:20 AM

New Free AIM Client for the BlackBerry
There is a new IM client for the BlackBerry called Ramble IM. It is free and only for AOL IM right now, but it is a thick IM client that uses the Mobile Data Service (if you have it activated by your System Adminstrator) to provide persistant view of your Buddies and allows you to chat with them as if you were sitting at a desktop computer. There is no extra software to install on your BES and no redirection of your IM messages to some server. It is a pure IM experience on your BlackBerry.

Ramble IM

All you need to do is read the freeware license agreement and give it your email address. They will send you the Over The Air (OTA) install link directly to your email address so you can load it right onto your device.


fancyname 04-20-2005 10:50 AM


Originally Posted by wlee309

Do you happen to use SameTime on your blackberry? What proggie do you use to have that capability for the Blackberry?

Causerie. Their first beta version had support for this :smile: and apparently they realized and took it out. I emailed them and they wrote back saying that ST is only for Enterprise Users. I was only 1 user who needed ST on mobile device and they did not give me the access. I sent another email and they gave me a free copy.

The first version brought the ST buddy list both from our public and private domain. It was exactly like Yahoo, AIM etc. plugged in my user name, password and server name of our ST server and it got connected automatically.

I did not get the new update for Causerie Enterprise.

antgann 04-21-2005 08:10 AM

i installed verichat but for some reason i only can use MSN and yahoo....does verichat support AIM?

Rambler 04-21-2005 09:15 AM

Ramble IM- Free
Check out the thread:

Luckystrik3 04-21-2005 02:57 PM

Can somebody help me? I wanna know, how much traffic im comsumes. I think about 20Persons on List chatting with 1 Person for one hour. Approximately? any ideas?
(I want to know this that I know, which data-plan to choose)

chris32111 04-27-2005 10:17 AM

aim instant messanger help
i just got the backberry and i have installed a few things just fine...but when i downloaded aim from ramble when i sign on it says ...error logging in: could not find a service book entry for ippp...please someone help me asap....

Rambler 04-27-2005 12:44 PM


Originally Posted by chris32111
i just got the backberry and i have installed a few things just fine...but when i downloaded aim from ramble when i sign on it says ...error logging in: could not find a service book entry for ippp...please someone help me asap....

Check out this thread:

Quick answer- there is a fix coming out for this problem sometime this week.

gtxp 04-27-2005 01:51 PM

new MSN messenger available from
It's called QuickIM and can be downloaded from

gtxp 04-28-2005 03:31 AM

I forgot to post a quick review of QuickIM
QuickIM quick review

QuickIM instant messenger software allows you to connect to public MSN networks and chat with friends from anywhere you are. QuickIM is also available for corporate networks and can connect to private instant messaging networks running QuickIM server software.
QuickIM for BlackBerry uses available BES/MDS or operator proxy based TCP connections to connect directly to the instant messaging network. The positive point being your chat messages are not intercepted by a third party gateway. The drawback of this is when you lose GPRS coverage, your friends will see you offline. But may be it's not a too big issue since you are anyway unable to answer to your friends messages if you are out of coverage.
The application weighs less than 110kb, you need to make sure you have full internet access in order to run it. QuickIM provides a support forum with relatively detailed information on configuring the device networking and the corporate BES (useful in some cases).
Classic messenger features (buddy list, emoticons, multiple chat rooms) are present, plus some unique features such as the QuickText feature to pre-record useful message templates and the last received message scroller. Overall, the messenger has a simple user interface. The messenger can be configured to run in background, in case of new messages coming in, you'll be alerted by a message popup and a sound signal.
The pricing of QuickIM is one time fee as opposed to annual subscription fee.
The software can be obtained from

auggie4000 04-30-2005 08:03 PM

Not sure how many of you out there are using VeriChat on a BB with Nextel service. While I have VeriChat running, I can not get alerted or radio'd. It tells the initiating party "User in Data Mode" or something like that.

Anyone else have that issue? Is there a workaround?


cwemely 05-17-2005 02:44 PM

IM using the new IM App on TMO 7290
Mark or Anyone Else Knowledgable,

I have just upgrade to a TMO 7290. I downloaded the IM client from the TMO site and installed it.

I used the Search (rackin' up those search points :smile: ) for IM and found references to charges for SMS and that we should use Verichat.

My question is: Does the IM client on the 7290 from TMO get charged as SMS or as part of the data plan?



Eric5273 05-17-2005 03:41 PM


Originally Posted by cwemely
Does the IM client on the 7290 from TMO get charged as SMS or as part of the data plan?


I have used both SMS and data Instant Messagers in the past, so here is how they compare:

SMS Pros: When you are idle (i.e. no messages being sent or received), your processor is not working to keep the connection open and thus you are not using up your battery. Also, if you go out of range, you do not have to worry about it signing you off and then having to sign back on. The server simply holds your messages the same way it holds your regular SMS messages until you come back into range.

SMS Cons: Your buddy list does not update on its own. You have to choose to update the buddy list -- usually this is an option on the menu "update buddy list".

Data Pros: When a buddy signs on, you see them pop up on your list right away. Less cost if you have an unlimited data plan

Data Cons: It uses your battery up if you stay connected. Also, when you go out of range, you get disconnected from the server sometimes.

With T-Mobile you can get 1000 SMS messages for $6.99 which should be enough unless you chat on AIM constantly.

cwemely 05-24-2005 05:42 AM

OK. Good to know.

Thanks for the info!

9balla4life 05-25-2005 06:50 PM

Is it me or does the 7100G with Cingular Wireless not have ANY IM features built in other than the PIN messaging....

NVMY03GT 05-25-2005 07:33 PM

Okay am I missing something here, I tried downloading Ramble simply because all I needed was AIM Connection, but it downloads a JAD file? How do I install it from there?? :(

Dusty Saddle 05-26-2005 09:15 AM

QuickIM web site says, "Classic messenger features (buddy list, emoticons, multiple chat rooms) are present, plus some additional features such as the QuickText feature to pre-record useful message templates and the last received message scroller."

I can't find any emoticons on my version J2ME Edition 2005 build #116. I have posted a message on the QuickIM tech board but have had no response. Does anyone have emoticons on their QuickIM?

BxGeniuz 06-14-2005 04:58 PM

I having Issues With Ramble and Verichat and BBToday and the error is Invalid Connection String: could not open tunnel - failed can anyone tell what could be causing this error???

Rambler 06-17-2005 12:01 AM


Originally Posted by NVMY03GT
Okay am I missing something here, I tried downloading Ramble simply because all I needed was AIM Connection, but it downloads a JAD file? How do I install it from there?? :(

The .jad file is meant for over the air installation, not loading via the Desktop Manager. The Ramble website now includes an option for downloading the Desktop Manager files for those of you won't can't do over the air installs.

Rambler 06-17-2005 12:02 AM


Originally Posted by BxGeniuz
I having Issues With Ramble and Verichat and BBToday and the error is Invalid Connection String: could not open tunnel - failed can anyone tell what could be causing this error???

Check out the Ramble thread for assistance with Ramble. Lots of folks there with different configurations that work.

enepemousa 06-17-2005 06:12 AM

Issue with msn messenger IM+ and verichat
I installed IM+ . It works fine but I have a problem connecting with one of my accounts on msn . when I connect with the first account it works. when I connect with the other one I have a message "connexion failed". I have 80 contacs on this second account. Could it be the reason?

With Verichat (trial) I have a message "cant find images" and it shuts down.
thank you for helping me.

gren2 06-23-2005 03:20 PM

having a problem with verichat using bell mobility 7250 it keeps giving me the message "bad dns". any ideas

gren2 06-23-2005 03:53 PM

"CDMA/Verizon/Sprint/Bell Mobility
You need BlackBerryOS or later to get a TCP/IP stack on CDMA BlackBerries. The good news is that Verichat and WebMessenger is reported to work fine on the BlackBerry 7250 out-of-the-box. However, 7750 users may need to get BES/MDS in order to run IM software. For the best performance of running IM software on CDMA networks, you may wish to obtain Hosted BES/MDS for about $10-$25 per month. This will allow you to run the IM software reliably"

Does this statement that a 7250 works out-of-the-box, include bell mobility?

Thank you

ptzchris 06-24-2005 08:19 AM

k i just tried downloading verichat through my phone it said everything it needed downloading and stuff like that once it finished i got this blank white screen with a circle int he middle a box in the circle and a square, circle, and trianbgle in the box and it says 543 underneath it all it seems to have frozen the phone in that mode and i cant get anythign out of it nothing not even a call coming thru anyone been thru this let me know i have the blackberry 7520 4.0

isaforester 06-24-2005 08:29 AM

I have just experienced the same problem while upgrading a 6280 to 4.0. I was hoping someone else already had the ansewr. The quest continues.

philhu 06-24-2005 10:30 AM

Just tried Verichat.

Seems to work fine for Yahoo.

But, AIM, says:

Logging into AIM
Logging into BOTs
Hit Enter th chat with this buddy

Then within 5 secons:
Disconnected from AIM

How do I keep it connected?

CingRep 06-24-2005 12:25 PM

Still having issues trying to get Verichat to work with my blackberry. I have the 4.0 handheld software and have tried using wap.cingular and the isp.cingular apns and to no avail the software still does not connect. Any suggestions? I get the error message "Connection timed out," when trying to connect. Now I am able to connect to the internet and have GPRS and all of that good stuff. Any help would be greatly appreciated in this matter.


ptzchris 06-24-2005 12:58 PM

i have tried everythign possible i even took the battery out and nothing guess the protection plan comes in handy gonna take it back and say it was faulty lol just appeared like that guess the verichat isnt very compatible with some 4.0 blackberry's

pacaveli 06-24-2005 02:01 PM

i need help ... i have the BB 7280 and i have tried IM+ verichat.webmessengr...and ramble..and i can not get AIM on this sucker at all..i have been trying for a week....could someone please help me...this is the main reason i bought the black berry and i cant get aim...please get back to me ASAP

patrick 06-24-2005 02:22 PM

I am currently using Ramble on my 7250 - no config required other than username and password... I am suprised u r having issues. What seems to be
the the issu?

pacaveli 06-24-2005 02:26 PM


Originally Posted by patrick
I am currently using Ramble on my 7250 - no config required other than username and password... I am suprised u r having issues. What seems to be
the the issu?

i have no idea i install it..and try to login..and errors says...the application im+ has requested a http connection to gate 1...what do i do here...i click allow..and still does not work

_driver 06-27-2005 02:28 AM

Hi, my frien has the same problem with IM+. But when he sent his account and password to SHAPE they find bug in our product and help him

Jfar 06-29-2005 09:47 AM

HELP! I'm new and clueless ;)
Hello everyone,
I just received my blackberry 7100t and tried to use AIM, however no one from my buddylist shows up. Do I have to manually add everyone? Please let me know what you know ;) thanks

_driver 06-30-2005 02:02 AM


Originally Posted by Jfar
Hello everyone,
I just received my blackberry 7100t and tried to use AIM, however no one from my buddylist shows up. Do I have to manually add everyone? Please let me know what you know ;) thanks

Hi, what application are you use ?

_driver 06-30-2005 02:13 AM


Originally Posted by Jfar
Hello everyone,
I just received my blackberry 7100t and tried to use AIM, however no one from my buddylist shows up. Do I have to manually add everyone? Please let me know what you know ;) thanks

You need IM application (IM+, WebMessanger or other), configure the AIM service (account name and password), connect to AIM and then if your buddy list not empty it loading in your contact list and you'll see it.

mextel 06-30-2005 10:43 AM

Why does verichat set my bb to away when i put it in the holster? how do I turn this off?

Clingpeach 07-08-2005 12:03 AM

After using Verichat on my 7230 I have to take the battery out and replace it again if i have to use the web browser...What am i doing wrong??

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