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GoBlue 05-15-2010 01:49 PM

9650 Vs. HTC Evo
Would anyone out there give up their Blackberry 9630/9650 for the new HTC Evo. I'm thinking about it but not sure if I can leave BB. Interested in hearing what the group thinks!!!

devnull 05-15-2010 02:23 PM


juwaack68 05-15-2010 02:56 PM

It's definitely temping, but I have too many friends/family on BBM to not have a BB.

djdonnyk 05-16-2010 05:25 PM

Wirelessly posted (Tour)

I thought about but I decided to wait for the next BB instead and I think it will be worth the wait.

daphne 05-16-2010 07:11 PM

Moved to Blackberry Versus

dizzle247 05-17-2010 10:01 AM

i tried the whole bb to android switch just a few weeks ago.

worst. idea. ever.

the htc evo is bada55, no doubt about that .. but with the stability of BB and how most of us BB users become fanboys, i can pretty much guarantee you'll be back to BB within 2 weeks.

plus, if you like your email on BB, it STINKS on android (imo).

Tragic 06-03-2010 09:35 PM

I'm gonna give it a try, but definately going to hold on to the Tour if I can't get used to the transition. Blackberry has been good to me and its done everything I need it to, but not everything I'd like it to. EVO definatley has the coolness factor, and the crazy fast hardware.

What sets the EVO apart:
4G for faster web browsing and downloads
1Ghz processor
2 cameras: 8mp w/HD video recording and a 1.3mp front facing for video conferencing
HDMI out to connect to an HDTV
WiFi Hotstop to connect 8 other devices
A huge 4.3in high def touchscreen display

Going to be weird moving from blackberry after 3 years but I wish RIM would keep up with the times and start being a little more inovative. Maybe a superphone that has features comperable to stuff like the EVO or the iPhone. As of now with Sprint, my only other upgrade option is the new Bold 9650 that came out a few weeks ago that is basically my Tour with wifi and a trackpad. It just isn't much of an upgrade at all. But I don't know, we'll see how this one goes.

RIM!!!! Make something better than this phone for all the BB fanboys!!!

TheRinger 06-04-2010 06:36 PM

Make sure and buy a car charger, with 4g on you can see the battery draining (literally)

djdonnyk 06-05-2010 08:27 AM

I am eligible for the full rebate July 1st but still not to sure about it, I may just trial one for a few days and see how "bad" it really is.

SteveO86 06-05-2010 06:23 PM

I hear they want to charge an addition 10 bucks a month on data, for those with 4G phones. Breaking: HTC EVO 4G available June 4th for $199.99 « Boy Genius Report

Of course you should also consider the availability of 4G in your area.

Looks like a sweet phone, I am curious as how good battery life will be on it however.

A 70 dollar data plan on the phone is a bit much in my opinion...

jsconyers 06-06-2010 09:24 AM

That is misleading. That is for voice, data, sms, sprint navigator, sprint TV, MMS, everything. That's 80 bucks for voice and data. 450 minutes, but unlimited mobile to mobile to any carrier. Still that's cheaper than Verizon and AT&T.

The extra 10 dollar fee is not only for "premium (4G) data" but it also truly uncaps the data. No 5Gb cap.

SteveO86 06-06-2010 10:03 AM

Do you suppose that 5 GB limit is actually reachable now? Maybe with the video conferencing I suppose..??

jsconyers 06-06-2010 10:05 AM

Well, considering it is a WiFi hotspot for up to 8 devices, I would imagine so.

AliBBB 06-10-2010 04:26 PM


Originally Posted by dizzle247 (Post 1607636)
i tried the whole bb to android switch just a few weeks ago.

worst. idea. ever.

the htc evo is bada55, no doubt about that .. but with the stability of BB and how most of us BB users become fanboys, i can pretty much guarantee you'll be back to BB within 2 weeks.

plus, if you like your email on BB, it STINKS on android (imo).

Would you mind explaining the different in email between BB and android? and why it might stink from your point of view.
I never used an android. and I actually hate my email on the BB on BIS, and how I can not access my personal folder or file and move emails, or even see my sent mail. if android handle this better than BB does it may be more appealing to me.

BUC 06-10-2010 04:53 PM


Originally Posted by AliBBB (Post 1617216)
Would you mind explaining the different in email between BB and android? and why it might stink from your point of view.
I never used an android. and I actually hate my email on the BB on BIS, and how I can not access my personal folder or file and move emails, or even see my sent mail. if android handle this better than BB does it may be more appealing to me.

What do you mean by you have no access to your personal folder?....

The email on blackberry is handled as a secondary inbox, for lack of better wording....
You will see emails received by your personal account and you are able to read (unread), delete on handheld or also on mailbox, and move to folders inside of the BB......
This is great giving that the iphone only handles emails as if you where in your account web page so if you delete them on the phone, they will also be gone on your account....

Now if you want to take a look to your personalized folders you can still see them and manage them using the browser (or Opera for that matter)....

I dont really think that Android handles email better than BB.... and also me being a yahoo user, the integration with that service is awesome....
I dont really like gmail...

Good luck anyway

AliBBB 06-10-2010 05:02 PM


Originally Posted by BUC (Post 1617219)
What do you mean by you have no access to your personal folder?....

I am on BIS, I can not access the personal email folders in the work or school IMAP account and also on yahoo mail. I used to have very organized email accounts until I had to leave every message in the inbox in order to be able to view it from the BB.

I am aware that I can access them with the web browser or opera mini, but really web browsing on the BB is painful. and in that case the email client on the BB is missing something if I have to use the browser everytime I want to go though filed or sent mail.

and the email sync for all accounts only works one way (from device to web) so if I read or delete email from the web browser I have to go to the BB and do it again.

I only tried iphone with my email accounts and it handles all the above problems better than the BB. But I do not like the iphone so I am asking about the other systems if they can provide what I am looking for.

BUC 06-10-2010 06:51 PM

AliBBB.... well I cant comment on email managing on Android yet... but I understand your frustration...

Ever since I got a blackberry and sync with Yahoo, I forgot about organizing emails in the account... I just keep them all in the inbox... after all its unlimited!... and if I need to look for something, search feature in both BB and Yahoo are great....

But you are right, those problems need to be addressed... though I still think that email (the way I like to use it) is way better on the BB...

Hope someone else give you a better response regarding Android....

good luck

EJDwyer 07-02-2010 06:08 AM

I'd also be interested in the battery life question - does anyone have any direct experience of this?

EJDwyer 07-02-2010 06:09 AM

Sorry - I realise that may not be clear. I meant the issue of 4G phones draining their batteries like nobody's business.

jsconyers 07-02-2010 07:59 AM

The battery life on the EVO is nothing compared to the BlackBerry, and yes 4G does drain the battery quicker, just as 3G did on the 9000 when it was released and everyone wanted to switch to 2G only to preserve battery life.

However, you can disable 4G very easily with a widget on your home screens.

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