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mastdog 07-24-2009 10:58 PM

Blackberry Curve vs the Samsung Jack
Ok, I am currently with Sprint and think I am going to jump ship and move to ATT. The issue is that their BB's are quite pricey for me ( I Have to purchase 4 phones that I am bringing over, so I have to think big picture, not just about me) and I was looking at the Jack.

Not sure if anyone has compared these, but I was hoping to get some insight here. I will miss this site and the world of BB but this phone looks good for the price and the features, and since the BB with wifi is almost double the price, I think I have no choice.

Thought on these two phones types?

Horizon Wireless 07-24-2009 11:00 PM

Wirelessly posted (BlackBerry 11000 Colosol)

The jack has windows on it. It freezes, it crashes, and its just a sluggish machine. That's my opinion.

numetheus 07-25-2009 01:14 AM

Wirelessly posted

I can't believe you are seriously considering a device with Windows Mobile as a competing device. WM has been surpassed in the market by all newcomers INCLUDING the new Android phones. Why? Because Windows Mobile is an ugly aging beast that everyone tries to cover up. All of the major manufacturers think it is so ugly they do everything to hide the crappy underpinnings. This is no contest. Get the BB.

ezrunner 07-25-2009 08:17 AM

Wirelessly posted (overwhelmingly stressed)

I had a blackjack. Do yourself a favor go with BB. Shop around there are some ATT deals out there

mastdog 07-26-2009 05:16 PM

Can anyone provide?
An actual head to head comparison?

Just saying it stinks does not help me, actually the windows os on non touch screen phones has good reviews, and the fact that BB does not have ANY application that supports imap4 is killing me with my Army Client.


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