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stevensg22 06-26-2008 10:36 AM

Tracking BlackBerry devices for each user
Hey everyone!

I've been asked by management to find a way to track who has a handheld device in our organization and what device(s) they are using or have used. They want to keep all records for each user for X years. They want to know each and every device that each of our users have ever had. Is anyone else out there doing anything similar to this or anyone have any ideas. The only thing I can think of right now is setting up a db that will pull the information from SQL and figure a way to update those lists if devices change. But I would really appreciate hearing any and all ideas/suggestions.

Some quick background about the organization. We currently have 600 BB users on a BES with Exchange 2003/2007 running for email. We are anticipating jumping up to 1000 BB by the end of the year and possibly more. We are also looking at bringing in iPhone support for the other 2000 users who are not allowed to access the BES at this time. We could potentially have 3000+ handhelds in the next year or two.

Frank Castle 06-26-2008 02:46 PM


For Blackberry you have some options. I do a monthly export via berrystats with full options on so we can go back and search. I havn't seen a user change quicker then 30 days between devices (unless it's RMA type thing). This will give you a archive of PIN/Phone #/Model etc.

I also do a monthly audit report on usage so we can keep expenses down and identify users who don't use their device. Our threshold is 15 days of no contact.

We have around 1000 Windows Mobile devices and anticipate a few hundred Iphones by end of the year. The problem with these devices is other then IIS log parsing there is no real reporting. You could get System Manager Device Manager 2007 is your a SMS shop but your looking at $$$ per device CAL and at the moment it doesn't support Iphone. I do have a script that dumps who has the ActiveSync options enabled in AD so that is what we store, it doesn't tell you anything other then its enabled though.

bertiebassett 06-26-2008 05:52 PM


I would have a look at Visage Mobile Home - Enterprise Wireless Mobility Management Solution - Visage - whilst they won't help with pulling the data from the RIM dbase, using the SAAS model they do a sweet job of (a) Managing large deployments of devices and users and (b) reconcilling managing device aquisition and (c) reconcilling carrier invoices.

Plus they were at WES so that's got to be a good 'tick box' for them...

stevensg22 07-02-2008 01:59 PM

Thanks a bunch for the recommendations guys! I'll have to figure out which one the boss likes the best or feels most comfortable with and go with that. Thanks again!!

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