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Joniesan 04-14-2011 08:44 PM

pearl 8220 os and bbm help
Hey guys,
am looking to get a BB Pearl flip 8220 but being new to bb, could u guys help clear some stuff up for me?

1. Can the OS of the pearl 8220 (4.5 I think) be updated to a later version? If yes, to which?

2. Will it support the latest BBM ? How does it fare over EDGE network? Does it perform ok with the pearl's minimal specs?

Your help is much appreciated. Thanks in advance, guys :)
Posted via Mobile

Dubdub 04-14-2011 09:01 PM

Re: pearl 8220 os and bbm help
1. See the sticky at the top of the 8200 section for the latest OS - 4.6.

Joniesan 04-14-2011 10:23 PM

Re: pearl 8220 os and bbm help
Thanks dubdub :)
Posted via Mobile

Joniesan 04-16-2011 12:33 PM

Re: pearl 8220 os and bbm help
2. Will it support the latest BBM ? How does it fare over EDGE network? Does it perform ok with the pearl's minimal specs?

Cheers Guys

jaszman 04-16-2011 03:29 PM

Re: pearl 8220 os and bbm help
1) Yes, the 8220 has BBM pre loaded on it when you get it. I have updated to the latest version, the phone supports OTA updates and it's easy to do.

2) It's slow compared to the latest 6.0 software, but for my use it is fast enough. (I'm not really big on surfing the web)

3) The original ver is a little slow, but the latest beta is an improvement, and has been reported by allot of 8220 users to be rock solid, with very few problems, which is great for a beta software.

The good thing about the 8220 running on 2G EDGE is the data usage is very low, I receive 10 to 20 emails a day, use BBM, surf the web about 3 to 5 times a day for weather app, sports scores, or just bored after lunch, and I never go over 10 to 15 mbs of data a month. (very cheep, and the wi-fi is a real cost saver)

One of the known issues with the 8220 is the bluetooth, if you drop it or knock it around too much your bluetooth will go out and cannot be restored except by a method called "The Tombstone Method" (very chancy & will more than likely cook your phone) It is a flow solder problem with the main board and if you were lucky like me you have computer tech friends with flow solder machines who can fix it allot more safely.

The phone is great with music (good speakers, good app), can support up to a 32 GB micro SD card because of the later than 4.6 software like allot of the latter phones, and you don't have to worry about it in your pocket, because it's a flip phone.

I've never had a problem streaming video (not even a tick while watching), or allot of other things that I've heard some people complaining about, but then again, I'm not a watcher of music videos or the like.

For a phone that is almost 3 years old and won't be receiving any updates past the 4.6 software, I think it's pretty good, but if your a big user of the internet it's not the phone for you.

Joniesan 04-17-2011 03:09 AM

Re: pearl 8220 os and bbm help
Thanks jaszman ! That clears so much up :) Thanks for taking the time and effort - Very much appreciated !


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