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ronald9898 01-27-2010 01:19 PM

Which is better iPhone vs Blackberry Bold vs HTC Hero?
I have had a personal BB Bold for a year (curve before that, HTC windows mobile before that), current work phone is HTC Hero, and I just upgraded my personal Blackberry Bold 9000 for a Iphone.

Here is what I have come up with:

Touch Screen: Iphone. HTC Hero is a little small to get the job done without a lot of mistakes. Iphone keyboard more responsive. Bold is the pefect size for one hand operation with a keyboard. BB Screen is too small for full time use on such things as watching movies.

Messaging: Blackberry Bold. The simplistic way Blackberry handles multiple email accounts and texting is hands down the best (without digging and multiple clicks or touches). The HTC lacks some responsiveness when opening emails. Iphone does open HTML and larger email better than the Blackberry Bold.

Size: HTC Hero is a very convenient size but the size hurts the complete touch screen functionality. Iphone is larger but seems perfect for a touch screen only device. Blackberry Bold screen is smaller than both but having a keyboard seems to make messaging faster but not navigation through multiple screens.

Personality: HTC Hero hands down. The Iphone doesn't even have the ability to "completely change" your theme but really only the look of your themes. Icons will always be present (what if you want a list or columns cause the icons are clunky and space hogs??) No way to make your Iphone customized to the point where you can use a application (example: functioning calendar, or clock, etc.), as a home screen. HTC you can make it as custom as you want. Shortcuts can be list or full web pages. Calendar, clock, weather, etc can be you home screens. Iphone cant even have different themes on different home screens. The Iphone themes and looks are just too generic. NO PERSONALITY! Since the Blackberry is a business centric device, I cant ding Blackberry for not having this functionality.

Applications: Iphone hands down. Once you jailbreak the Iphone, it opened it up to even a greater range of applications. Android has come a long way but many of the Android applications simply do not work as planned. There seems to be more free application on Android than Iphone however, if they dont work, what does it matter. Blackberry has a limited choice in the Blackberry app store.

Service: Anything is better than ATT. The coverage is garbage. Calls drop in the middle (or go silent, data coverage is very spotty, etc.) I have had ATT for 7 years. Sprint for 6 years (work phone). The only reason I havent left ATT is Verizon's limited choice of phones. Their selection is not impressive at all. Sprint seems to have better coverage, faster data, and believe it or not, clearer conversations when talking on the cell phone. Sprint also leaves a lot to be desired in phone selection. Whenever (because they will) these cell phone manufacturers (Blackberry and Apple), stop letting ATT dictate who gets the hottest phones first, ATT is gona go out of business. Cingular was great, however when ATT took over, they started doing exactly what ATT does best, cut services, network support, and quality, in order to pad their bottom line. Its absolutly horrible.

Summary; If you can make a Iphone with the applications and customization, or a Android phone with the stability of Iphone applications, faster processor in phone, higher resolution and more responsive touch screen, you will have the perfect phone. The Blackberry Bold plays its "professional" position perfectly but dont get it if you want a nice toy to play with.

NJBlackBerry 01-27-2010 01:46 PM

Shouldn't this be in the aptly named "BlackBerry Versus" forum?

bofferwacker 01-27-2010 04:57 PM

Various Phones.....
I had a Iphone 2G was planning on getting a Iphone 3G(s) but i instead got the Curve 83xx and i love it so i would go with the Bold if you want to I love my Curve and the Bold is just that much better... The reason i got the Curve instead is because it is slightly smaller and sexier (in my opinion)!!8-)

Dubdub 01-27-2010 06:05 PM

Moved to more appropriate section.

ksnwireless 01-27-2010 07:18 PM

Wirelessly posted

Personal preference with regards to both carrier and phone. I have several BlackBerrys' and a iPhone 3G S, and favor the BB for hardcore communications.

gadgetfanatic 01-29-2010 05:56 PM

What qualifies as "hardcore communications"?

Noodle22 01-29-2010 07:52 PM


Originally Posted by gadgetfanatic (Post 1556663)
What qualifies as "hardcore communications"?

It's when you have to communicate... TO THE MAX!!!

hrbuckley 01-31-2010 07:25 PM

Or while naked. ;-)

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