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jgoldenb 07-10-2007 02:53 PM

Own the Curve, played with the iPhone
I played with the iphone for the first time this weekend, and may of my concerns about it proved unfounded.

firstly, the size is awesome, and for web browsing alone, its almost worth it.

secondly, the typing which i though was the dealbreaker was quite easy...obviously involved a learnign curve, but you could tell that youd be proficient in no time.

i guess the only reason why my Curve isnt on ebay is the push corporate email. I cant imagine switching to a device (even as slick as the iphone) if it didnt push my work email to me. that is the reason we have blackberrys isnt it?

but i must admit, great device! if they ever figure out push corporate email (instead of just yahoo email), ill definately switch!

LunkHead 07-10-2007 03:43 PM

I have a friend with an iPhone..... All I can say is YUCK

davistld01 07-10-2007 04:02 PM


Originally Posted by LunkHead (Post 595891)
I have a friend with an iPhone..... All I can say is YUCK

Personally, although for me...the BlackBerry Curve just works better, at least at this juncture...the iPhone is far from "yuck".

It is cool...but I am almost tired of having it compared to the BlackBerry over and over. The iPhone and the BlackBerry are aimed at two totally different markets and user demographics. For someone that is coming from a normal mobile phone...the whiz-bang pseudo-tech of the iPhone is astounding...and they will gladly throw down the $600 to be on the Apple train.

For those who have been using real smartphone/PDA devices for a while...and have a real need for "push" email services and a real need for what a real smartphone/PDA has to is not nearly as enticing.

LunkHead 07-10-2007 04:06 PM

And that my friend is what makes the world go around... Different strokes for different folks... I'd bust out a 7290 (love that thing) before I even bother with a iPhone.... :)

mshykind 07-10-2007 04:07 PM

In the past 24 hours, I used my curve to:

1. Using the GPS (external bluetooth puck), navagated my way to a house that I had never been to before
2. Took a picture of it (long story...I'm in the mortgage business).
3. Loaded songs onto it to listen to during my work out this morning
4. Oh...and sent and received 150 emails and had about 300 minutes of talk time.

So, I think the curve is getting closer to what most business users would "like" in a phone (vs.what the "need"). I've never played with the iPhone, but I agree with davistld01...different demographics, but there are a lot of people who won't have to switch from the blackberry platform now that they are making more consumer friendly devices. 2 years ago...pre 8700...I think you would have had a lot more fringe users make the change to the iPhone...not so much today...

berginbreeze 07-10-2007 04:21 PM

Having tried other 'push' devices. BB works the best and until it is proven to be equal. I can not afford the luxury of switching

mk1151 07-10-2007 05:37 PM

One iPhone: $600

Buying a Curve, a 30GB iPod, and a round-trip ticket to Orlando for a weekend of fun: $600

Watching a guy who is using EDGE on the iPhone to find a cheap movie theater while you are on your way to the airport while enjoying e-mail and lots of music: PRICELESS

thetonyclifton 07-10-2007 05:44 PM

i do want an iphone because I love apple, but it doesnt really do the things I want yet....if they sort that out i would jump because the quality and build of their products is top notch....blackberry might not be worried just yet because there are different markets but the release of the iphone will put pressure on all phone companies to up the quality and design of their products.

vandal 07-10-2007 05:48 PM

i LOVE the iphone, but my curve wins, hands down. the iphone is a cool phone for multimedia, but the only time im going to watch videos or listen to music on it is when im at the gym and that doesnt constitute $600 in my frame of mind.

vvpprr 07-10-2007 06:03 PM

I have the iphone and will return it tomorrow. Battery is lousy, among other things. Will keep my blackberry.

daleepark 07-10-2007 07:13 PM

Enough !
I am soooo sick of hearing about the iphone on this forum, last I ck'd this was a BLACKBERRY forum.

Thank you.

mortys11 07-10-2007 07:25 PM


lets all admit the ui on the iphone is ahead of its time.

Its a REALLY cool fon!

will i get one...NO...but maybe on version 2 or 3 ...hmmmm

i looked at the demos of the iphone and maybe because i am so used to the bb ui i think bb is tops.


1. having the full qwerty kb gives me 26 speed dial #'s
no hitting fon icon and then favorites and then select contact and send etc

2. c for compose, r for reply, L for reply all....these shorts make navigation lighting fast on a bb...sure its not pretty like the iphone apps that dissappear to a corner with fancy sound fx but i get stuff done quik an ez.

i had the 7290 then 8700, then 8800 now a curve...thats alot of progress for RIM.

i dont have an ipod but have itunes on my pc.

the media features will only get better on the bb (iam pretty satisfied for now) but it could be far as album art goes i dont pay for my music so i would be flipping itunes icons so who cares.

i really think the iphone will speed up progress for manufactures like RIM MOTO and Nokia and we consumers will benefit.

RIM is young and building its own mac like cult following...if you have a bb you know how valuable it is...even my wife who is not a techy loves the curve and pinning here friends and contacts...she thinks everyone should have one of these.

i am in real estate biz and when i cant reach someone because they dont have bb i feel like "whats wrong with u, get a bb already"

full html browsing, 3G, WIFI, 5MP camera with video, 30GB micro sd or on board flash memory, GPS, full MS office suite...that will be a killer bb when it comes out

"your life in your hand"

jgoldenb 07-10-2007 07:42 PM


Originally Posted by daleepark (Post 596104)
I am soooo sick of hearing about the iphone on this forum, last I ck'd this was a BLACKBERRY forum.

Thank you.

first of all, lets try to hit at least 20 posts before making rules for the forum.

secondly, i think this discussion is good for the blackberry community. i know a lot of folks are looking at the iphone as a possible phone...and i dont think the comparison means that were bashing the Curve, which ive stated that i love.

but the iphone is amazing new i said, if it had push corporate email, id likely switch

daleepark 07-10-2007 07:46 PM

and you have a wopping 71 posts.

mortys11 07-10-2007 07:49 PM

push email?

i dont think i would jump ship even if it had push email...not yet

as i said version 2 or 3 will probably have all the bells and whistles and RIM needs to be ready to answer....time to roll up their sleeves and get serious on the consumer end.

RIM has shown great progress so far...

i think if the iphone was 3G, 30GB and 4 MP cam with video and the ability to DL music from itune over the 3G ntwrk they would have sold even more...then that would have been an impressive first offering

lets see what RIM and Apple have to offer this time next year....+ RIM is like 1/10 the size of apple so they are holding there own

jewberry 07-11-2007 06:15 AM

Right now I've got both devices. I was all set to go iPhone solo until I played around with it for a couple days. Aside from the 3rd world signal quality (maybe just where I was this weekend) the mail client is just ATROCIOUS. Forget PUSH- this thing is BUGGY. I thought that it checked email every 15 minutes- not so. You need to load the mail client to do it and keep it OPEN! Even then it displays the 'getting messages' or 'connecting to server' or '4 messages waiting' or 'loading messages' CRAP that makes my blood boil coming from a blackberry.

True PUSH I didn't expect- but I don't want to wait 2 mins to see if my wife is coming out from the store or if I should park the car. I know, I know, I should just CALL her but it's far easier to hit her with a PIN/EMAIL/BB MESSENGER ping then the nonsense that the iPhone makes us endure.

stewsan 07-11-2007 07:17 AM

I'm sitting at a cafe in Saigon with my Curve. My Buddy is fiddling with iphone trying to get on the internet, much less getting his e-mail. Two different beasts. I'm getting e-mail constantly and he's trying.... I'm sure he'll get it.

cccablecompany 07-11-2007 10:56 AM


Originally Posted by mk1151 (Post 596021)
One iPhone: $600

Buying a Curve, a 30GB iPod, and a round-trip ticket to Orlando for a weekend of fun: $600

Watching a guy who is using EDGE on the iPhone to find a cheap movie theater while you are on your way to the airport while enjoying e-mail and lots of music: PRICELESS

Sorry but nothing is fun about going to orlando. Maybe Miami but not orlando. Tried 689.00 for a ticket to miami. Iphone is a better device far as internet surfing.

sean76 07-11-2007 05:14 PM

Guys , Guys, and Girls of course, this is all getting out of hand with the iphone, Curve talk! First off, to some of you that are new here and don't know me, I LOVE THE BLACKBERRY PRODUCT! It's the best device on this planet for push email, among otherthings. But come on already, back and fourth, back and fourth! Hear this, TWO VERY DIFFERENT DEVICES! And there both aimed at different markets. I have an iphone, and I absolutly luv it! It's so far ahead of it's time, and whoever said that surfing the web on it is not the best yet is NUTS! Big deal it has edge, it's still pretty fast. And with wifi it's lightning fast. Ok great, will it replace my BB? NO, NEVER! RIM is a great company, and the BB platform with push email is just second to NONE. So all you people out there complaining, give it a rest already! And for all you closet iphone fans with Berrys that won't admit to wanting an iphone, fess up already! Or better yet, step up to the plate and just get both! Nobody ever said it's against the law to like em both, or even have em both! There is a saying out there, Best of Both Worlds!

rextilleon 07-11-2007 10:52 PM

Cant wait until the Iphone crew has to send their units back to Apple for a new battery after a paltry 100 charges---Ah, Steve Jobs really knows how to brainwash and then get people to happy allow themselves to be ripped off while Jobs reaps the profits. Unbelievable.

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