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pulrang 06-29-2007 08:15 AM

I love the iPhone!
Before I get lynched, I love my 8700 and I will never use anything but a BlackBerry. I haven't even touched the iPhone but you gotta love the iPhone for one reason alone - excellent competition. Up until now, the BB hasn't had any good competition as Palm and MS make garbage.
The iPhone will force RIM to roll up their sleeves and start fighting, improving and innovating. Most importantly, they will be improving faster than their previously glacial pace. Palm and MS could never force this type of competition but I think the iPhone can. This will only be good for the BlackBerry faithful because with good competition everyone gets better. Your thoughts?

penguin3107 06-29-2007 08:22 AM

I think the iPhone isn't intended to compete with the BlackBerry at all.
It won't even touch RIM's corporate or enterprise users, which comprise the vast majority of their userbase.

The iPhone is an awesome device, and I can't really say a bad thing about it.
I just don't think you can fairly compare the BlackBerry to it. They're not in competition with eachother.
Two very different devices which serve very different purposes.

jaybird@ 06-29-2007 08:23 AM

You have a point.
Just sit back and wait till all the hoopla dies down to see what it can do and if it stumbles trying to do it.

test54 06-29-2007 08:30 AM

even if they are not in competition (although i think they are) you still have to look at some of the tech that is on it and see that RIM will be looking step up their own software to get similar functionality.

RIM corporate and enterprise users are becoming less and less of the client base and I think those new users like their media and browsing.

takeshi 06-29-2007 08:38 AM

Right -- the two devices are clearly not intended for the same market but that doesn't mean that RIM can't step up its more consumer-oriented features. RIM's definitely trying to attract the more consumer market with the features they have included on some of the newer models.

King-B 06-29-2007 08:47 AM


Originally Posted by takeshi (Post 583401)
Right -- the two devices are clearly not intended for the same market but that doesn't mean that RIM can't step up its more consumer-oriented features. RIM's definitely trying to attract the more consumer market with the features they have included on some of the newer models.

FINALLY....people who understand the nature of the iPhone!

JSanders 06-29-2007 08:48 AM

Read the thread posted here earlier about all the Hollywood execs not being able to get one because the IT depts in their studio won't support the iPhone:

The article specifically supports the point that iPhone and BB are not in the same primary market.

I look forward to playing with one, but it will have to be someone else's $500 spent to purchase it!

mmcapone 06-29-2007 08:51 AM

Touch screen phones are the worst. I had a PPC-6700, now im sure that the iphone is going to be alot more advanced but it is touch screen never the less. Your screen will constantly be smudged, and its hard to dial while driving. Now dont get me wrong im sure the iphone will have some amazing features, programs, and whatever else, but give me a track wheel any day of the week.

test54 06-29-2007 08:56 AM

um i think they got rid of the track wheel last time i check the new devices. innovation at its best.

since 2 of the best people are in this thread, what about if apple indeed licensed MS exchange server with Active sync? Takeshi and JSanders, does that make it better or worse? Im on BIS and know almost nothing about the BES / Server end of things.
Smart Phone Makers Brace for iPhone - - Good quote from Basille.
RIM, Motorola Ready To Rumble With iPhone - Mobile Blog - InformationWeek
The Utility Belt: New BlackBerry Curve shows RIM's ready for the iPhone
Business & Technology | Arriving Friday, the iPhone is already having an impact | Seattle Times Newspaper

camaxtli 06-29-2007 09:01 AM

Wirelessly posted (Mixcoatl-Camaxtli: BlackBerry8100/4.2.0 Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.1 VendorID/100)


Originally Posted by test54
even if they are not in competition (although i think they are) you still have to look at some of the tech that is on it and see that RIM will be looking step up their own software to get similar functionality.

RIM corporate and enterprise users are becoming less and less of the client base and I think those new users like their media and browsing.

Hi. May I ask where you are getting the info for "RIM corporate and enterprise users are becoming less and less of their client base"

teamcrn 06-29-2007 09:02 AM

I think apple is trying to sneak attack RIM. They both are know for stable platforms all that is missing is the exchange server hook up. I think if it does happen this way apple will be an alternative like Rim was once an alternative to treo's etc.

JSanders 06-29-2007 09:05 AM

I will be the first to tell you I know very little about BES (others will tell I know nothing!). But, that said, yes it would make it more attractive, but again, since I don't think that (corporate) is Apple's initial market for the iPhone, it really doesn't matter (for now).

Observing their marketing (where they advertise/segments on TV, etc.) indicates to me they are pushing it towards the professional 25-45 age group with extra $$s in the their pocket.

teamcrn 06-29-2007 09:08 AM

That market you speak of will son be decesion makers. Apple has a way of planting seeds in the younger market and hoping it grows with the customer. I think they know to really be a hit they have to go corporate sooner or latter but dont want that to be there core business. They are taking the same exact opposite stance as rim. Rim has corporate as the base and the consumer market as the fringe market. Apple wants to thrive in the consumer market and maybe steal a little slice of corporate or professionals who has a mac at home. This is exactly how the positioned them self in the Steve Jobs Era part 2 against Microsoft and its working.

JSanders 06-29-2007 09:11 AM

^^^I would agree totally with that tactic.

Fireproof 06-29-2007 09:11 AM

There's a lot of things I like about it, but I don't want a phone without real keys. I can't even imagine banging out emails on that thing.

But everything else is really cool.

Dubdub 06-29-2007 09:34 AM

Three things about the iPhone that bother me:

1. No 3G capability. With all of the capability and hype, I really think 3G would be a necessity

2. How secure is the device and its email? My guess is that wasn't a design issue and it doesn't compare with RIM at all.

3. Cannot replace or pull the battery. So what happens in the event of a system crash or freeze. Do you wait until the battery dies to fix it? To replace the battery, do you send it to ATT and have to do without a phone for a period of time.

I am sure more issues will surface as this one gets to be out in public use.

test54 06-29-2007 09:52 AM

#3 is explained on their newest video on their site. Its like a computer in that you hold the one main button for 6 secondes and it kills any frozen program, and for the reset you press and hold that button and the one on the top right of the device. But I think the battery pull is something that wont be needed, but again until it is used alot im sure we will not know.

3G is definately needed on all at&t devices but i think there was definately a battery issue with the 3G radio for it.

Email im sure as you say was not designed to compare to blackberry, probably more to compete with windows mobile.

MsJosay 06-29-2007 10:08 AM


Originally Posted by mmcapone (Post 583417)
Touch screen phones are the worst. I had a PPC-6700, now im sure that the iphone is going to be alot more advanced but it is touch screen never the less. Your screen will constantly be smudged, and its hard to dial while driving. Now dont get me wrong im sure the iphone will have some amazing features, programs, and whatever else, but give me a track wheel any day of the week.

Finally someone that understands the woes of a touch screen! At first I was very excited for the iPhone with all of the hype about it but then I got to thinking (after chucking my MDA for the sole reason that it had a cumbersome touch screen) - this iPhone thing may not be as good as one expects. Sure the new technology is cool but whats the point in using it if your control panel (aka the touch screen) is clouded with fingerprints and face smudges? I imagine the screen is going to be a pain to clean. I'd rather have a clean screen and a pretty little pearl than a dirty screen and one "home" button! :smile:

Pizzle 06-29-2007 10:21 AM

***moving to Other Handhelds Forum***

jojo6 06-29-2007 12:25 PM


Originally Posted by Dubdub (Post 583473)
Three things about the iPhone that bother me:

1. No 3G capability. With all of the capability and hype, I really think 3G would be a necessity

2. How secure is the device and its email? My guess is that wasn't a design issue and it doesn't compare with RIM at all.

3. Cannot replace or pull the battery. So what happens in the event of a system crash or freeze. Do you wait until the battery dies to fix it? To replace the battery, do you send it to ATT and have to do without a phone for a period of time.

I am sure more issues will surface as this one gets to be out in public use.

i thought the iPhone is 3G.

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