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adorkable 02-26-2008 02:41 AM

Does your Curve reboot itself during calls?
I have been reading these forums frequently since I got my 8320 at the end of December, mostly for this issue. I have since tried just about every suggested fix for the problem with no luck at all.

After getting a new SIM card a couple days ago, the only other options left were getting a new battery and exchanging the phone. In many of the threads I had read, several people claimed to still have the reboot problem even after exchanging their phones more than once! For that reason, I decided to exhaust all possible options before exchanging mine.

Today I completely wiped my device and made two phone calls to a friend without importing SIM contacts, setting up email or wi-fi. The phone was a blank slate, yet still both calls were cut short within five minutes due to my phone rebooting. That's when I went ahead and called T-Mobile for an exchange.

So, I am curious how many people have had this problem, and if so, how they have fixed it if they've had any luck. I'm going to wait until after I get my new phone to answer the poll.

Thanks a bunch!

(What all I have tried: upgraded OS, optimized for memory, flashed router with DD-WRT, new SIM card, & wiped the device)

Sith_Apprentice 02-26-2008 03:16 AM

I've not had mine reboot. If yours is rebooting and you went through the steps you listed in the poll just get it replaced. If the replacement doesn't work get that replaced, until you get one that works

cjcarbone 02-26-2008 03:23 AM

Yea, my ATT Curve doesnt reset itself, ever.
Isn't that something a Treo does? LOL

JaguarXJ7 02-26-2008 08:17 AM

Crap! My mouse jumped just as I clicked; my vote should have been Never.

This was (one of) the primary reasons for NOT continuing with Treo's.

ndub33 02-26-2008 08:50 AM

I've never had this issue with my Curve.

ajm 02-26-2008 10:52 AM

The Curve has proven to be rock solid with zero maintenance.

Mine has never rebooted.

GT5L 02-26-2008 10:54 AM

thats a Palm OS thing isn't it. If the BB resets itself, check for extremely low memory, check the log (Alt LGLG) for errors, and get a replacement if there is nothing apparently wrong other than the rebooting

KoJak 02-26-2008 11:13 AM


You are not alone, I too had this happen 6 times total with a new 8320 using t-mobile, I had that phone for 7 days total. I also went through all the steps you have went through, to no avail. I returned it and they sent me a new phone that arrived today and is currently charging. I am hoping that the problem will not happen with this new phone as well. Once it is charged and I have some use with it, I will report back.

On a side note, my wife has the same phone and has not yet had a problem.

greggebhardt 02-26-2008 11:50 AM

Looking at the poll, this is an isolated incident and you need to replace your device. If my phone EVER rebooted during a call, it would be replace no matter what.

YoYoSlap 02-26-2008 12:46 PM

Ive had that happen to me on some of my curves. It usually happened when i was on long phone calls.maybe OS 4.5 will correct this when it comes out.

TeritaM 02-26-2008 01:44 PM

I had this issue (among other things) and a software upgrade solved all my problems. They offered to replace it (sent a phone and all) but it was working so well I just sent it back. if you're still having trouble you should definitely get a new one.

adorkable 02-26-2008 02:30 PM


Originally Posted by Sith_Apprentice (Post 850298)
Wirelessly posted (BlackBerry8310/ Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.1 VendorID/107)

I've not had mine reboot. If yours is rebooting and you went through the steps you listed in the poll just get it replaced. If the replacement doesn't work get that replaced, until you get one that works

Yup, that's the plan. I ordered my new one a few hours before posting this yesterday.

It's nice to see most people have never had the problem before. :)

adorkable 02-26-2008 02:40 PM


Originally Posted by greggebhardt (Post 850665)
Looking at the poll, this is an isolated incident and you need to replace your device. If my phone EVER rebooted during a call, it would be replace no matter what.

Yeah, I have realized I am far more patient than most. My phone started doing the reboot thing from the very first call I made about two months ago. I came here looking for a possible fix, and after reading that many people had exchanged their phones and still had the problem, I decided it might be easier to try some of the other suggestions first.

Upgrading the OS and optimizing for memory seemed to fix the problem at first. Before doing that, it was impossible for me to talk on my Curve for more than 6 minutes. Afterward, it went a week before doing the rebooting thing, but when it did reboot, it was well into the call, usually closer to 30 or 40 mins. Then it just started doing it at completely random times.

When my new Curve comes in a couple days, I will not be practicing such patience. If it reboots even a single time, it's going back. ;-)

Josh615 02-27-2008 08:55 PM

So i've had this problem, but like I said in my thread, I didnt have the sim card or sd card locked because I didnt want to force and break the lock. With some help from JC, I got both cards locked down, and hopefully that will fix the problem.

Question for the BB geniuses in here. I did the Alt LGLG thing for giggles and it says on the very top, "Event Log (Warning)". What does that mean? Is there a problem?

Josh615 02-27-2008 08:59 PM

So I started going through the event log list and there was some bolded items on the list and they said they were in error. It was the "net.rim.tunnel" item also the "E net.rim.tunnel". Uhhhh, what is this?

mak618 02-27-2008 10:00 PM

Mine has never done that, however it has rebooted randomly before but that happens very rarely. I would suggest try to upgrade to the latest release. If that does not work then you definitely need to replace yours.. and do it quick while you have plenty of time on your warranty just in case you need to replace the next one as well

Good luck .

mak618 02-27-2008 10:01 PM

Does anyone the shortcut for checking memory on the curve ? How do you knw how much memory is left something similar to top ?

Soapm 02-27-2008 10:24 PM


Originally Posted by JaguarXJ7 (Post 850412)
Crap! My mouse jumped just as I clicked; my vote should have been Never.

This was (one of) the primary reasons for NOT continuing with Treo's.

I was wondering who picked other...

adorkable 02-27-2008 11:50 PM

I got my new Curve today which was very quick considering I ordered it on Monday! So far my only calls have been under five minutes, so I am hoping when I actually have a long conversation, everything will be fine.

Considering the poll results along with my own experience, my advice to anyone else experiencing this problem would be to upgrade the OS, and if that doesn't solve the problem, exchange the phone. I wish I hadn't bothered with all those other suggestions.

A little side note...the keys on my new Curve glow kinda blue. The old one had more of a yellow glow. Perhaps maybe the titanium and gold Curves have different keys and my old titanium accidentally had the gold ones? *shrug*

adorkable 02-27-2008 11:54 PM


Originally Posted by mak618 (Post 852817)
Does anyone the shortcut for checking memory on the curve ? How do you knw how much memory is left something similar to top ?

Options => Status

You'll see a few things listed including "file free" and "file total."

If you press the menu key and select "database sizes," you can see exactly what is using up your memory. You can empty those databases through the backup/restore function in the desktop manager if you select the advanced option.

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