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rockstate45 01-13-2009 12:53 PM

8830 Won't Push Emails to my phone
Hey all, I've had a Curve 8830 since about Thanksgiving.

Just in the past 24 hours, 1 email has popped up on myimportant email account. I just checked it and I had about 8 emails that should have come up with it.

Why is it not pushing through? It shouldn't make any difference, but if it does my inbox is almost full


rockstate45 01-13-2009 12:56 PM

Okay, I figured out why it won't push emails to my phone.. I changed my password.

How do I update it on my BB? Just go to the website?


rockstate45 01-13-2009 01:11 PM

Well, nvm got it

Hadto go to teh BIS and update the password there. Got 9 new emails by the time I logged out of there lol


jrice8002003 01-13-2009 01:16 PM

sorry you were left hanging! i was going to recommend that you log in to the BB site and re-send service books to your device, but it sounds like you're up and running now! anytime i ever have an e-mail problem, re-sending service books usually does the trick

rockstate45 01-13-2009 03:07 PM

mmm didn't know you could do that.

Whatdoes "reconcile now" do? Does it just reconcile the messages orwhat?


jsconyers 01-13-2009 03:10 PM

Reconcile now is for BES. It will reconcile your device with your mailbox, mark read messages as read, delete messages that were deleted, etc. It will do this automatically, but reconcile now will force reconcile when selected.

jrice8002003 01-13-2009 05:09 PM

perhaps you already were aware of this, but to set your manual reconciliation settings on your blackberry, click "options" in the e-mail account you've synced on your BB. click "email reconciliation." i personally have my "delete on" option set to "prompt", so each time i go to delete a mail, i'm prompted whether i want to delete it on my handheld, on my inbox, or on both. also, i prefer using my online inbox has my "home" for managing e-mail, so i've got the "on conflicts" setting set to "mailbox wins." that way, when i clean up my inbox online, it'll automatically clean it up on my BIS account.

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