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meowtimesocialmediaco 11-20-2014 03:42 AM

New BlackBerry Tablet Concept Looks Sleek, Packs Powerful Hardware
Back in 2011, BlackBerry unveiled the PlayBook tablet, making the device the first tablet that BlackBerry has released. At that time the device was a pretty solid tablet, although the lack of apps and native BlackBerry support was kind of disappointing.
Fast forward three years and it looks like BlackBerry might have given up on the tablet scene, despite the rumors. However a recent interview has revealed that BlackBerry has not written tablets off yet and that there are plans for the PlayBook's successor in the future.
In the meantime some concept images of a PlayBook 2 have surfaced in the forums, giving us a glimpse as to what a newer PlayBook model might look like, and so far we have to say that we like what we are seeing, although admittedly the polished edges do remind us of Apple's iPad, but what do you guys think?
Of course when it comes to hardware, it's really anyones guess as to what BlackBerry might stick under the hood. However the concept pictured above looks like it is going for some pretty high-end features.
According to the designer, TheJelen, the PlayBook 2 will pack a 10-inch Super AMOLED display with a resolution of 2048×1536. It will also be powered by a quad-core Snapdragon 800 chipset clocked at 2.3GHz, an 8MP rear-facing camera a 4MP front-facing camera, 4GB of RAM, 32/64GB storage options with the ability to expand via microSD, and a whopping 10,000mAh battery life.
It sounds pretty impressive, doesn't it? Not to mention it looks very pretty to boot! What do you guys think? Would this be a BlackBerry PlayBook you could get on board with?
via @ubergizmo

knottyrope 11-20-2014 11:52 AM

Re: New BlackBerry Tablet Concept Looks Sleek, Packs Powerful Hardware
I would prefer a 7 inch one but maybe a 10 would be good to try

tsac 11-23-2014 07:19 PM

Re: New BlackBerry Tablet Concept Looks Sleek, Packs Powerful Hardware
Ok so they never fully supported the Playbook and never gave upgrades after a short while. the Playbook was a good idea and had real possibility but Blackberry management like just about everything else they did in the lase few years was too little and too late. If they build a Playbook2 and really support it with Apps and upgrades when needed it will sell but too many people were burned before and the sales may show it.

doing an internet search did not really give a firm date or time frame they "might" do it.

stevetaz 11-24-2014 01:59 PM

Re: New BlackBerry Tablet Concept Looks Sleek, Packs Powerful Hardware

Originally Posted by tsac (Post 1813764)
...doing an internet search did not really give a firm date or time frame they "might" do it.

Isn't that what tells you it is a BlackBerry?


fourstringfuror 11-24-2014 02:58 PM

Re: New BlackBerry Tablet Concept Looks Sleek, Packs Powerful Hardware
If BlackBerry makes a new tablet, there's really no way you could consider it a Playbook successor. The Playbook was only good if you tethered it to a BBOS device. A new BlackBerry tablet would really need to be a Blend-enabled device that works with all platforms, including Windows.

tsac 11-24-2014 08:04 PM

Re: New BlackBerry Tablet Concept Looks Sleek, Packs Powerful Hardware
Good point. Hope they realize that.

NJBlackBerry 11-24-2014 08:41 PM

Re: New BlackBerry Tablet Concept Looks Sleek, Packs Powerful Hardware
I have stated before that the Playbook was one of BlackBerry's biggest mistakes. Why would anyone think they can enter a very competitive tablet market and compete? They need to focus on their strengths - enterprise customers and MDM - and forget about a tablet now. If they were ever thinking about doing another one.

joginder 11-27-2014 11:41 PM

Re: New BlackBerry Tablet Concept Looks Sleek, Packs Powerful Hardware
BB stay away from playbook/tablet business.. just make Blend more stronger and that in itself will become a virtual tablet. and it can be anywhere from 7 inch to all the way 55 inch.
Make the next Passport with stylus on the side and built in heart monitor that will tell the user if the girl next to you is thinking about you or not.

cowgirl05 02-13-2015 03:01 AM

Re: New BlackBerry Tablet Concept Looks Sleek, Packs Powerful Hardware
I guess I'm in the minority here, but I adore my PlayBook, in fact with the prices came down gave mine to husband and I bought a bigger (64GB) one and the case that has a keyboard in it. The only thing that is a disappointment for me is I can't get IHeartRadio or from appworld. So, I guess lack of apps, oh, and if it would be like the Q10 and have a choice of languages the size of what the Q has, where we can change the keyboard into another language would have been great. But if they came out with a new tablet that did that? I'd think about it for sure.

NJBlackBerry 02-13-2015 05:15 PM

Re: New BlackBerry Tablet Concept Looks Sleek, Packs Powerful Hardware
Worst mistake BlackBerry ever made.
By far.

lokomotifbag 05-02-2015 01:22 AM

Re: New BlackBerry Tablet Concept Looks Sleek, Packs Powerful Hardware
now blackberry should focus their strength on smartphone blackberry 10 before proceed to tablet... else failure is awaiting for them...

tsac 05-11-2015 08:13 PM

Re: New BlackBerry Tablet Concept Looks Sleek, Packs Powerful Hardware
Time will tell. Good or Bad the market will decide.

kersus 08-02-2015 11:37 PM

Re: New BlackBerry Tablet Concept Looks Sleek, Packs Powerful Hardware
I still love my Playbook. It's very unfortunate they abandoned it as it's still superior to any of the Android and Apple tablets I've played with. The OS is amazing but physically it's pretty heavy compared to the newer ones.

They'll have an even rougher road this time due to their wishy washy handling of the Playbook. They're still struggling with marketing.
Posted via Mobile

tsac 08-03-2015 08:24 PM

Re: New BlackBerry Tablet Concept Looks Sleek, Packs Powerful Hardware
Blackberry needs to start fixing the mistakes and stop trying to sell to the kids and concentrate on the level of security offered in traditional blackberry's. With the level of security or lack of on Android devices and the issues around security why move to a device ( OS 10 ) that allows android apps. Once they fix the issues they have ( fire the people on top) maybe sales will go up to a good level.

NJBlackBerry 08-04-2015 05:42 AM

Re: New BlackBerry Tablet Concept Looks Sleek, Packs Powerful Hardware
Fire the people on top AGAIN (for the third time)?
No, the problems aren't with the people.

tsac 08-04-2015 11:03 AM

Re: New BlackBerry Tablet Concept Looks Sleek, Packs Powerful Hardware
Ok , start on the bottom. Maybe a basic understanding on why the BB was desired will help. One thought... rename the Blackberry to Blueberry or Cranberry.

NJBlackBerry 08-04-2015 12:40 PM

Re: New BlackBerry Tablet Concept Looks Sleek, Packs Powerful Hardware
The desire is gone. The cheese has moved.
Rename it RIP :) :)

(or the same old chestnut - just wait three months; the Slider will change everything)...

tsac 08-04-2015 07:40 PM

Re: New BlackBerry Tablet Concept Looks Sleek, Packs Powerful Hardware
And the battery will be non removable. another bad move IMHO

tsac 11-11-2015 09:50 AM

Re: New BlackBerry Tablet Concept Looks Sleek, Packs Powerful Hardware
I think it's called the new PRIV. smaller but shows hope.

ZombieBerry 11-14-2015 08:31 PM

Re: New BlackBerry Tablet Concept Looks Sleek, Packs Powerful Hardware
It's a nice device. I think I'm going to keep it for awhile.

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