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dclawyer 06-29-2007 04:31 PM

How tempted are you buy the iPhone?
I love my Mac and my iPod but I also love my new BB 8830 which is just one week old. So far I don't find myself all that tempted by the iPhone because the BB handles email so well and VZW to me just has a better network.

I'm just wondering how tempted other Mac/BB users are by the iPhone.

Dawg 06-29-2007 04:40 PM

come on we have enough iphone threads already geez...

LunkHead 06-29-2007 04:43 PM

Not tempted at all..... Drop it once and you will have a nice shiny broken device....

MotoUp 06-29-2007 04:53 PM

Not even the least bit tempted. Doesn't meet my needs.

DocGo 06-29-2007 06:17 PM

Not at all. The Curve serves my needs.

Dawg 06-29-2007 06:19 PM


Originally Posted by LunkHead (Post 584087)
Not tempted at all..... Drop it once and you will have a nice shiny broken device....


test54 06-29-2007 06:50 PM

yes im sure those incompetent fools at apple dont test their devices before they sell them....

zero7404 06-29-2007 06:52 PM


Originally Posted by LunkHead (Post 584087)
Not tempted at all..... Drop it once and you will have a nice shiny broken device....

drop it once and you'll have a nice shiney BRICK for a paperweight.

J.J. 06-29-2007 06:53 PM

not at all. i love my bb! i'll wait at least another year or two before making the transition.

zero7404 06-29-2007 06:55 PM


Originally Posted by test54 (Post 584221)
yes im sure those incompetent fools at apple dont test their devices before they sell them....

i am willing to bet money that this is true. they rely on the "apple community", a bunch of ppl who have nothing better to do but spend money on their products and then spend hours on their discussion groups tickling their b@lls about what it does or doesn't do.....they don't even help each other !

i admit, i was a victim of this horrific act of selective ignorance when i bought an apple product....i am still waiting in line to get admitted into the rehab group for this, but the line is long......LMAO

4n6doc 06-29-2007 09:40 PM

No way in hell would I want one. Apple has a long history of releasing hardware before it is fully debugged. If you want a good laugh, go look at the discussion groups on Apple's support website. The iPhone has been out for only 4.5 hours and the threads describing problems are many.

I have been a Mac user for many years, but I know better than to buy a new piece of Mac hardware before it has gone through the first few revisions.

he1neken 06-29-2007 11:12 PM

I have to admit that I would like one to play around with. I do like Mac OSX on my iBook. But as a Mac user, I will still admit that most apple products are consumer grade and not corporate.

For work, I use a Windows laptop and a Blackberry. My Curve is the best smartphone I have used. It does everything I need it to for work and play. The camera and media functions that my 8700 (and 7290 before that) lacked are enough for me. An iPhone would be a nice toy, but a poor investment for me. I need to carry my Blackberry with me for access to corp mail, calendar, contacts which just wouldn't be possible with another device.

I think RIM has come a long way in the last year, and now they are starting to recognize the consumer market while mixing it in with a well rounded business device.

So, if I were given an iPhone... I would use it for sure, on the weekends or on holidays. But during the week and when I need to be in touch with work, I'll keep my Curve on my belt!

zero7404 06-30-2007 02:34 PM

Wirelessly posted (8100: BlackBerry8100/4.2.1 Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.1 VendorID/100)

Go see my recent post in the thread "unlocking iphone"

peter_b 07-05-2007 03:33 PM

Both an iPhone and 8703e are sitting in front of me. I said before I got the iPhone that there is no way I would replace the BB with it. That's still definitely true. (I don't even intend to hold onto the iPhone for very long... just testing it)

That said, I think for the majority of consumers, the iPhone is a much better device for everyday needs than what RIM is currently offering. Yes, it's absolutely in its infancy, but I think it has achieved what many people are looking for.

I can't imagine someone who is addicted to a BB being happy switching to an iPhone.

This is just my $.02.

As for the iPhone breaking the first time it's dropped, that happened to my first 8703e... i'd be surprised if the same fall would cause any damage to the iPhone. It's not that I'm especially enamored with the durability of said phone, I just think there needs to be perspective... the BB's are not impervious to breakage.

Dawg 07-05-2007 03:39 PM


Originally Posted by peter_b (Post 590527)
Both an iPhone and 8703e are sitting in front of me. I said before I got the iPhone that there is no way I would replace the BB with it. That's still definitely true. (I don't even intend to hold onto the iPhone for very long... just testing it)

That said, I think for the majority of consumers, the iPhone is a much better device for everyday needs than what RIM is currently offering. Yes, it's absolutely in its infancy, but I think it has achieved what many people are looking for.

I can't imagine someone who is addicted to a BB being happy switching to an iPhone.

This is just my $.02.

As for the iPhone breaking the first time it's dropped, that happened to my first 8703e... i'd be surprised if the same fall would cause any damage to the iPhone. It's not that I'm especially enamored with the durability of said phone, I just think there needs to be perspective... the BB's are not impervious to breakage.

Ive dropped a couple blackberrys up to six feet with out damage other than scratches.

flash24 07-05-2007 03:42 PM

not at all..why be tempted if I do have the curve :)

peter_b 07-05-2007 03:48 PM


Originally Posted by Dawg (Post 590531)
Ive dropped a couple blackberrys up to six feet with out damage other than scratches.

I don't doubt that at all - my old 7520 was rock solid... however, the keyboard of my 8703 broke within a week due to a very slight fall. My replacement has held up very well since October (granted I've been much more careful).

I'm not trying to make a point that RIM's handhelds are not built well... simply that the iPhone isn't necessarily any more fragile than other handhelds depending on the particular fall. I actually think we're going in the wrong direction as far as durability goes with handhelds in general, but I guess this is the price to pay for more "features" being stuffed into them.

Dawg 07-05-2007 03:51 PM


Originally Posted by peter_b (Post 590543)
I don't doubt that at all - my old 7520 was rock solid... however, the keyboard of my 8703 broke within a week due to a very slight fall. My replacement has held up very well since October (granted I've been much more careful).

I'm not trying to make a point that RIM's handhelds are not built well... simply that the iPhone isn't necessarily any more fragile than other handhelds depending on the particular fall. I actually think we're going in the wrong direction as far as durability goes with handhelds in general, but I guess this is the price to pay for more "features" being stuffed into them.

technology isnt cheap and mostly isnt durable the more features we pile in the more fragile it will become

dclawyer 07-05-2007 04:42 PM

I've tried the iPhone a few times in an Apple store. I don't think the phone is very loud. My 8830 is significantly louder. And I am not willing to leave Verizon.

zero7404 07-05-2007 08:04 PM

Wirelessly posted (8100: BlackBerry8100/4.2.1 Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.1 VendorID/100)

Keep in mind that the iphone display is made of glass...if it breaks, it has to go back to apple for repair, unless they trained apple geniuses to replace it at the stores. If this device was a RIM product, i would have bought one.

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