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jzerden 02-20-2005 02:52 PM

A problem occurred while trying to render the page.
Has anyone seen this error when trying to download a webpage? “A problem occurred while trying to render the page.” This has been happening sporadically for me since upgrading to 4.0 on my T-Mobile 7230.


jzerden 02-20-2005 05:39 PM

After testing further it seems like this occurs only after using verichat. Any thoughts?

Posted wirelessly from a BlackBerry using

wplynchjr 02-20-2005 10:28 PM

Hi Jon,

I'm having the EXACT same problem and it's frustrating. It's not just VeriChat - it happens with WebMessenger too.Hopefully someone has a fix for us.

In the meantime, I've had to turn VeriChat off (or Webmessenger) open the back, remove and replace the battery to reboot just to use the WAP browser.

Hopefully, it's just some setting that we need to fix that we are unaware of. Keeping fingers crossed!


Mark Rejhon 02-20-2005 10:45 PM

This needs to be reported to support[at]
(Please report this problem nicely though. They are hard at work on a new single-socket version)

Since this problem affects WebMessenger too, this might even be a BlackBerryOS bug. What versions of BlackBerryOS are you using?

wplynchjr 02-20-2005 11:10 PM

Thanks for the superquick reply Mark!

I am using OS 4 from T-Mobile, but this also occurred when I was using the AT&T OS 4.


jzerden 02-21-2005 08:47 AM

Me too - 4.0 on Tmobile.

I will report the bug to PDApps later today - to see if they have any suggestions.


jzerden 02-21-2005 04:46 PM

I reported today - and here is their response:
This appears to be a problem with the WAP gateway of T-Mobile. This gateway
does not appear to work well with multiple network enabled applications. We
are looking into workarounds.


wplynchjr 02-21-2005 04:54 PM

Ughh!!! Well, guess I'm going back to my SideKick. Never had so many issues with this blackberry. Bleck!

Bear 03-18-2005 08:56 AM

I've found that this happens to me when BBToday is trying to update the weather. After it's done, no worries.

But yes, you need to be logged out of VeriChat to use the browser. (At least this seems true for me and my 7230)

jacobsaa 03-19-2005 10:56 AM

Me too
I got this same problem yesterday. I kept on running into the error about 5 seconds after typing in the address or clicking a link. I was using verichat at near the same time. I noticed that it lasted about 5-7 minutes (after exiting verihat) then it worked again. The bar at the bottom of the page will move very slightly and then the ever hated hour glass appears.

Also, later in the night, my verichat wouldnt sign on for a little while. Anyone else experience that?

jacobsaa 03-19-2005 12:23 PM

Ok, I logged out of verichat and BBtoday and am stilll experiencing the error - major aggrivation here. Dont know what to do. I love verichat and bbtoday but is it worth the trouble?

jibi 03-19-2005 03:15 PM

would one of you take a chance on reporting the issue to t-mobile? i think that'd be the best place to go. also, has anyone with the TMO/Oz IM client on a 7100t tried this? they may not be so helpful if you are reporting a 3rd party application issue and the WAP browser, but if its their own supported IM solution, then you may have a bug fix coming up sooner or later.


lavinia 04-05-2005 11:12 PM

i just ran into this problem today. i'm using the 7250 on Bell with OS4.0 and i am only getting this message with the WAP version of this site, using both browsers. other sites seem to be okay so far, plus i was able to view this forum without problems before. I don't have Verichat or WebMessenger installed [no tcp/ip :( :(!!!]... am i missing something or did i mess up something??

lavinia 04-06-2005 09:41 PM

Wirelessly posted (BlackBerry7250/4.0.0 Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.1)

Just figured out what my problem was. My bookmark was pointing to I guess that may have been an old link. I manually entered the url and it popped up without any problems. I guess the T-Mobile problem would be unrelated to this?? Anyhoo, this wap forum is neat :D

djseto 04-11-2005 12:08 PM

I have this problem when I try to access the "Download Fun" link from T-Mobile. I am not using Verichat or any similar clients...any solutions?

djseto 04-13-2005 01:54 PM

anyone? Bueller?

mdudas 04-22-2005 07:32 PM

Did you all find a solution to this. I have a 7100t/TMobile and get the same message when I try to use my WAP browser for any site AND with TrafficEDge which I just downloaded and won't work because I get the message "Operation could not be performed. Please try again later." This also uses WAP.

vinniet 05-24-2005 11:08 AM

I am having the same problem while using Rambler IM and the browser. No one in the problem in the Rambler thread.

I have 7230 on TMO so it must be something with TMO. Usually if I close the other inernet app, I can use the other one. Once and while I have to turn off the network and back on. I never have to reboot or remove the battery.

Let me know if anyone comes up with something.

jbaime 07-07-2005 01:32 AM

Last month, I purchased a 7230 with T-mobile service. I was getting this error constantly (whether verichat was running or not) and when TMO tech support couldn't help, I decided to return the 7230 and cancel my contract before 14 days were up.

I just ordered a 7250 for $199 with an Earthlink data plan from Karbon Systems. I'm hoping to avoid similar trouble with the 7250.

lacres 07-25-2005 12:34 PM

Hi everyone, same problem for me too.. T-Mobile, BB 7230, "full Internet access" ($20/month), NO additional s/w (Verichat etc.) installed.

The error ("A problem occurred...") did go away when I took out and reinserted the battery, waited for reboot and tried loading web pages..

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