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fsfty42 01-04-2011 06:31 PM

Internet Outage???
Anyone having a problem with the internet? All other data is working fine, but my browser has been in and out all day on Long Island. I tried the battery pull, resending service books, re-registering and nothing. VZW finally told me on the 4th call that that there is an outage, but I kinda think they just wanted to get rid of me. Anyone else?

Dubdub 01-04-2011 08:01 PM

Re: Internet Outage???
AT&T had a problem with RIM data in NH earlier today. Don't know about VZW.

TxCatLady1 01-11-2011 03:40 PM

Re: Internet Outage???
I have Verizon and haven't been able to access Internet, Facebook or Twitter since sometime yesterday (January 11, 2011) Anybody know of any details about that?


daphne 01-11-2011 08:48 PM

Re: Internet Outage???

Originally Posted by TxCatLady1 (Post 1692990)
I have Verizon and haven't been able to access Internet, Facebook or Twitter since sometime yesterday (January 11, 2011) Anybody know of any details about that?


Did you try a battery pull? I haven't seen any reports of a VZW outage today.

TxCatLady1 01-12-2011 01:33 AM

Re: Internet Outage???
No, I'll have to figure out how to. It's my new one (Bold 9650) and haven't done that yet. But thanks for the tip!

TxCatLady1 01-25-2011 12:07 AM

Re: Internet Outage???
Hi All,

Back again. Unable to access Twitter, Facebook or Internet today. This is going to sound silly but for the life of me I can't get the back cover off to do a battery pull. I'm pushing up on the release button and the picture says you should slide the cover down? I can't get it to budge! Is there something I'm missing? Also hope this isn't a Verizon issue I'll be facing!


hcheun 01-25-2011 05:34 AM

Re: Internet Outage???
It's a he said she said, this issue has been happening since Thursday, but i've spoken to people withint our blackberry pool and another colleague from another company confirmed, that there has been BIS and even BES issues , the BIS issues involved email delivery, internet browser connectivity, some bbm, and with the BES , activation is totally hosed or a cat and mouse game, lookup is interimmitent and also email's get the Red X or the timeout, but are sent.

I called VZW twice, they all pointed fingers back at RIM, called RIM because we have their subscription, and they said everything else is fine on their end.... i call BS on VZW since i spoke to other friends who contracts with T-mo and sprint with their companies and no problems what so ever.

Take it for what it is, but it'll be a while because the VZW guy said they straight out dont' know whats going on.... typical support answer, especially coming from tier 2 and tier 3 support.

hcheun 01-25-2011 05:36 AM

Re: Internet Outage???
Oh and take this for what it is, but someone said that this also is in anticipation for network capacity for the iphone coming in two weeks, but also note he said they probably fudged up whatever blackberry/rim maintenance backend update on Thursday, but again, it's been happening before this, so i smell something fishy and wrong.....

TxCatLady1 01-25-2011 01:36 PM

Re: Internet Outage???

Thanks for the response and taking the time to call both Verizon & RIM. I'm at work and just don't have time. I had wondered if it had to do with the iPhone! It is frustrating, I'm going through Facebook and Twitter withdrawal! lol


hcheun 01-25-2011 10:31 PM

Re: Internet Outage???
Just an update guys, but our sales rep said they have a two part fix for this, one update they applied last night (Tuesday early morning/Graveyard) and they'll be applying another tonight (Wednesday Morning) which should resolve the issue. Let's just hope and cross our fingers that this is true as I have a grain of salt until I hear from all my BB users that they're GTG !

TxCatLady1 01-27-2011 01:39 PM

Re: Internet Outage???
I still have no internet, emails, etc on my Verizon Blackberry Bold 9650 as of Thursday morning. And for the life of me I can't get the dang cover off (well I did once) and I also can't figure out how to get the battery out. Is a battery pull even worth my time? This is so frustrating!....thanks for the chance to vent! lol

daphne 01-27-2011 09:13 PM

Re: Internet Outage???
Try this instead of a battery pull... go to Manage Connections and click Turn All Connections Off. Wait a few seconds, click Restore Connections. There have been a few times lately that I woke up with no data- no BBM, internet, email. After I did that it worked again. Easier than a battery pull.

TxCatLady1 02-01-2011 04:57 PM

Re: Internet Outage???
Hi all,

Greetings from snowy, icy Texas! Got a snow/ice day today. Just wanted to let ya'll know that I finally managed the battery pull and it worked just fine. But Daphne, will keep your method in mind. It seemed to be a lot easier to do a battery pull on my Curve than the Bold. Thanks again, this website and these forums really are great!


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