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aviraled2002 08-15-2008 09:52 PM

problems with sprint 8830
lately I have been having some annoying issues with my phone. At times when I try to make a call, I dial the number, then all it says is "connecting" but it never says connected and the call does not go through. So I take the battery off and wait for the stupid thing to reboot. I can make calls after the reboot. It also does not get my emails, even though it has the "1XEV" all in caps which means that I am getting data connection, so.. I take the battery off and wait for the stupid thing to reboot again...This is so frustrating!!! Has anyone had this problem? any suggestions? Thanks guys...needed to vent. I love blackberry and all, but sometimes it gets to me..sometimes I want a regular phone.

juwaack68 08-15-2008 09:53 PM

What OS do you have on your device?

Also, does it happen in or near the same place, or all over?

aviraled2002 08-15-2008 09:57 PM

I have version got it from the "about" screen. It pretty much happens anywhere, it was every now and then a while back, but now it is more frequent, it gets to the point that I want to throw it against a wall or something....thanks for the response!!

djm2 08-15-2008 10:09 PM

Wirelessly posted

How much free memory do you have? Options>Status

djm2 08-15-2008 10:09 PM

Wirelessly posted

Duplicate post.

aviraled2002 08-15-2008 10:13 PM

16315369 file free
47841280 file total

harryzuluberries 08-15-2008 10:21 PM

Take it to a Sprint Corporate store and do a swap. Or, call Sprint/Nextel Executive services and start a trouble ticket and get them to exchange it for a new model. Or, finally, you could wait for 4.5 and maybe that will solve some of your issues.

aviraled2002 08-15-2008 10:24 PM

I don't think sprint would replace it because I did not get the insurance for it. Plus, lets not talk about sprint customer service.....lets just put it this way...I want to be able to understand what they are telling me. Every time I call sprint, its like I call India or something, and I cannot for the life of me, understand what they are saying to me. Sprint customer service sucks.

djm2 08-15-2008 10:54 PM

I've had better luck with their CS, but I have a business account. That may help.

Maybe consider upgrading to the newest OS that is still in the 4.2 class. It is posted in this forum. That helped me with a number of things, although more in the data connection area than voice. Also, do you have this problem when you are connected to a BT headset AND you're around other BT devices (like ones connected to your computer??).

aviraled2002 08-16-2008 12:13 AM

no, I don't like blue tooth so my phone always has it off. In fact, I have never paired it with anything. thanks for the replies guys, I really do appreciate them.

Iare Tosevite 08-16-2008 01:05 AM

Hmm if I recall correctly, 123 was expecially problemic for sprint connection. I now use 196 and it works perfectly so far. Maybe BB OS upgrade is in order.

aviraled2002 08-16-2008 01:45 AM

I have done the upgrade, just right now I will see how that goes. I now have 196.

Iare Tosevite 08-16-2008 01:57 AM

I'm sure you will be happy with 196, since I am. :)

Of course unless this is by off chance a hardware problem...

aviraled2002 08-16-2008 01:59 AM

I hope so..I hope that takes care of my problems.....Thanks!!

Iare Tosevite 08-16-2008 02:30 AM

No problem. :)

djm2 08-16-2008 12:18 PM


Originally Posted by aviraled2002 (Post 1062038)
I hope so..I hope that takes care of my problems.....Thanks!!

Good luck -- let us know how it turns out.

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