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jmu200 07-29-2005 10:51 PM

Sync Public Contacts OTA! (thoughts...?)
Exchange 2003, BES 4.0. I have a small client of 5 users who needs the ability to synchronize shared contacts. Ideally I would like to sync a Public Folder Contacts to each of the five handhelds OVER THE AIR--NOT through cradling.

Aparently this feature was present in BES 3.6, but I'm running version 4. Grr... As I understand it, the Blackberrys are able to sync OTA PERSONAL contacts without a problem. So I've begun to think about how I could sync all the personal contacts folders to say the Public Contacts folder, or just between the 5 personal folders. Does anyone know how I can achieve this?

Is there a sync program that I could install on Outlook which is running on the server, which could sync the personal contacts folders, say every hour? I've searched everywhere for a sync program which can do this, without finding something (I've looked on, etc.)

The ability to sync public contacts OTA was available in 3.6, correct? If so, is there ANY way to roll-back this behavior with version 4.?

Any suggestions are greatly apreciated!!!


cayzac 07-30-2005 09:00 AM

No, sync'ing OTA was not available in 3.6. In 3.6 you could only sync your personal calendar wirelessly. Everything else, including Public Folders had to be done through Desktop Manager. RIM still says Public Folder wireless sync is not available. I have a shared Contacts list that I would like to sync wirelessly but so far have not figured out a way.

jmu200 07-30-2005 09:58 AM

Oh, bummer, that sucks... Again, my thought is to use a 3rd party program to sync all the personal contacts folders to one another, or to one master list (i.e. Public Contacts folder). This 3rd party software could run on the server in Outlook, not pretty, but could work in theory. But my problem lies in finding this 3rd party software...Can anyone recommend something that could do this?

Also, I thought I read there was a registry hack or something which could achive this... THERE MUST BE SOME KIND OF HACK, WE MUST FIND IT! :smile:

jmu200 07-31-2005 02:35 PM

Anyone have any ideas?

lwong 08-04-2005 12:08 AM

We've been looking for something similiar for a long time and I finally came across a program called itrezzo Emergency Preparedness Software. We're about to start testing it to see if it works for us but it looks very promising. Basically, "It automates the synchronization of company contacts with handhelds throughout an organization. Phone and address information are automatically pushed to user contact folders within your organization."

jmu200 08-05-2005 06:43 PM

Thanks, I'll check it out!


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