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NewBoldAddict 06-19-2009 04:43 PM

RIM do not be so greedy !
Greetings to all Blackberry addicts,

Everyone of us ,especially people who have owned many cell phones, know that RIM makes its phones from the WORST and cheapest materials. In contrast, RIM's phones are among the most expensive ones.

No doubt that Blackberries have the best OS, which is written in Java, among all smartphones. Still, the build and price factor are very important. If you buy a Bold or 8900 for 500$ and one day slips off your hand, you will understand what I'm saying. The entire device will disassemble, crashes and stops working. All RIM's devices are built using light cheap plastic and paintings. Two to Three falls are enough to damage a Blackberry!!

I'm wondering how greedy and stupid RIM is!!!

RIM thinks that they are spreading all over the world. But the reality is that they will suddenly shrink due to their greedy policy.

Many Blackberry users in the U.S. stopped buying RIM's phones 2 years ago because of the defect that was exist in almost all curve's trackballs.

In conclusion, if RIM continues to use the same materials, they will fail in four of five years from now.

MidnightDraven 06-19-2009 04:52 PM

I think this deserves to be in the rants and raves forum.

juwaack68 06-19-2009 04:56 PM

I'd like to exist in your alternate universe, but I lost my map.

synenergy52 06-19-2009 05:37 PM

Sorry but having owned over 50 Blackberry devices I have not encountered any of these problems. Maybe you should stop playing football with your phone.

Fact is RIM dominates the market, namely first quarter of 2009. Leave the phones up to them and you worry about buying them (as it appears you already have). :idea:


Originally Posted by NewBoldAddict (Post 1410231)
Greetings to all Blackberry addicts,

Everyone of us ,especially people who have owned many cell phones, know that RIM makes its phones from the WORST and cheapest materials. In contrast, RIM's phones are among the most expensive ones.

No doubt that Blackberries have the best OS, which is written in Java, among all smartphones. Still, the build and price factor are very important. If you buy a Bold or 8900 for 500$ and one day slips off your hand, you will understand what I'm saying. The entire device will disassemble, crashes and stops working. All RIM's devices are built using light cheap plastic and paintings. Two to Three falls are enough to damage a Blackberry!!

I'm wondering how greedy and stupid RIM is!!!

RIM thinks that they are spreading all over the world. But the reality is that they will suddenly shrink due to their greedy policy.

Many Blackberry users in the U.S. stopped buying RIM's phones 2 years ago because of the defect that was exist in almost all curve's trackballs.

In conclusion, if RIM continues to use the same materials, they will fail in four of five years from now.

synenergy52 06-19-2009 05:40 PM

Source? I haven't seen one yet. A lot of these "defects" are people complaining about their trackballs sticking and simply call their carrier to get a warranty exchange when they could of cleaned it out themselves.

There are so many flaws in your "argument," that I really don't have the time to go into each and everyone. Good luck

Many Blackberry users in the U.S. stopped buying RIM's phones 2 years ago because of the defect that was exist in almost all curve's trackballs.

ifonline 06-19-2009 05:48 PM


Someone must be bored to start this thread...

TXLady 06-19-2009 06:56 PM

Or just trying to get a good argument started. It's not even worth it. I think the OP should buy an iPhone.

ndub33 06-19-2009 07:51 PM

Moving to Rants and Raves section.

juwaack68 06-19-2009 07:53 PM

Freakin RIM! :razz:

NJBlackBerry 06-19-2009 07:55 PM

Freakin stupid and greedy RIM.

Oh my.

Too many for MFTP. Oh well.

ndub33 06-19-2009 08:00 PM

LO Freakin' L ;-)

ifonline 06-19-2009 08:54 PM

This thread calls for a quote:

It's an important and popular fact that things are not always what they seem. For instance, on the planet Earth, Man had always assumed that he was the most intelligent species occupying the planet, instead of the *third* most intelligent. The second most intelligent creatures were of course dolphins who, curiously enough, had long known of the impending destruction of the planet earth. They had made many attempts to alert mankind to the danger, but most of their communications were misinterpreted as amusing attempts to punch footballs or whistle for titbits. So they eventually decided they would leave earth by their own means. The last ever dolphin message was misinterpreted as a surprisingly sophisticated attempt to do a double backward somersault through a hoop while whistling the star-spangled banner, but in fact the message was this: So long and thanks for all the fish.

dankarlinski 06-20-2009 12:35 AM

Wirelessly posted (MY 8900)

My .02

Blackberries are made from plastic... Most are other than the iphone. The berries have some of the best screens on mobile phones. They may be lacking all of the features In some devices (3g, camera, wifi, etc), but this is chanhge from device to device based on expected carrier.

Rim has the best push email of a mobile device, the most stable os. And the devices are much easier to fix than other devices. Also, they have long lasting, REMOVABLE batteries (unlike other fruits)

It seems like a good buy for my money... Correct me if I'm wrong

daphne 06-20-2009 01:27 AM

BlackBerry devices are actually more rugged than many others. We've had users who've dropped devices, dunked them in swimming pools, had them fall off on the road and the BlackBerrys survived nicely and continued to work normally. But if you are concerned about your BlackBerry being damaged, use a good quality protective case and you will sleep better and your blood pressure will be lower. ;-)

CoDudette 06-20-2009 02:33 AM

oh my, RIM, what have you done?! Cheap plastic parts! *shock horror*

I dropped my bold 6 times already since i got it, and as far as i can see, its in PERFECT condition. NOT a scratch.

get a hard case for your bold. or do you like to leave your bold unprotected? like i've said before, unprotected berries are asking for trouble. tsk tsk.

Dawg 06-20-2009 07:39 AM

Ive carried over ten different BBs and I find them all rather rugged. Ive never broken a screen or a casing. I dont use any sort of screen protector or case. I have many scratches ( I call them battle scars) due to use and abuse. My wife carrys dumb phones and isnt nearly as rough as i am with them and shes broken way more phones than i ever have.

I think you need to get a grip on reality

NewBoldAddict 06-20-2009 08:00 AM


Originally Posted by juwaack68 (Post 1410244)
I'd like to exist in your alternate universe, but I lost my map.

You don't have to :)


Originally Posted by synenergy52 (Post 1410283)
Sorry but having owned over 50 Blackberry devices I have not encountered any of these problems. Maybe you should stop playing football with your phone.
Fact is RIM dominates the market, namely first quarter of 2009. Leave the phones up to them and you worry about buying them (as it appears you already have). :idea:

I do not like sports except fishing. And "50" is too much! LOL

[QUOTE=synenergy52;1410284]Source? I haven't seen one yet. A lot of these "defects" are people complaining about their trackballs sticking and simply call their carrier to get a warranty exchange when they could of cleaned it out themselves.
There are so many flaws in your "argument," that I really don't have the time to go into each and everyone. Good luck

If you have not seen , it means you don't read news:). Anyway to make your life easier check crackberry's archive.


Originally Posted by ifonline (Post 1410290)
Someone must be bored to start this thread...

In fact, when I'm bored, I do something else


Originally Posted by TXLady (Post 1410330)
Or just trying to get a good argument started. It's not even worth it. I think the OP should buy an iPhone.

that's the only phone that I don't like. Sorry


Originally Posted by ndub33 (Post 1410359)
Moving to Rants and Raves section.

Good !


Originally Posted by dankarlinski (Post 1410493)
Wirelessly posted (MY 8900)

My .02

Blackberries are made from plastic... Most are other than the iphone. The berries have some of the best screens on mobile phones. They may be lacking all of the features In some devices (3g, camera, wifi, etc), but this is chanhge from device to device based on expected carrier.
Rim has the best push email of a mobile device, the most stable os. And the devices are much easier to fix than other devices. Also, they have long lasting, REMOVABLE batteries (unlike other fruits)
It seems like a good buy for my money... Correct me if I'm wrong

I already mentioned that Blackberry has the best OS. Buy eye glasses my friend. Of course a battery or screen is not made of plastic. I hope you are OK.


Originally Posted by daphne (Post 1410512)
BlackBerry devices are actually more rugged than many others. We've had users who've dropped devices, dunked them in swimming pools, had them fall off on the road and the BlackBerrys survived nicely and continued to work normally. But if you are concerned about your BlackBerry being damaged, use a good quality protective case and you will sleep better and your blood pressure will be lower. ;-)

"rugged than many others." Be clear and give some brands


Originally Posted by CoDudette (Post 1410537)
oh my, RIM, what have you done?! Cheap plastic parts! *shock horror*
I dropped my bold 6 times already since i got it, and as far as i can see, its in PERFECT condition. NOT a scratch.

get a hard case for your bold. or do you like to leave your bold unprotected? like i've said before, unprotected berries are asking for trouble. tsk tsk.

I think you dropped it on your pillow LOL. I'm not talking about cases I guess but the device.

No one has provided a logical answer! Please do not be biased.

TXLady 06-20-2009 08:02 AM


Originally Posted by NewBoldAddict (Post 1410606)
Please do not be biased.

Of course, you aren't.

SteveO86 06-20-2009 10:26 AM

Is that why RIM Q1 results (and for the last 2 years) have been good/on the raise.

I am curious as why you even bothered with thread... were are the facts????

My agency moved from WinMo to BB's a year ago (along with many of my personal friends), so I don't see how BB is dissappearing.

I've dropped my BB's many many times and they still work, perfectly.

mriff 06-20-2009 11:49 AM

Go find one of these models. It was a tank. :razz:

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