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Cooper 03-20-2012 09:10 AM

Build quality issues, anyone else with this experience
I'm just wondering if anyone else has seen their own or their workplace Bold 9900's fail.

I've had a history of 4 hardware failures with 9900's that were all purchased months apart.

My own and my manager's both died out of nowhere and wouldn't turn back on. Now I've got a co-worker who's had his less than 3 months and another 'boss' who's had his since christmas where their keyboards do not function properly anymore.

The one lost his entire top row of keys and the other has random keys that sometimes don't work.

Just wondering if anyone else has seen so many failures.

Dubdub 03-20-2012 09:34 AM

Re: Build quality issues, anyone else with this experience
If you read through the 900 section and a couple others, you will see a similar theme. Some of the 9900 just weren't put together that well.

However, given the problems you shared, those are more indicative of water or dropping the device causing the problem. Not to say that caused it, just saying that dropping and water causes those types of problems.

Also, running the battery down past 20% on a regular/frequent basis will damage the battery (on any lithium powered device, not just the 9900) and requiring it to be replaced.

Cooper 03-20-2012 09:45 AM

Re: Build quality issues, anyone else with this experience
Yeah well my boss literally never touches his (he's got an iPhone,) but he kept it charged. Mine worked well for months, then died randomly.

The other two with the keyboard problem, one was on a plane... he turned the phone off, took his flight and when he got off the top keys didn't work. The other guy is a heavy BB user but has never been much of an abuser. None of the devices I've set up for him have ever busted.

I see no water damage stickers have changed colour, so we'll be sending these two back. Luckily Rogers sends us a new device first :)

stevew 03-20-2012 11:34 AM

Re: Build quality issues, anyone else with this experience
Your boss has a very jealous Bold, and because it pines for usage, which it's not getting, it decided to teach you all a lesson - maybe you should nickname that Bold "Christine". LOL

daudbros 03-20-2012 03:40 PM

Re: Build quality issues, anyone else with this experience
I have replaced mine 9900 twice since purchase 3 months back due to loud cracking noise from the track pads and adjacent buttons now the dealer told me that he can not replace any more since the entire batch is faulty I dont know where to go now I am very upset with this device and no one to complain about any suggestions..?:x

Cooper 04-16-2012 10:44 AM

Re: Build quality issues, anyone else with this experience

As I replace one today that had a keyboard issue (random keys don't work or require being pressed incredibly firmly) My own replaced 9900 now needs replacing.

It acts as if the back button is constantly being pressed. Anything I do, it exits.

Sometimes it doesn't happen but even my keyboard now seems to be missing characters when I type unless I make sure to be very firm with my keystrokes, even then I sometimes just have to press the letter again.

So my record since last August is 4 users, 5 replacements.

One of the people getting a replacement is good friends with Mike L too... I haven't had the heart to tell him how these devices seem to be built horribly and how sad it is that we've seen to many fail.

NJBlackBerry 04-16-2012 11:01 AM

Re: Build quality issues, anyone else with this experience
Dropping them in the bar with Mike?

Cooper 04-16-2012 11:09 AM

Re: Build quality issues, anyone else with this experience

Originally Posted by NJBlackBerry (Post 1775046)
Dropping them in the bar with Mike?

Actually the replacement is for Ray Laflamme... scientific director of The Institute for Quantum Computing and personal friends of Mike Lazaridis.

I love your assumptions of how I make stuff up all the time.

Sorry, I just don't roll that way.

dc/dc 04-16-2012 11:14 AM

Re: Build quality issues, anyone else with this experience

Originally Posted by Cooper (Post 1775047)
Actually the replacement is for Ray Laflamme... scientific director of The Institute for Quantum Computing and personal friends of Mike Lazaridis.

I love your assumptions of how I make stuff up all the time.

Sorry, I just don't roll that way.

But you do like name-dropping, which is childish. We actually don't care who you know or who you blow.

NJBlackBerry 04-16-2012 11:15 AM

Re: Build quality issues, anyone else with this experience
Oh, well since it is Ray Laflamme, that makes it different.
Still name dropping in the bars.

Is Mike still with the company? Ask him tonight.

stevew 04-16-2012 11:59 PM

Re: Build quality issues, anyone else with this experience
Who's Ray Laflamme anyway? I don't know him so he can't be someone that important. LOL

NJBlackBerry 04-17-2012 06:50 AM

Re: Build quality issues, anyone else with this experience
Can't you read? He's a personal friend of Mike Lazaridis.
Isn't that enough?


dc/dc 04-17-2012 09:17 AM

Re: Build quality issues, anyone else with this experience
This is Ray Laflamme:
Raymond Laflamme | Department of Physics and Astronomy, Waterloo Science

Raymond Laflamme - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Feel free to send him an e-mail and get his opinion on his BlackBerry build issues. There has to be an explanation for them through physics. Maybe get his opinion on Cooper whilst you're at it.

stevew 04-17-2012 09:57 PM

Re: Build quality issues, anyone else with this experience
Thanks - I'll pass though...but maybe I'll go hang in that bar to hobknob with the rich and infamous! LOL

He'll probably say "Cooper who?"

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