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vinniet 02-18-2005 12:32 PM

Themes on 72xx device
I see lots of people talking about themes on 7100 devices but I have a 7230. I have tried those themes and ran into problems. I am using the default one that came with OS 4.

Does anyone have any themes for the 7230 that they like? Where did you obtain them? Any web sites dedicated to themes where you can look at them first?



bfrye 02-18-2005 12:46 PM

This has been hashed out over and over again. Please use the search feature. Themes can be used on the 72xx devices just as easily as the 7100. There is even a download link for installing themes on devices.

vinniet 02-18-2005 12:53 PM

Yes I know I would get backlash for asking the question. BUT I did search and ask you to do the same and see what you get.

Again I downloaded the from the charm section. I try to install one of the ones that end in 240x260.cod .... it get a error saying it can not find resource or something like that.

I would think there is a problem because of the screen size difference.

SO I thought I would ask the public for what they have tried.

vinniet 02-18-2005 01:08 PM

I notice that I am running v4.0.0.171 of the handheld software. I see other people talk 220 and RIM has 224. That could be theme problems I was having.

I loaded OS4 from the carrier in China. It was the day it came out. I could try AT&T or RIM. Is one better then the other?

bfrye 02-18-2005 01:21 PM

That is an older version. Newest app version is

vinniet 02-18-2005 01:35 PM

Ok this could be the root of my problem. I see that AT&T has 185 level and Vodafone has the 188 level.

Any thoughts of going with the newest? Or go with the tried and true AT&T version?

bfrye 02-18-2005 01:36 PM

They're probably both the same app version. Each carrier will sometimes brand them different.

.185 is the newest released app version for GPRS devices.

jibi 02-18-2005 04:55 PM

Actually, from what I've seen, 7100 themes will not be compatible with the 72xx model handsets.

vinniet 02-19-2005 12:20 AM

OK I am now at level 185. I tried to put the theme on again and I get the following error when I try to activate it:

Uncaught exception: Unable to find parent

Has anyone who has a 7230 can confirm that they have a different theme then the default one.


Mark Rejhon 02-19-2005 02:31 PM

There are a lot of 7100 themes available but it seems that not many people have made the non-7100 themes available for the regular BlackBerry.

Maybe it's time to finally create a dedicated thread for non-7100 themes ;) .... Because when I try the search feature, I can see the big problems finding themes for 7230. (Test the search yourself, you'll see what I mean!)

NJBlackBerry 02-19-2005 02:32 PM

Great. Another theme topic.

Mark Rejhon 02-19-2005 02:35 PM

Yes, but an OFFICIAL non-7100 theme topic, that serves the following purposes:
(1) Consolidate everything into one thread;
(2) Provide download links to non-7100 themes;
(3) Provides links to other popular threads;
(4) Provide a clear warning about installing 7100 themes on non-7100's

This would be only ONE official non-7100 theme thread ;) Remember, the fact that threads exist, is not a reason to avoid posting a new-and-improved thread :D

Complaints about reposts, is an indication of too much confusion (trust me; I tried the search myself), and thus a new-and-improved-and-clearer "official" thread must be created. Just because Microsoft exists, is not a reason to avoid improving on Microsoft. ;) Innovation drives things....superior threads replaces inferior threads.

Anyone willing to volunteer copying the non-7100 O2, Vodafone, T-Mobile, etc themes and creating a single user-friendly zip file like the one found for the 7100 series?

Clearly, many of you know how I recognize opportunities (creating a FAQ upon demand :) ). My limiting factor is inability to access the non-7100 themes, as I only own a 7280 and don't have time to keep installing various different versions of BlackBerryOS (takes hours to do!) just to extract the individual themes.

jibi 02-19-2005 04:57 PM

only vodafone offers a different theme for the 72xx handsets.

if you want to get other themes, or to atleast check to see if someone offers a non-default theme, download their package and install it to your machine (you can uninstall afterwards). go to c:\program files\common files\research in motion\shared\loader files\<installation package>\java and search for the theme files.

and mark, please change the color of your signature. thats a god-awful shade of hot pink.

Mark Rejhon 02-19-2005 05:19 PM

That's a homage to T-Mobile. Check them out ;-)

Okay, I'll change it to a pretty plain red. In a little while later.

Mark Rejhon 02-19-2005 07:33 PM

I heard that there is some custom O2 theme -- or is that only for the 7100 series?

NJBlackBerry 02-19-2005 09:52 PM

I know that there is an awful red theme from Vodafone for the 7200 series, and the O2 theme for the 7100 is awesome.

vinniet 02-25-2005 09:39 AM


Originally Posted by jibi
only vodafone offers a different theme for the 72xx handsets.

if you want to get other themes, or to atleast check to see if someone offers a non-default theme, download their package and install it to your machine (you can uninstall afterwards). go to c:\program files\common files\research in motion\shared\loader files\<installation package>\java and search for the theme files.

and mark, please change the color of your signature. thats a god-awful shade of hot pink.

OK I tried to extract the Vodafone 72xx package and found the theme cod and alx. When I try to install Vodafone.alx which points to the theme cod, it says "No additional applications designed for you handheld was found". I got this before when it could not find the cod so I moved them with the alx. I also looked at the alx and it looks simple.

Anyone try this or have any insight.


bfrye 02-25-2005 09:53 AM

use javaloader to manually install the theme to your blackberry

massang 02-25-2005 10:47 AM


Were you able to install the vodafone theme to a 72xx and does it work?

vinniet 02-25-2005 10:48 AM

OK thanks .. I have it on and like someone said it UGLY. I had to load both net_rim_theme_vodafone.cod & net_rim_theme_vodafone_240x260.cod files. I tried the later first and it said it could not find parent. That is the same error that I got when I tried loading the 7100 themes. Interesting ....

Anyway I could not find OS4 for O2 to take there theme so it would seem this is the only other theme.

Now how do I get this thing off?? I can not delete the module.

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