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kennethmurrell 07-18-2008 08:28 PM

The hotmail issue, explained
So I have looked and I don't think I have seen this explained here, so let me explain the hotmail isse with the blackberries.

This is partially true. If you have an older hotmail account (i believe before 1999, but dont quote me on this) then you are bound by the terms and conditions that were in effect when you signed up for the service. People who have hotmail accounts before or on this date before it changed CAN set up their free hotmail account with BIS and have it work just fine. Believe me, I have tested this with myself and my sprint customers and I know this to be a fact. I am using mine on my blackberry right now and it works perfectly. Around 2000 or whatever when MS changed their terms of use, they disabled access for blackberries and treos and any other device unless it is a premium account. So, if you had an account before then, then you don't have to worry. Now, some of you may be asking yourselves, "How do I know if mine is supposed to work or not?" Well some hotmail accounts will integrate fine, but then just not be able to send and receive. These are the accounts that are bound by the new terms and conditions. One way to check for sure is go into options in your hotmail and see if it will let you forward messages to any other email account, or just live accounts (hotmail, msn, live, etc.)
If it lets you forward to ANY other email account then it will work with your blackberry. If you cannot forward to any other email account, then you have to have the premium account to integrate it.

Like I said, some newer accounts that are free might integrate fine, but they wont work. I hope this was clear, as I know I get confusing on these longer posts. I hope this clears up a bunch of confusion.

I'm not 100% sure about the dates, but everything else is solid.

kennethmurrell 07-18-2008 08:31 PM

Well I know they don't for sprint. And its not a BIS version issue, its a MS not wanting to let people for free.

kennethmurrell 07-18-2008 08:35 PM

and you are right, it looks like there are posts saying that it will work with 2.5 so I apalogize, but I know it still doesn't work for sprint if they are free.

penguin3107 07-18-2008 08:44 PM

Wirelessly posted (Breaking Ball)

BIS 2.5 is the same across all North American carriers. It's a RIM service, merely branded for each carrier.

I'm curious... What makes you think Hotmail doesn't work on Sprint BIS?

kennethmurrell 07-18-2008 08:45 PM

because I work for sprint, and when I add free hotmail accounts for people it says forbidden in web admin. and also, the reason it didn't work before (and why I dont think its working now for sprint anyways) is because ms didn't want it to. They do have that option.

penguin3107 07-18-2008 08:50 PM

Wirelessly posted (Breaking Ball)


Originally Posted by kennethmurrell
because I work for sprint, and when I add free hotmail accounts for people it says forbidden in web admin. and also, the reason it didn't work before (and why I dont think its working now for sprint anyways) is because ms didn't want it to. They do have that option.

You're probably doing it wrong.

Hotmail / BIS 2.5 / Sprint works just fine.

kennethmurrell 07-18-2008 08:57 PM

Ok then I guess its working for everyone in the world besides me. Who knows, stranger things have happened. Call this number: 877 654 9111 and push for blackberry and they will tell you. Anyway I'm not here to argue, this is just what I've observed. And batman rocked. woot!

JSanders 07-18-2008 09:12 PM

Don't make us search and find all the posts around where CSRs for carriers were wrong. ;-)

And I, myself, have probably answered this question about Hotmail accounts here at BBF at least 250x, so it is posted here.

kennethmurrell 07-19-2008 09:11 AM

You're right. Damn, if only we all could run these companies. Viva la resistance!

NJBlackBerry 07-19-2008 10:02 AM

Please be VERY careful (and search and research) before posting about what does and doesn't work. I think people here have a pretty good grip on what is working. Even more so than some people who work for the carriers - and the CSRs.

kennethmurrell 07-19-2008 11:18 AM

and I've grown to trust you all more than my sprint people as far as basic knowledge! Sprint has a serious issue... besides the customer service being poopy. I reference this site for help on the job sometimes, so we're doing something right here!

thackstonns 07-21-2008 02:50 PM

If I remember right Blackberry and MSN made a deal just recently that allowed restricted hotmail accounts work with bis 2.5 So that is the reason you both are right. Before they wouldnt work because of the terms of service. However I believe that RIM convinced the big M it was in both there intrests to allow hotmail access.

nikkilhodge 07-22-2008 04:02 PM

How do I know if I have this 2.5 stuff? BC I would love to be able to check my hotmail!!! That would ROCK! (AT&T 8100, btw)

**(Oh, I guess it shows that on the side, lol, sorry! newbie!)

kennethmurrell 07-22-2008 04:04 PM

I believe everyone is updated automatically... I just got with ATT and mine went in fine so you's should work fine.

kennethmurrell 07-22-2008 04:07 PM

Oh and I knew that hotmail information I posted was out of date. I just wanted to see how many hits this thread would get.

kennethmurrell 07-22-2008 04:18 PM

and its kinda sad because i spoke with a lot of people with sprint and no one seemed to know that hotmail now worked... hows that one grab ya?

John Clark 07-22-2008 04:22 PM


Originally Posted by kennethmurrell (Post 1028138)
Oh and I knew that hotmail information I posted was out of date. I just wanted to see how many hits this thread would get.

puh lease!

JSanders 07-22-2008 04:44 PM


Originally Posted by nikkilhodge (Post 1028128)
How do I know if I have this 2.5 stuff? BC I would love to be able to check my hotmail!!! That would ROCK! (AT&T 8100, btw)

**(Oh, I guess it shows that on the side, lol, sorry! newbie!)

You may need to resend your service books from your ATT BIS account.

Gkins3 07-22-2008 07:11 PM

Not to revive this again...

Mine still is not working. I even got fed-up and made my Hotmail a paid-account the other night and it still does not work. Deleted, reinstalled, resent service books probably 20 times since re-adding it. No luck.

In doing some testing, I had a few friends create new Hotmail accounts and resend the service books to see, and theirs are not working either.

I can receive any email, but it will not let me send (red X). Any ideas? I seem to be the only one left :razz:

kennethmurrell 07-24-2008 11:10 AM

I'll tell you why its not working. Because it still doesn't work with sprint. I verified this several times, and it simply doesn't work for most hotmail accounts. Everyone says "oh yeah its fine with the update" well it's not. maybe with other carriers, sure whatever, but not sprint. And unless you can show me reliable documentation that says "it will work with sprint" then you don't have a valid argument. Damn, you guys just can't be wrong can you?

Since I've posted this thread, I have tested it several times with mine and my customers and it just doesn't work. Maybe there's documentation saying its supposed to but it doesn't. IT DOESN'T. Simple as that.

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