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NickfromIL 07-30-2008 10:01 PM

8300 Disassembly w/photos
I noticed this 8300 series was missing from the FAQ, so here it is.

First, you will need both a T-5 and T-6 driver.

Remove the battery cover, and the two T-5 screws at the top.

Next, remove the bottom piece. This may require some GENTLE prying from the hole that is located somewhat underneath it. Be very careful with this step, try and pull the piece away. The brown ribbon underneath is the antenna, and if this is damaged then you will have 0 reception.

Next, gently pull back the side pieces. Note that these are still attached at the bottom, you simply want to loosen the clips. This step may not be necessary, but I have found that it lets the front come off more easily.

Then, gently remove the front plate. There may be a seal between the front faceplate and the LCD that will want to stick to LCD. You may need to replace this seal if it doesn't come off in one piece. Once this step is done the keyboard will be lose and may just fall out, depending on how you are holding the device.

Now, remove the 2 bottom screws using a T-6 driver.

Next, remove the 2 center screws, using your T-6 driver.

This will separate the back and center pieces.

At this point you can access the LCD and all internal workings of the device. Simply reverse the directions to reassemble. I have noticed that the side pieces should go on TOP on the metal around the LCD for the best fit, even though it looks at first like they should go between the metal and the circuit board.

If removal of the lcd is necessary (for example: you got the device wet and want to alcohol wash the circuit board) the lcd display is delicate and is stuck to the circuit board pretty good. it's recommended to use a credit card between the display and the circuit board to gently pry the display off of the circuit board.

Do this in a clean environment, and it is recommended to wear gloves, as fingerprints on the screen are quite the pain to remove.

Trimix 07-30-2008 10:25 PM

Nice resource. Thanks for doing this.

neftv 07-30-2008 10:30 PM

It is nice to know this. Maybe it should be a sticky.
Oh man, I hope I won't have to take mine (8310) apart unless someone comes out with a 3G upgrade.

NickfromIL 07-30-2008 10:31 PM

You are welcome. I had to take mine apart to replace the handset speaker, as mine somehow got blown and was very rattly. Luckily Steve over at - Horizon Wireless, The World’s Cellular Repair Center ß hooked me up with a new one, but I figured since this was missing from the FAQ I would take pics as I went along.

DacyJ 07-30-2008 10:40 PM

Wirelessly posted (By Super Blackberry)

Hey Nick, the top tabs from the sides where the screws go into the face plate, do they go in between the metal lcd plate or on top? When I replaced the face plate on mine it looked like they went between the metal and the board.

NickfromIL 07-30-2008 10:42 PM

At first I thought they went between as well, but it sure fits a lot better with the plastic on top of the metal as far as a good seal. I have edited the OP to reflect this

Horizon Wireless 07-31-2008 01:00 AM

Great guide Nick, 2 thumbs up!!!

JSanders 07-31-2008 01:55 AM

Nice guide, yea! Thanks.

Yellowman 08-01-2008 02:40 PM

i am having a hell of a hard time at the step where you remove the front faceplate. I was successful all the way up to this point. ANy idea what is preventing me from pulling the front face off? I don't want to yank it, but it seems that it does not want to come off.

Let me know if there is a trick to this. I followed the instructions to a "T" and have pulled back the side pieces. It almost looks like the entire unit wants to come with the plate.

Let me know

John Clark 08-01-2008 02:48 PM

Yes, there IS a trick that is not mentioned. The faceplate has a seal on it that sticks pretty good to the lcd display. I have disassembled two of these and on one the seal came off in one piece and still attached to the front face plate. On the other the foam seal tore and I had to replace it. This is the hardest BB to disassemble of all the models I've tried.

NickfromIL 08-01-2008 02:56 PM

Sorry guys, the 8330 that I used for this guide doesn't have that. While there is a thin foam seal, it is VERY securely attached to the front plate and did not stick at all to the LCD. I will edit the guide to include this, thanks.

Yellowman 08-01-2008 02:58 PM


Originally Posted by John Clark (Post 1042379)
Yes, there IS a trick that is not mentioned. The faceplate has a seal on it that sticks pretty good to the lcd display. I have disassembled two of these and on one the seal came off in one piece and still attached to the front face plate. On the other the foam seal tore and I had to replace it. This is the hardest BB to disassemble of all the models I've tried.

Thanks for letting us know. But care to let us know what the trick is to get it off without an issue? :smile:

Should I be sliding in a screwdriver and trying to remove the seal from the faceplate and the LCD? I don't really want to play around with the LCD, so any helpful tips would be appreciated. What I really want to try and do is access the keyboard and see if there is something underneath it that is causing it not to function for specific keys.

rachamphetamine 08-01-2008 04:49 PM

I vote for a sticky!

dude33333 08-01-2008 07:17 PM

nice guide.... scary tho. hope i never havta do that to mine, just cleaning the trackball was too much for me! haha

NickfromIL 08-01-2008 07:37 PM

Haha, I know the feeling. Luckily this is a Verizon paid device, so I figured worst case I mess it up, and I am not out of pocket anything. Made it a little easier.

coldconfession13 08-01-2008 08:03 PM

Wirelessly posted

Hey if this gets out of your hands and you come to a spot where you messed up I suggest send it to horizon.

Brad4d 08-01-2008 08:34 PM

Either way your gutsy!

NickfromIL 08-01-2008 09:16 PM

I already had to have Horizon send me some new screws, I busted a T-5 screw putting it back together. They are tops for sure.

NickfromIL 08-09-2008 01:17 AM

Sticky? Please.

dleccord 08-13-2008 12:48 PM

did you use a camera to take these pics?

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