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Fedupwiththisphone 08-03-2012 10:40 AM

Keyboard Presses different buttons along with the one I pressed.
So I've seen a lot of posts where people complain about stuttering. I however couldn't find anything about what my phone is doing.

When I press half the buttons on my keypad on my 9780, it will press another button along with it.

when I press 'e' i actually get 'oe' the same happens when I press 'o'
the same happens for 'i' and 'd'
'p' and backspace
'l' and 's'
'k' and uppercase (Bottom left)
'm' and 'z'
'x' and '$'

This make typing on my phone utterly impossible. The only thing i can do is type out a whole message the highlight and 'cut' the letters i don't want.

I ordered 2 replacement keypad membranes, replced it with precision, cleaned the contacts, pressed the thing down. And it worked for about an hour, now it will work sometime and not others mostly not working. Thinking I did something wrong, I replaced it again, cleaned it even better, and nothing different.

I've tried googleing this problem to no avail and was really hoping someone here could help me out.


NJBlackBerry 08-03-2012 10:49 AM

Re: Keyboard Presses different buttons along with the one I pressed.
Yes, early versions of the 9780 stuttered.
RIM denies it.
T-Mobile denies it.
It exists and RIM won't help.

My solution; I went back to the 9700. Not sure who got stuck with the 9780.

Fedupwiththisphone 08-03-2012 12:29 PM

Re: Keyboard Presses different buttons along with the one I pressed.
Mine isn't studdering though, when I spell out the alphabet, this is what it looks like:
abcidoefghidjkLsmznopqrlstuvw$xymz (ther was an 'e' after the 'o' but because backspace and p are linked, it deleted it and replaced it with 'p', also 'k' and uppercase are linked hence the capital 'L')

note: 'id', 'oe' 'k-uppercase' 'ls', 'mz' '$x' 'P-backspace'

NJBlackBerry 08-03-2012 02:45 PM

Re: Keyboard Presses different buttons along with the one I pressed.
My apologies - you did say that.

Did the phone get wet? I know you have replaced the guts (twice)..
This sounds like a symptom of water damage.

Fedupwiththisphone 08-06-2012 10:06 AM

Re: Keyboard Presses different buttons along with the one I pressed.
The phone was left in my truck over night, thats it. I did leave it in rice for 3 days as I read that dampness can sometime cause this as well, but I haven't dropped it in water at all.

aiharkness 08-06-2012 02:18 PM

Re: Keyboard Presses different buttons along with the one I pressed.
Honestly, moisture is the classic cause of this sort of thing. Usually when someone complains and you mention moisture, then it's, Oh, yeah, I was carrying it in my pocket and I was all sweaty.... or something like that. Another of the typical scenarios is a very fogged up shower room.

I don't think the damp night air would do it. I believe it takes condensation, not just humid air.

I don't like saying this, but it may be time to give up the life saving measures and get another device.

Just curious, have you had this blackberry since it was new? Or did you get it second hand? I don't know, but I'm wondering if it got wet before you got it and you are seeing the effects of corrosion after the fact.

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