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ujbandara 08-18-2006 06:38 AM

Best way to transfer/send data from device to server side ?
Say, I have collected some data to the device. As example I have “Saman” as customer name and “25” as his age. These data are captured via device.

Now I want send these things to our server…..
(Now I send these data as parameters of a URL.)

Instead of URL parameter passing what are the other possible ways?
How can I send data to server (blackberry server or any other server)?

ujbandara 08-18-2006 06:51 AM

What I need to do is save those Name and Age in Server Side SQL Database.

Data are capture via BB Device and when it save those data should go to server side databse.

simon.hain 08-18-2006 07:48 AM

we solved this by developing a server application (with standard java/eclipse) that runs on a certain port and listens for commands with parameters.

the BB app opens a socket connection on this specific port and sends the commands.

these commands are translated into SQL statements and executed via jdbc on a sql database, the result set is translated into a string array and sent back.

ujbandara 08-18-2006 08:09 AM

Oh.. Thanks Simon

Few more questions....

Do we have to store data temporally in BB Device?

What are good tutorials which you are prefer to follow?

What do you think that passing data as parameters on a URL?

Can we do it using Netbeans ?
Are these application are complex?

donricouga 08-18-2006 09:56 AM

How bout writing a simple webservice and using some SOAP API like kSOAP to send that data to the backend.

ujbandara 08-18-2006 10:45 PM

webservice ...Ya, I also thinks about it.
But is it possible in BB with Netbeans...

simon.hain 08-21-2006 04:09 AM

imo KSOAP is too much overhead. But go ahead if you like it :)

We have certain apps that offer an offline functionality by using persistant storage if no coverage is available, most don't because it is not really easy to implement.

good tutorials, hmm.
regarding a server application there are good examples about JDBC which can be downloaded together with the driver. the socket connection itself should be trivial.

i used the parameter-thing by URL myself. it works for small data but creates a lot of overhead and is quite slow.
if you want to work with SQL and especially want to get results back to your device you have to use a server.

feel free to contact me if you are interested in buying a general sql-bb-connector, i think we have that in stock.

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