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kd5204 08-09-2009 01:50 AM

Looking to Make a trade

I know this post my soud strange but hear me out is there any one here who is tired or dosent like their BB storm I will gladly take it off of your hands for you but here is the catch i want to trade you 2 storms in return. one of them has the dreaded blank screen issue and the other which i bought from a "friend" has a bad esn and cant be activated but is in perfect working condition. I know I know but the thing is you can use the two you get for parts or sell them on ebay I have seen people get like $100-$150 for broken or non functioning one on there there are even some stores that buy them. You're probably asking well why don't you just do that and buy a new one, #1 I am not an ebay seller, #2 I dont want to extend my verizon contract which is almost up. The ones you buy off contract are too expensive. Just a thought if I cant get any takers I guess I could get the bad one repaired.

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