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da_law 03-02-2005 02:46 AM

Any Macintosh BB users?
I just got my BB 7250 but I run a Mac with OS X. I had to get Pocketmac for the BB to sync with my machine. Does anyone else use their BB's with a mac? If so, any tips or advice on improving the functionality between BB's and macs? So far, i have not run into any problems but I am pretty new to BB's.

sempai 03-02-2005 09:22 AM

There are more than a few of us here. :)

I wrote an article on how I use the BWC to tie with my IMAP email and how I'm doing my delivery and such.

It isn't really as Mac specific as it is BWC-user specific though.

You will be pleased to know that the PocketMac people are working on supporting DayLite, if that is your preferred PIM. And if it isn't, maybe it should be!

da_law 03-02-2005 09:06 PM

thanks for the tips. I have one more question if anyone knows... are there any OS X Software downloaders for the BB?

finch 03-02-2005 10:05 PM

In addition to sempai url I've provided info in my signature, see below.

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