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rusalkin 11-11-2009 03:45 PM

Video Wallpaper
I am trying to figure out if it is possible to have a video for the background.
I read the sticky on animated themes but it did not fully awsner me.

The official faq states that one can convert a swf into a svg.
But it also states that it theoretically cannot be bigger than 64k.
Can anybody confirm this ?

Also in the new 5.0 Theme Builder the svg browse field seems to be only in the lock screen section and not int he home screen section, although the help states otherwise.

Generally the idea is to take a video, convert it into swf then through the composer into the svg and then loop it atleast in the lock screen throught the builder. Is this possible ? Since the final svg would definately be more than 64k.

I personally do not own a blackberry, it is for a client and i do not trust the simulator, hence my question.

Thanks in advance,

rusalkin 11-12-2009 09:49 AM

Am i writing something completely stupid or do people not know?

daphne 11-12-2009 12:11 PM

I think people do not know. When some of the theme developers read your post, maybe one of them can help you.

rusalkin 11-12-2009 12:43 PM

When i try to compile the Theme Builder does not allow me to make a theme bigger than 3.5mb (it allows but wont simualte) and although the svg file itself is 36k once i add it into the theme builder and save the .thm is now 10mb big and the simulator refuses. Ok, the animated gif is 4mb big and i just wanted to test but 4+3.5 is not 10mb.

So the svg itself does not store the animation.

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