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Jack T. Chance 02-23-2009 04:53 PM

HELP: 8900 w/ DM 4.7 can't sync Calendar, Tasks, or Memos to Outlook Express!
Hello everyone, having a little problem here. First things first... I am running Windows XP Professional w/ Service Pack 3. When I got the 8900 Curve with T-Mobile back on the 11th, I went ahead and installed the latest version of Desktop Manager that T-Mobile had available, which is version So that's what I'm currently running.

Prior to the 8900, I was using an 8700g for the last 2+ years, with earlier versions of the Desktop Manager software. For Synchronization, I've ALWAYS been able to have my Calendar, Tasks, Address Book, and Memos sync with the copy of Outlook Express that comes pre-installed with XP Pro. I NEVER use Outlook for email at home, so I have never upgraded to the full version of Outlook. Outlook Express has worked fine for what I use it for, which is syncing the data from my BlackBerry... until today.

Today, I finally decided to set-up the syncing for the 8900, anticipating no problem with using Outlook Express. I go into the set-up wizard, select Address Book, pull up the list of available programs, and there's Outlook Express, no problem. Then I try setting the program to use for Calendar, Tasks and Memos... PROBLEM. Outlook Express is NOT showing up in the available programs lists for those 3 functions. The ONLY options I'm offered are:
  • ASCII Importer/Exporter
  • Yahoo!
And that's it! :?

Can anyone tell me why in the HELL DM no longer supports the use of Outlook Express for these functions?!? :?

Or, if it is supposed to support it, any ideas on what I might be doing wrong?!? :?

Any help here would be hot. (y)8-)

As usual, I apologize if this question has already been answered and I missed seeing it. If so, kindly direct me to the appropriate thread and/or merge this post into it and I'll be much obliged. :smile:

SteveO86 02-23-2009 08:16 PM

Are you sure you were using Outlook Express before, to my knowledge Express has never sync'ed all the PIM information.

Jack T. Chance 02-23-2009 08:23 PM


Originally Posted by SteveO86 (Post 1296505)
Are you sure you were using Outlook Express before, to my knowledge Express has never sync'ed all the PIM information.

I'm absolutely positive. Outlook Express is all I've ever used on that PC, because it has all the functions I actually use on Outlook. There's never been a reason for me to have a full version.

My 8700g synced with it flawlessly, using a much earlier version of Desktop Manager, most likely either 4.1 or 4.2.

Jack T. Chance 02-26-2009 01:30 AM


Anyone else have any info? :?

I know some of you may be on your first BlackBerry and may not have used versions as old as 4.1 or 4.2, but there's a lot of long-time users here, too. Little help would be great. :?

SteveO86 02-26-2009 08:35 AM

I'm not sure which version of Outlook express you are using but the one's I've seen don't even have a calendar/tasks portion built into it, only Email/Contacts/Memos.

What version are you running.

Jack T. Chance 02-26-2009 02:51 PM


Originally Posted by SteveO86 (Post 1299978)
I'm not sure which version of Outlook express you are using but the one's I've seen don't even have a calendar/tasks portion built into it, only Email/Contacts/Memos.

What version are you running.

Steve, I'd like to thank you for asking that question, because if you hadn't asked, I never would've checked what version I'm using. :oops:

And I was wrong... while I DO have Outlook Express, I actually DO have a full version of Outlook installed... it's part of my copy of Microsoft Office 2000 that I've been using for years. Yes, I know it's an old, "outdated" version, but Office 2000 still works fine for the occasional tasks I do on Office, and my copy has a volume license key that allows me to install it on as many computers as I want... something you can no longer get with Office 2007... at least, not as far as I know. :?

Anyway... my copy of Outlook is Version probably pretty ancient. I just realized that I've never installed Microsoft Update on this computer, so I'm doing that now in the hopes that it will update my Outlook to a newer version and get it working for syncing again, because I really don't want to have to buy a copy of Outlook 2007. I can't stand the fact that MicroSoft has made it so that you can only install it on 1 computer, and therefore have to buy copies of Outlook, or at least key codes, for each computer you own. This of course means that I have to buy 2 copies, or at least 2 key codes, just to be able to put it on both my desktop and my laptop... absolute rubbish! (n):x

After I manage to get Outlook updated, I'll report back as to whether or not that worked.

SteveO86 02-26-2009 09:19 PM

Ok good.. Figured it out :)

Install and Use Desktop Manager 4.2.2 it is the last version of the desktop manager to fully support Outlook 2000..

Later versions may sync with Outlook 2000 but it will not sync reliably as you have just experienced... I the same problem myself at work.

Jack T. Chance 02-27-2009 03:03 AM


Originally Posted by SteveO86 (Post 1301066)
Ok good.. Figured it out :)

Install and Use Desktop Manager 4.2.2 it is the last version of the desktop manager to fully support Outlook 2000..

Later versions may sync with Outlook 2000 but it will not sync reliably as you have just experienced... I the same problem myself at work.

Well, I still have the install files for a couple different versions of DM 4.2 on my PC... might be worth a shot. :smile:

Anyone tried 4.2 with the 8900 running 4.6.whatever (look underneath my avatar to see which version I'm using) to make sure it works fine with no glitches? :?

SteveO86 02-27-2009 08:53 PM

Not sure but it is the latest version of Desktop Manager that supports Outlook 2k so your options are limited.

Give it a shot see what happens.

casy 03-02-2009 03:12 PM

Can't sync Outlook Tasks
I'm new to BB. I don't have BES, I have a Curve 8310 and I can't get task's to sync from Outlook to my BB. Is this a bug?

SteveO86 03-02-2009 08:12 PM

What steps have you taken to try and get it to sync?

What version of Outlook, what version of the Desktop manager?

Jack T. Chance 03-03-2009 12:48 PM

Another question that I've been meaning to ask: My laptop is running on the 64-Bit version of Windows Vista Home Premium. With Vista, Windows no longer has Outlook Express pre-installed. Instead, I have the following alternative programs:
  • Windows Calendar
  • Windows Contacts
  • Notepad (The standard Windows text/memo program)
Will Intellisync be able to sync with these on Vista, or am I going to have to buy a copy of Outlook 2007? :?

SteveO86 03-03-2009 08:52 PM

I'm not too sure if you can sync Desktop Manager with those (give it a shot but I don't think so.. Could be wrong though I am Outlook guy, for now until GSync supports all PIM info :) )

I'd throw out the dough for Outlook/Office.

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