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Mr-Ice-Man 05-26-2010 05:43 AM

Turn Off Facebook Alerts
Every time i get a message on Facebook i keep getting a beep and a symbol on my phone, can i stop this from happening?

dankarlinski 05-26-2010 05:51 AM

Wirelessly posted (White and Nerdy)

Delete the facebook app

Mr-Ice-Man 05-26-2010 06:00 AM


Originally Posted by dankarlinski (Post 1611066)
Wirelessly posted (White and Nerdy)

Delete the facebook app

But i use it, and i like how it says when i post on facebook that i have used my Blackberry.

The BlackBerry Kid 05-26-2010 06:32 AM

you can disable the beep and the red light.

1.)go into profiles.
2.)select Set Ring Tones/Alerts (select the profile you want to change the setting in, you have do each one individually.)
3.)select the "other" branch.
5.(select the facebook app.

when done hit that back arrow and save, then back arrow and save agian for it to take effect.

Mr-Ice-Man 05-26-2010 06:42 AM


Originally Posted by The BlackBerry Kid (Post 1611078)
you can disable the beep and the red light.

1.)go into profiles.
2.)select Set Ring Tones/Alerts (select the profile you want to change the setting in, you have do each one individually.)
3.)select the "other" branch.
5.(select the facebook app.

when done hit that back arrow and save, then back arrow and save agian for it to take effect.

Yeah seen them settings mate, but it doesn't stop the icon coming up.

The BlackBerry Kid 05-26-2010 06:47 AM

well either way the icon will. it has to tell you that you have an alert. it wont stop coming up. sometines you can find a custom theme with a glitch in it so it doesent show up. the icon will always appear, and the little star on the icon will too. as long as it doesent ring or blink, it shouldnt betoo much of a pain.

the only way to stop the alerts is deleting the app.....then going on facebook mobile through the browser and looking at notifications there. not to sound sarcastic or rude, but the point of the app is to alert you that you have a notification.

The BlackBerry Kid 05-26-2010 06:48 AM

you could also log in and out of the app each time you use it if you would like. but that takes time lol

Mr-Ice-Man 05-26-2010 06:49 AM


Originally Posted by The BlackBerry Kid (Post 1611086)
well either way the icon will. it has to tell you that you have an alert. it wont stop coming up. sometines you can find a custom theme with a glitch in it so it doesent show up. the icon will always appear, and the little star on the icon will too. as long as it doesent ring or blink, it shouldnt betoo much of a pain.

the only way to stop the alerts is deleting the app.....then going on facebook mobile through the browser and looking at notifications there. not to sound sarcastic or rude, but the point of the app is to alert you that you have a notification.

I now what you mean mate, thanks for your time anyway.

The BlackBerry Kid 05-26-2010 06:52 AM

no problem. sorry there is no way to turn that off though. it can be annoying at times, especially if you get constact updates.

mkeho86 06-13-2010 08:19 PM

ok...i have the opposite issue!
i have the opposite issue... my fb alerts no longer show up on my fb app, also its silent and does not flash red. ive changed it through my sound settings, tried diff themes, uninstalled and reinstalled and used app loader and i cannot get the alerts back on the app. can someone help me?! :?

Good_Queen_Bess 06-24-2010 03:02 PM

Just got my BB yesterday, and was wondering about this. It's v annoying. Thanks for the advice. What I have done to stop the alerts altogether, is to log out of FB on the app.

dysterious 09-19-2010 04:54 PM

Actually, turning off notifications on Facebook from the computer used to stop the icon from appearing in the Blackberry app. But with the new version of the app that just replaced the old one, the icon will always appear. Thanks to that, I refuse to "Like" anything anymore because I don't want a flashing light every time someone else comments or Likes the same thing. Way to make me NOT make the best use of Facebook and therefore defeat the entire purpose Facebook for BlackBerry. 09-20-2010 12:22 PM

Same problem as mkeho86 above. I'm not getting any alerts at all for any notifications. Any fix to get those activated again? I haven't changed any settings, just that my phone ran outta juice and turned off completely yesterday. The problem started when I turned it on again.

yosithezet 11-15-2010 01:12 AM

Re: Turn Off Facebook Alerts

Originally Posted by The BlackBerry Kid (Post 1611078)
you can disable the beep and the red light.

1.)go into profiles.
2.)select Set Ring Tones/Alerts (select the profile you want to change the setting in, you have do each one individually.)
3.)select the "other" branch.
5.(select the facebook app.

when done hit that back arrow and save, then back arrow and save agian for it to take effect.

Thanks. This does what I needed. Do I need to repeat for every profile?

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