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varlo 07-29-2007 08:35 AM

question about verizon service and blackberry
I have a question and i need responses asap. I am planning on buying the 8703e and I am curious as to the service i can get out of the phone with my basic plan. Such as internet and possible instant messanger programs. and different games and applications. Basically what im getting at is what all can I do with this phone with a basic family plan along with texting. I want to be able to go on the internet and instant message friends and play games. Is this possible with this phone. Oh and by the way im sorry for all these newb questions i just need to know lol

akosnitzky 07-29-2007 09:02 AM

Wirelessly posted (Verizon 8830: BlackBerry8830/4.2.2 Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.1 VendorID/105)

They have a family share plan on the phone minutes which I have and packages where you van get 250, 500 or unlimited txt messages With all of the devices out there, you will not need to text often
As far as messenger, there are some free apps but depending on what you want, you can also shell out $19.99 for Jive Talk.
As far as games, the same applies. There are some free games, while others you can buy for a nominal price on-line.

If possible, I do suggest you keep up with the times and look at their 8830.

varlo 07-29-2007 09:04 AM

ok now that sounds good the only other question i have is with the internet. Must i pay extra for that or does it come with the plan or idk i just wanna get all my questions answered before i buy the phone.

PCW 07-29-2007 09:08 AM

Have you visited Verizon's website and/or contacted their sales folks (by phone, not the saleskids in the store)?

With the Blackberry, you'll have to have a data plan, in addition to any voice plan that you select (or currently have).

If you think you'll be on your internet more than a few instances during a billing period, you would be well-advised to select the unlimited data plan, which is more expensive, but will prevent those agonizing over-charges that might otherwise surprise you if you chose the lesser of the two data plans.

Your BB will come loaded with one game (this is a business device, not a GameBoy). There are countless freeware, shareware and for-purchased game applications that you can download.

The BB is loaded with numerous ringtones and alerts, but adding additional ringtones is easy (and free, by the way) by downloading MP3 files from any website directly to the BB.

In addition to the BB's own email address (, where xxx is the carrier (vzw, etc.), you can set up ten additional POP email accounts on your BB (Earthlink, Yahoo, Gmail, whatever...).

There are several instant messaging applications that will work on the BB. I have Google Messenger, Yahoo Messenger, Ramble (which is for AOL IM), and Blackberry Messenger (works exclusively between ANY Blackberry, regardless of carrier). There are others, too.

Google has a variety of applications that are designed for the BB (Google Search, Google Maps, Gmail, Google News). Yahoo has their own suite, but it is somewhat slower, but works fine nevertheless. You can access pretty much any of your Yahoo applications (Groups, Calendar, Email, Address Book, etc.).

I have the 8703e and love it. I have colleagues who have the newer models, but I'm happy with mine and don't plan on replacing it any time soon. Verizon has been outstanding with their customer support, and the coverage is pretty darned good, as you probably already know.

Others here will certainly add much more info than I've provided you. It's a Sunday, so give it a day or so to see the responses pile up.

Donna 07-29-2007 09:34 AM

Seeking Verizon BIS url
Need the url for VZW BIS, tried search feature - thanks!

Donna 07-29-2007 09:43 AM

Found it - thanks!

Originally Posted by Donna (Post 616441)
Need the url for VZW BIS, tried search feature - thanks!

akosnitzky 07-29-2007 05:29 PM

Wirelessly posted (Verizon 8830: BlackBerry8830/4.2.2 Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.1 VendorID/105)


Originally Posted by varlo
ok now that sounds good the only other question i have is with the internet. Must i pay extra for that or does it come with the plan or idk i just wanna get all my questions answered before i buy the phone.

I agree with what was stated. You need the unlimited data plan. In fact, with VZW, you only had the option of unlimited data plan. Also, I strongly suggest you pay the extra $5 per month for the $50 deductible replacement insurance.
I had a 7250 and went through three of them.

varlo 07-29-2007 10:59 PM

must i pay extra for the ramble and the blackberry messanger?

John Clark 07-29-2007 11:02 PM

No, Ramble is a free app (although it has issues-I suggest paying the $20 and purchasing JiveTalk) and BBMessenger is free. Both apps use data so they are included in whatever data plan you are on.

UserInVa 07-31-2007 01:50 PM


Originally Posted by akosnitzky (Post 616750)
Wirelessly posted (Verizon 8830: BlackBerry8830/4.2.2 Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.1 VendorID/105)

I agree with what was stated. You need the unlimited data plan. In fact, with VZW, you only had the option of unlimited data plan. Also, I strongly suggest you pay the extra $5 per month for the $50 deductible replacement insurance.
I had a 7250 and went through three of them.

What happened to your 7250's that you had to keep replacing them?

akosnitzky 07-31-2007 05:18 PM

Wirelessly posted (Verizon 8830: BlackBerry8830/4.2.2 Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.1 VendorID/105)

The trackwheel kept getting moisture and pushing back in on two of them. The other issue started with the esc button pushing in followed by the trackwheel. The thing is a tank.
Humidity and on one occasion, I dealt with pancake syrup

Dawg 07-31-2007 06:10 PM

you cant have a BB on verizon with out a BB plan

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