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enohpi 10-21-2008 08:17 PM

iPhone 3g outsold all RIM phones last quarter
since the release of the iPhone 3g Apple sold 6.9 million, RIM sold 5.4 million. I know Blackberry still has the Bold and Storm and to come out but is anyone worried at all. I mean ONE phone beat blackberry whole lineup and and Blackberries are on more networks also

AppleInsider | Apple iPhone 3G sales surpass RIM's Blackberry

juwaack68 10-21-2008 08:21 PM

I'm sure that's not slanted in the least, being from AppleInsider.

ezrunner 10-21-2008 08:22 PM

Wirelessly posted (off to see the wizard)

Apple counts units sold as anythimg shipped from factory if I recall

NJBlackBerry 10-21-2008 08:22 PM

Last week at the Gartner conference, almost every executive there carried an iPhone. And every one I saw also had a BlackBerry. iPhones are for play; BlackBerrys are for work.

enohpi 10-21-2008 08:25 PM


Originally Posted by juwaack68 (Post 1143746)
I'm sure that's not slanted in the least, being from AppleInsider.

no those numbers are real that's just the first website I'd pulled them from

agadgetgeek 10-21-2008 08:28 PM

Granted that the iPhone has sold more units in the last quarter than all that Research in Motion has, consider the people who already have a Blackberry already and have no need to upgrade. If they hadn't already had one, then they may have added to their sales as well ;). And yeah juwaack68 is right; the article can be quite biased, but then again what article isn't ;).

But yeah, it's also tough to call the iPhone a smartphone (reference to the article). Lack of C&P? Can't have bluetooth transfers? List goes on.

Don't get me wrong, it's a nice phone, defintely hit the market well because of good marketing, its previous "experience" with the iTouch, and the fact that it has a bunch of gizmo's inside the phone =).

The Tank 10-21-2008 10:18 PM

Wirelessly posted

Think of all those phones that someday will have to go back for a battery replacement. UPS is counting the money now :-) Smartphone?

Frank Castle 10-22-2008 09:03 AM

They outsold 2-3 year old Blackberries by .8 hundred thousand units. Not that impressive considering the marketing they have everywhere. I'm more impressed that RIM is selling that many OLDER devices (likely due to sub $100 cost). If RIM got some pressure on At&t / Verizon and got the release of the BOLD, Storm and Kickstart on track, I'd be worried if I was Apple.

Apple is limited to their one device, on one carrier (states) and the thing that will drive sales now is AppStore .. so unless your a consumer and want entertainment (by far the largest selection on there) why buy an Iphone when any Blackberry can beat it senseless for normal phone/email usage?? The fact that Storm pretty much erases every advantage Iphone has on Blackberry and the fact that RIM will have their own StoreFront next year it comes back to picking the device that works best for YOU.

In my space (Enterprise Mobility Support) .. nothing comes close to Blackberry for the things I care about: Device Security and Management, so until someone can come up with a solution that is BETTER then the BES and beats RIM's TCO its not even worth discussing. Microsoft comes and shows us System Center Device Manager every other month and when it comes to pricing it's ridiculous how expensive it is compared to BES CAL WITH T-Support!

Apple is floating out there really as a consumer device that does a little enterprise. We just re-examined it and choose to only support it for web access email as it's just not secure enough, no controls to manage it. Apple needs a BES like solution to really compete in this space.

test54 10-22-2008 10:49 AM

I understand the comments but they did meet their 10 million in 2008 goal with 2 months remaining. Even with the numbers sold including those in the supply chain, they topped their goals. Add to that a 1.14 Billion in profit in the quarter and they are performing just fine (of course economy now could hurt that).

And "2.4 million iPhone 3G activations in the quarter, 40% of which were new AT&T subscribers". So AT&T is happy as well.

I still love this site, a post comes on about the number of sales in a quarter but yet people keep up with the "its not a business phone" or "its not good" type of arguments.
Everyone knows the differences and the similarities by now, this is about numbers.
Think about the number of Mobile users are BES type users, then compare that to normal users and you will see why Apple and RIM are striving to get to as many "Consumers" as possible.


juwaack68 10-22-2008 10:52 AM


Originally Posted by test54 (Post 1144367)
Think about the number of Mobile users are BES type users, then compare that to normal users....

So BES type users are not normal users? Have you been talking to my abnormal BES users? ;-)

Frank Castle 10-22-2008 11:51 AM

Test54 - I totally agree and see you point. Mobility is seeing a huge growth that will just accelerate in the next 2-3 years as devices are more capable and prices drop.

I don't know if sheer number sold is the deciding factor in judging the "BEST" mobile device. There is so much parity in what a user be it consumer or corporate wants. Both RIM and Apple need to address both markets and RIM is better positioned to do that right now due to BES. Apple has a huge advantage due to it's connection to the Itunes Eco system and the success of AppStore. I think Apple will find it harder to gain the same position in the enterprise as RIM will trying to be "like Apple". Apple would be best to stop treating the Iphone like the Ipod and more like another Mac.

My challenge (and likely most large companys) is to find a middle ground that allows mobility due to it's proven benefits but also mindful of the personal usage that creeps over. RIM gives me controls via BES, while Apple is becoming a larger nightmare weekly.

test54 10-22-2008 12:32 PM

I see your viewpoint but think that they don't see the enterprise as a goal. I think they want to go for the consumer oriented market, yes there is some middle ground where they go head to head with BB (like in BES environments) but I think thye still aim to make the most money but selling a ton of devices. To accomplish this they are look consumer, not enterprise.

dasunst3r 10-22-2008 08:15 PM

I think a more fair comparison would be the number of units in service. Bonus points go to the folks who can come up with a breakdown of device age for those units still in service.

test54 10-22-2008 08:34 PM

I have never seen any number of apple units in service. RIM is the only one that has numbers on that and thats because they route everything through the central data center. Even then their are units out there in use without a data plan so thats not 100% correct.
Apple and others have no way to track the numbers of devices in service. It would be nice to know but its not going to happen.

hooked 10-22-2008 09:37 PM

I've had a 8700, 8800, then a iphone and now the Bold......BB's are way better for business use. The iphone had the "wow" effect for a week or two then after realizing how slow it was receiving emails, etc I went for the Bold....way better.

I was going to get the Storm, but I'm extremely happy that I got the Bold one by far.

This is only my thoughts.....

Great site by the way.

DallasFlier 10-22-2008 09:52 PM


Originally Posted by enohpi (Post 1143744)
since the release of the iPhone 3g Apple sold 6.9 million


Originally Posted by test54 (Post 1144367)
"2.4 million iPhone 3G activations in the quarter, 40% of which were new AT&T subscribers". So AT&T is happy as well.


Originally Posted by test54 (Post 1145124)
I have never seen any number of apple units in service. RIM is the only one that has numbers on that and thats because they route everything through the central data center. Even then their are units out there in use without a data plan so thats not 100% correct.
Apple and others have no way to track the numbers of devices in service. It would be nice to know but its not going to happen.

6.9 million "sold" and 2.4 million activated. That's pretty illuminating in and of itself, wouldn't you say? I'm actually surprised they get away with that. I used to work in the semiconductor industry, and they used to regularly "stuff the channel" like that in order to inflate sales figures. A number of years ago, that was outlawed according to GAAP accounting, and is considered fraudulent if it happens today. How Apple gets away with it, I don't know.

I'll guarantee you that Apple disagrees with you that it would be "nice to know" the numbers of devices actually in service. That would destroy the whole illusion!

ibodybuild 10-22-2008 11:12 PM

I dislike the iphone a lot and I have one... which I'm selling now by the way.. looks like I can get a good $500 for it.. 8GB.

It's back to the curve for me :D

jazza 10-22-2008 11:28 PM

The iPhone user interface is prettier than the BB or the WM phones so on that basis alone is probably why more layman users prefer it.

Given a choice, i would still choose either a WM or BB phone over the iPhone. For one thing, at least WM and BB supports multiple APNs without needing hack softwares to constantly change the ones in the iPhones.

enohpi 10-23-2008 01:34 AM


Originally Posted by DallasFlier (Post 1145201)
6.9 million "sold" and 2.4 million activated. That's pretty illuminating in and of itself, wouldn't you say? I'm actually surprised they get away with that. I used to work in the semiconductor industry, and they used to regularly "stuff the channel" like that in order to inflate sales figures. A number of years ago, that was outlawed according to GAAP accounting, and is considered fraudulent if it happens today. How Apple gets away with it, I don't know.

I'll guarantee you that Apple disagrees with you that it would be "nice to know" the numbers of devices actually in service. That would destroy the whole illusion!

reading comprehension> you

FACT: Apple sold 6.9 million iPhone 3gs (world)
FACT: ATT sold 2.4 million iPhone 3g (USA)

you know Apple selling that phone in over 50 countries now, and still growing. RIM in big trouble and if Apple out sales RIM again with blackberry coming out with 3 new phones it might be the beginning of the end for blackberry

Berry One 10-23-2008 06:12 PM


Originally Posted by enohpi (Post 1145311)
RIM in big trouble and if Apple out sales RIM again with blackberry coming out with 3 new phones it might be the beginning of the end for blackberry

You show lack of understanding how business works. If orange juice outsold cranberry juice it is not the beginning of the end for cranberry juice.

Simple enough for you?

Watch RIM's device sales on a quarterly basis. If they start to decline, that would mean RIM is in trouble.

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