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The Guvnor 05-26-2007 08:24 AM

The Iphone is coming.....(very shortly)
Would appear that the release date is set for 21st June in the U.S. And alas I am out there for it. WhoooHoooo 8-) (y)

BUT....I will probably be keeping my Blackberry for my personal mobile number and get an Iphone for my work one. And just to annoy my British mates who will struggle to get one!

Rumour has it that they will be shipping more than the demand is set for and stores will be brimming at the sides...

Would you consider ditching your Blackberry for one?

Are you planning to get one?

Discuss! :)

jtdarden 05-26-2007 09:25 AM

Wirelessly posted (8703e Sprint: BlackBerry8703e/4.1.0 Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.1 VendorID/104)

The iPhone is an expensive toy with major limitations.

ezrunner 05-26-2007 12:38 PM

Apple will have an announcement June 13th at last word! The have guaranteed AT&T that there will be no shortage of supply

No Longer Registered. 05-26-2007 12:48 PM

As I have said somewhere "not into non-electronics toys", though this is an "electronic toy", I will pass. I already picture myself cleaning this gadget every 10 minutes because of finger prints. AARRRRRGGGHHHH, I hate mobilephones that are dirty... and I see that this will be the biggest issue besides its limitations.

flash24 05-26-2007 01:16 PM

Too many people are completely brainwashed by apple, it's just sad :(

No Longer Registered. 05-26-2007 01:48 PM

Apple is great. I just don't think they are cut out for the mobilephone market... at least not just yet. I think if you would want to enter this already very saturated market of smartphones, you can't expect people to plunge in and risk spending that much amount of money on an item just entering this category for this amount of price. Especially if you have no history in your sleeve. I believe that the first buyers of this iPhone are the die hard "brand" conscious consumers. People who just buy it for the sake of its brand and not its function.

Indiglo5997 05-26-2007 01:50 PM

Well I’ll be the first to admit that apple is a pioneer when it comes to them being the first at things and making great products, but as far as the iPhone is concerned I would have to say to me it just comes off as a phone that someone would buy for the "WOW" factor. So when they are talking to there friends or walking down the street and people see the phone they go "WOW" an iPhone sweet and then the screen flips and changes and so on and so forth and like said before, I think this all stems from the how people, not really, I don’t think being brain washed more then them thinking from what they have seen at the Mac expo and on the net and TV and the hype. As far as I’m concerned I have an iPod and I listen to it when I plug it into my deck of my vehicle, I don’t listen threw ear bud etc. so I don’t see what going out and spending $600 and signing up for 2 year contract without a compensation to walk around with an iPod you can talk on and not be as good at communication as a blackberry because last I checked a phone was for communication right???

Revolver 05-26-2007 02:38 PM

I'll pass on the first generation, and probably subsequent generations until iPhone becomes synonymous with competitive quality instead of getting caught up in the the initial wave of excitement from early adopters who would pick up an Apple rotary phone if it was offered.

jtdarden 05-26-2007 03:17 PM

Wirelessly posted (8703e Sprint: BlackBerry8703e/4.1.0 Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.1 VendorID/104)

I agree with Indiglo5997 and Revolver.

Seeing someone with and iPhone to me is going to be like seeing one of those idiots we have all seen walking around (in the grocery store or at the mall) with a damn Bluetooth headset in their ear....not even on a call like it is a socially acceptable piece of jewelry.

Brace yourselves for more (not less) of these morons walking around.

juwaack68 05-26-2007 03:24 PM

I will gladly pass on this piece of <insert negative adjective here> equipment. It looks like a high end Fisher Price toy. I don't care what it can or cannot DO, it's butt ugly.

I'll stick with my BB, thank you very much.

Pearly White 05-28-2007 07:01 AM

As much as I love most apple produce, releasing a non-3G capable phone onto the market at a time when 3.5-4G is a strong possibility by the end of this year (N95 already is 3.5G) is just silly. I guarantee that the 1st Gen iPhones will not last long enough until Apple realise that the only advancement in the phone world has to be through 3G+, putting an Mp3 player on the phone is nothing new, 8Gb of memory is nothing new, people have already beaten them to "the worlds first fully touchscreen phone".

The only real Tech Enhancement is the Multi-touch, but it should have been released on 6/7th Gen iPods, not iPhone.

I also hope to god Motorola havn't got a hand in the manufacture otherwise I smell lots of problems.

Having said that, I might buy one just to try/profit on eBay.........

Pearly White 05-28-2007 07:04 AM


Originally Posted by chinesecatt (Post 547364)
Apple is great. I just don't think they are cut out for the mobilephone market... at least not just yet. I think if you would want to enter this already very saturated market of smartphones, you can't expect people to plunge in and risk spending that much amount of money on an item just entering this category for this amount of price. Especially if you have no history in your sleeve. I believe that the first buyers of this iPhone are the die hard "brand" conscious consumers. People who just buy it for the sake of its brand and not its function.

And I agree with you 100%. I am a die hard Apple consumer, and I might buy it. But only for the sake of saying I had one, not the practicality or function of the actual product. And I aint spending too much on it either.

jtdarden 05-28-2007 12:30 PM

Wirelessly posted (8703e Sprint: BlackBerry8703e/4.1.0 Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.1 VendorID/104)

No OTA music. Enough said. This is a 2G device in a 4G world.

sangkyu324 05-28-2007 02:32 PM

i watched the steve jobs keynote address on the iphone and was not impressed. the touch-screen qwerty keyboard seems slow (notice how jobs uses his pointer finger to input letters) and while the internet browser brings up the entire page, it's impossible to read anything (hence, needing the "zoom" function over and over again).

plus, the whole "greasy pizza fingers", oily skin, touching, rubbing all over the screen doesn't seem great for the screen itself.

the piggybank will be saving money for a BB.

Revolver 05-28-2007 03:08 PM

As for the screen being damaged, I imagine you could put a screen protector over it such as the one I have on my touchscreen GPS system.

I'm going to let my friends be the space monkeys on this one.

test54 05-28-2007 08:09 PM

some very biased opinions here as expected but im both a bb fan and apple fan as well and i will also not be buying it but mainly to see what the flaws are with v1.

- as for the no 3G, yes its a bad choice but i honestly dont browse enough to make it that big of a problem - especially with wifi.
- greasy fingers, well if you wash them you can help with that, and my 8800 gets greasy from pressing on my face but its not a big deal to wipe off, i dont think the iphone will be any bigger of a problem to wipe off.

as for looks, well thats just personal preference, i like the looks and i think the repsonse shows most people do like the looks.
mainly im waiting to see the how the email works and what other toys apple will put in it as they have told board members that they will be adding software free of charge over its early life.
And im happy with my 8800 but its not perfect, email is still a great thing but everything else is good not great.

ndub33 06-07-2007 07:24 PM

No immediate plans to purchase an iPhone. would rather send my kid to college.

Dawg 06-07-2007 07:34 PM


Originally Posted by juwaack68 (Post 547424)
I will gladly pass on this piece of <insert negative adjective here> equipment. It looks like a high end Fisher Price toy. I don't care what it can or cannot DO, it's butt ugly.

I'll stick with my BB, thank you very much.

im glad I am not the only one who thought this.

gadgetfanatic 06-08-2007 09:32 AM


Originally Posted by flash24 (Post 547331)
Too many people are completely brainwashed by apple, it's just sad :(

If that's not the pot calling the kettle black I don't know what is!!

Dawg 06-08-2007 10:09 AM


Originally Posted by gadgetfanatic (Post 561811)
If that's not the pot calling the kettle black I don't know what is!!

No I think its a true statement I dont think RIM is the best phone and I use that term lightly because we know its not just a phone. I am quite sure there are betterphones out there.

But its hard to knock a stable system,with a tried and true reputation for quality. We all including you know that the blackberry is a stable business tool.

People will by the Iphone just because its apple. Just like they bought ipods and apple tv.

They have never been in the telecommunications business. They are a computer company for gods sake. Now they want to break into the business, they are untested unproven and yet people every where are raving about them.

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