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emilianofmartin 04-06-2014 11:52 AM

No email support
Hello, all! I have been using my BB 9300 for 3 years without major problems... until last tuesday.

Last tuesday morning, when I woke up, I realized that there were no new emails during the night. I figured there was some problem with my connection because I was already used to delete dozens of SPAM. On wednesday I was already sure that it could not be any connection issue and started investigating.

Dispite I was able to browse through the web, chat through WhatsApp and BBM, open Twitter and Facebook... my emails seemed to be 'broken'. I was not able to configure any new email account but could send emails through my BB's already-configurated emails. I searched all the forums, re-register on the routing host table, and ask for the service books for every account... with no success.

On Thrusday I contacted my carrier's support center. They asked me to delete ALL of the services books and after that they would be sending me back all of them. Since that moment I can no longer send emails through my BB. Whenever I tried to enter to 'messages' I receive an error that says something like "There is not any message services. You'll be redirected to the Configuration Assitant to setup your email address" (or something to that sort, because the message is in spanish. Sorry if the message is not quite as the original.

Next, I get to the point to configure the email accounts but I cannot get through the process successfully. It seems as if the accounts get created but I have no book of service for any of tem and sending those books don't solve it either. It seems to me that I have all the neeed service books...but none of them belong to the emails accounts.

My carrier told me to format to the factory settings but I'm afraid this is a carrier issue and deleting everything won't be of much use.

Should I delete eveyrthing and go back to the original settings? Is there anything else I could check or try? Is there anything that could be wrong within my carrier's configuration?

tsac 04-06-2014 05:40 PM

Re: No email support
Before you do anything perform a backup using Desktop Manager. A free program from blackberry.
Unless you downloaded an app before this started it may be your only choice, doing a wipe.

The error your getting does sound like a carrrier issue but unless you can be sure what they are telling you your stuck doing what they suggest. You might try talking to other users and see if they are having the same issue.

emilianofmartin 04-24-2014 11:22 AM

Re: No email support
I backed up my device. Deleted everything and restore it. I even downgraded the OS to the previous 6.0 version (I could not install back the version I had afterwards because I could not find the installer any more).

I've also tested my SIM in a friend's BB (who has the same provider as I am). I could setup my email address in his BB and even send an email with it. I've installed his SIM in my BB and he was not able to configure any of his emails.

Is there any known reason why my BB is either not receiving or not saving the received service books (I cannot know which one is it).

Any ideas? Best regards,


knottyrope 04-24-2014 02:32 PM

Re: No email support
wipe the device with out restoring data and see if you can get email on it

emilianofmartin 04-24-2014 03:02 PM

Re: No email support

Originally Posted by knottyrope (Post 1811721)
wipe the device with out restoring data and see if you can get email on it

Thanks for the reply. I've forgot to say that. I tried to configure emails before restoring... but had no luck. That's why I went further with more drastic measures and none of those were successful. :'(

Best regards,


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