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zimbu1234 04-08-2009 06:31 PM

Considering switch from 8120 to 8900 - need feedback if you have done this...
I am considering the switch, mainly because i cant stand the memory leak with all BlackBerrys that only have 64MB of memory.

For the better part of the last 3 or 4 years I have had a Suretype device. 7100 and 7150. In December 2006 I got the 8100 and I have been using the 8120 for over 6 months now. As you can see I love my Suretype. SInce I plan on staying on TMobile, my next option is the flip phone and I refuse to carry that thing around. So my only real option is the 8900.

What I will miss about the Pearl 8120:
- Suretype
- Size
- USB standard (I can use the same cable for my BB, Digital cameras, etc)

What I am looking forward to with the 8900:
- Memory (a friend of mine has one with like 80MB free!)
- The A/V upgrades
- 3.2 MP Camera upgrade (Pearl was 2.0)
- Better OS and better Blackberry Browser

It may sound silly but my biggest beef is the stupid Micro-USB. Anyone know why RIM is going with this on all new devices? Is it saving that much space on the BB? Is it the future of devices? What gives?

Any feedback would be appreciated. Do you regret your switch? Do you love it? Have you gone back to the Pearl?


e1000 04-08-2009 06:36 PM

just get a $2 motorola usb adaptor from amazon, problem solved.

Also, about the free memory, if you delete the extra fluff (videos, wallpapers) that aren't needed, you should have over 150MB free on the 8900.

zimbu1234 04-08-2009 06:53 PM

Are you referring to this? Motorola RAZR2 V8, V9, V9m, Q9h OEM Original Micro USB to Mini USB Adapter - SKN6252 (1 PC): Cell Phones & Service

So just pop it on and off depending on what I am using? On for BB, Off for cameras, USB drives?

e1000 04-08-2009 07:04 PM


Originally Posted by zimbu1234 (Post 1346777)
Are you referring to this? Motorola RAZR2 V8, V9, V9m, Q9h OEM Original Micro USB to Mini USB Adapter - SKN6252 (1 PC): Cell Phones & Service

So just pop it on and off depending on what I am using? On for BB, Off for cameras, USB drives?

yeah exactly. I bought 2 of them and they work great.

zimbu1234 04-08-2009 07:23 PM

I may need like 10 of them. I have like 50 USB cables everywhere - at home, work, computer bag, attached to devices that are stored away, etc.

I guess you can't beat $2.


zimbu1234 04-08-2009 07:24 PM

Anyone else have any more feedback?

oxeneers 04-08-2009 08:17 PM

By 2013, most cell phone manufacturers will have to use Micro-USB on all phones, FYI.

BCollins521 04-08-2009 08:33 PM

I went from a 8120 to a 8900...DEFINITELY worth it! Yes you'll miss the size of the Pearl compared to the 8900 but the 8900 is sleeker so it helps on making it feel smaller.

The OS upgrade is worth it along with all the extra things..micro usb sucks since the mini usb is out but like mentioned before just buy the adapter and your good to go. Trust me you won't miss the Suretype really...

zimbu1234 04-08-2009 09:39 PM


Originally Posted by oxeneers (Post 1346843)
By 2013, most cell phone manufacturers will have to use Micro-USB on all phones, FYI.

Yeah this has been a consideration. Its a long time to wait. I guess I have to face to music.


zimbu1234 04-08-2009 09:41 PM


Originally Posted by BCollins521 (Post 1346866)
I went from a 8120 to a 8900...DEFINITELY worth it! Yes you'll miss the size of the Pearl compared to the 8900 but the 8900 is sleeker so it helps on making it feel smaller.

The OS upgrade is worth it along with all the extra things..micro usb sucks since the mini usb is out but like mentioned before just buy the adapter and your good to go. Trust me you won't miss the Suretype really...

Thanks I was hoping to see a reply like this. Maybe I will try it out.

Anyone other opinions?

BCollins521 04-08-2009 10:22 PM

If you need any certain comparison lemme know and I'll tell you what my take on the transition from 8120 to 8900 is

zimbu1234 04-08-2009 11:08 PM

Thanks. I don't really need any specific comparisons, I know the specs on both. While I realize that everyone has a different opinion, I am just curious is more people are totlly sissified with the transition or wish they hadn't. Kind of like all the people who bought a Storm and then quickly went back to whatever device they were using before.

ryldup 04-08-2009 11:51 PM

If you really liked your 8120, then you'll miss the suretype over the full keyboard. I still typed faster on the suretype than I do with the 8900. And I've had just about every BB out there, from my work bb's to my personal bb's. I miss the suretype.
But the rest of the package on the 8900 more then makes up for it. I had a Storm and would have kept it were it not for the bugginess. Same thing with its keyboard, just takes getting used to again. The screen is so much better. And the increase in processor from the 8120 to this is worth it. You will really like the 8900. Had mine for a couple months now. Really like it.
You'll get over the micro-usb issue much easier than the keyboard issue.
No regrets switching. Far better BB with the 8900.

walds11 04-09-2009 05:30 AM

I am going through the same thing, but I am on AT&T and waiting for AT&T to release the 8900 or similar device. The more I handle an 8900 in a T-Mobile store, the more I like it. It is going to be tough to for me to lose the smaller size and SureType, but I think it will be well worth it.

ssj2 04-09-2009 07:23 AM

On Sunday, I just made the switch from an 8120 to an 8900. I was really kind of on the edge about switching from the SureType, however, for the advantages you gain with the processor, screen, integrated GPS, etc; it's a really good move in my opinion. The 8900 takes getting used to for typing going from a Pearl, but the device is so very nice in everything it does. I say it's a great move, especially if you want more flash memory on the device. (y)

ejmccartin 04-09-2009 09:45 AM

I went from an 8100 to the 8320 about six months ago and recently upgraded to an 8900. I was amazed how much I loved that 8320, thinking I would miss the suretype and the form factor. the transition was so easy. the 8900 may not be, form wise, wholly different from the 8320 but it does feel like a huge upgrade.

another vote for goaheadalreadywhatyouwaitingfor! =)

DuckWingDuck 04-09-2009 11:28 AM

man, no disrespect to those that like suretype but I can't stand that stuff!! Definitely go for the 8900 :-D

NorthAurora 04-09-2009 12:46 PM

I went from Pearl 8100 to 8900, and I love it! Looking back at the Pearl I wonder how I ever managed to live without the 8900...

TheBigNewt 04-09-2009 03:41 PM

I went 8100 (2+ years) to 8900. I'll be honest: I loved suretype and I could type faster on it than my 8900 and make fewer mistakes mainly because the keys are bigger. But it's not a dealbreaker and the 8900 screen rocks. It makes using the browser actually useful, I thought the Pearl screen was almost worthless for web browsing so I mostly used it for txt and phone. This camera rocks too (8100 camera was weak, worse than a Razr). I never had memory problems but I have 115k most of the time now. It's a better unit. But I bet you type slower on the 8900.

zimbu1234 04-09-2009 05:33 PM

Wirelessly posted

Seems like a no brainer. No one has said not to do it. I. Thanks for the feedback everyone. I will report back ins a week.

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