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Joemero 02-12-2008 11:09 PM

8830 froze coming back from Mexico
After roaming in Mexico and receiving calls with no problems while roaming, I headed back home. When I got back to the US I noticed on the BB that I was now on the US Sprint network. I made a couple calls with no problems. About 20 minutes later I would speed dial some numbers and all it would say is:
"Dialing So and So" but would never connect. I tried disconnecting and reconnecting my radio under manage connections to no avail.
Then I decided to power off the BB completely and it stayed stuck on the yellow Sprint screen. I eventually had to remove the battery to get it to reboot.

I find this kind of discouraging on this new BB. Any clue as to what might have caused this. Should this be a warrantly concern? Did I do the right thing by removing and reinstalling the battery? No data was lost.

John Clark 02-12-2008 11:13 PM

Removing the battery to fix an issue is not necessarily a problem. If it does this often, then I'd consider it a problem.

AndrewAZ 02-13-2008 01:10 AM

call up *2 and ask for a PRL update.. Sometimes in fringe areas of sprint service they add new towers and the phones PRL data base doesnt see them properly. Recently I had an issue of getting native sprint signal but only being able to send texts and email and not be able to call out and it would say dialing just like you describe.. Well the PRL update fixed this (at least I think it did or it could be a freak occurrence). Hope that helps out.

D_Dog 02-13-2008 02:00 AM

Band auto switching
I know that Verizon 8830's had some issues with the phones not switching between bands properly while roam out of the country. A recent OS update supposedly fixed this, I don't know for sure as I won't be traveling to Mexico until Nov. Is Sprint releasing any OS updates that you know of? 4.3 is coming out soon, hard to say when various carriers will adopt it, and how they'll hack it to pieces before we see it.

tgiannes 02-14-2008 11:41 AM

did it drink the water.;-) ;-)

BBDummy 02-14-2008 11:48 AM


Originally Posted by tgiannes (Post 835441)
did it drink the water.;-) ;-)

Wouldn't that cause it to do whatever the technical antithesis of freezing up is?

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