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TBOLTRAM 09-26-2016 07:23 AM

Da Debate
Do you think that:

1. Trump will put his foot in his mouth?
2. Clinton will expose her health issues by uncontrolled laughter, passing out or other symptoms when pressured?
3. Clinton will put her foot in her mouth?
4. All of the above.

Likely all the questions have been prearranged and in some cases provided by the candidates. My view is that is more of a scripted show than a debate.

NJBlackBerry 09-26-2016 08:14 AM

Re: Da Debate
4. Without a doubt.

mriff 09-26-2016 09:11 PM

Re: Da Debate
There's a debate?

tsac 09-26-2016 09:17 PM

Re: Da Debate
Watching now and so far it looks like both are being calm and not lowing up as expected.
Hillary keeps referring to the fact checkers and so far she has been either fully wrong or partially wrong. It may have been better if she did not refer to fact check which can be a problem.
Anyway very interesting.

TBOLTRAM 09-27-2016 06:39 AM

Re: Da Debate
Not sure who won but the loser was:

Truth, Beauty and the American Way.

tsac 09-27-2016 09:55 AM

Re: Da Debate
As amazing as it sounds CBS today said the fact checkers found trump to be more accurate than Hillary. They also went on to say the audience may have misunderstood some of her responses contributing to the low accuracy for her facts.
Talk about trying to twist the story. Also one would wonder why she would keep referring to the fact check web site if she was going to make up things.
trump had only a couple of facts wrong they said. I wont even look at nbc or NPR who will twist anything around they can in favor of Hillary.

The next debate will be interesting and many are expecting it to be a lot more contentious.

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