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maxb 10-04-2007 10:53 AM

Is there a "next" key instead of the trackball?
When typing messages, sometimes SureType brings up suggested combinations. You can choose what fits by rolling the trackball. It sucks.

7100 had the "next" button, which was the * button. You could quickly get to the right combination. using the trackball is my biggest beef with the 8100 - it's not precise, you can "overscroll", and requires lifting the finger off the keypad and moving it.

Any way to resurrect the "next" key on the 8100?

djxedxd 10-04-2007 07:00 PM

Its there right next to the AnyKey lol. Sorry someone had to do it. But alas don't think there is any fix for this I too have wished for this as I always scrol right past the right word and don't realize it till I'm done and hit send lol. Pain in the arse.

ezrunner 10-04-2007 09:03 PM

Wirelessly posted (BlackBerry8700/4.2.1 Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.1 VendorID/100)

Try adjusting the sensitivity of the trackball that may help you from over scrolling

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