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Alizawi 11-15-2009 01:56 AM

Storm 2 in the middle east
Hi, I am very eager to enter the world of Blackberries via the Storm 2. I have been a devout iphone user, and the Storm 2 is the first BB that I have considered since I am all about the touch screens.

I live in the middle east, and obviously there is no news as to when this phone will be released here (anyone got any info?). I am looking to buy it online, or on my trip to Canada next week. This means I need an unlocked version for GSM use.

First of all, can I get an officially unlocked version from stores in Canada?

Second, if I do get it unlocked (from a store or online) will I have any problems with the BB services in the middle east (Saudi Arabia)? I have read somehwere that someone in Indonesia had problems BB services from verizon unlocked phones.

I am new to the BB world, so any help would be appreciated. Thanks

JSanders 11-15-2009 08:02 AM

Alizawi, don't get they CDMA Storm, get the GSM Storm, either the 9500 or 9520.

I know Horizon Wireless has the 9520, see the link below in my signature.

Alizawi 11-15-2009 08:08 AM

I'm a little confused. by doing so, how much of the 9550 features am I sacrificing? I can buy an unlocked 9550 to use with GSM, isn't that the same idea?

JSanders 11-15-2009 08:22 AM

Storm1 9500 = 9530
Storm2 9520 = 9550

Their is no difference in features of the 9520/9550, the only difference is the network technology.

With your being on a GSM network, the 9520 will serve you much better. The 9530/9550 also include GSM radio, but it is much more complicated to get to work on GSM networks.

Alizawi 11-15-2009 12:31 PM

so do I use the same software updates for the 9520 as for the 9550?

I appreciate your helpful feedback

BarryBerry 11-15-2009 02:04 PM

I have a Bold in the UAE, which i have bought from a very good friend in Germany.

Now my Storm 2 will be on the way tuesday. This one will be unlocked and ready for use, same as my Bold via him. So it works

p.s. Thanks again , my good friend in Germany!!!

JSanders 11-15-2009 03:12 PM


Originally Posted by Alizawi (Post 1507606)
so do I use the same software updates for the 9520 as for the 9550?

No, OS updates are ALWAYS device specific.

The 9520 will have its own files.

Alizawi 11-15-2009 11:46 PM

which storm 2 are u getting, the 9520 or 9550? please update me on how it funtions once u receive it

XelhaBB 11-17-2009 01:53 PM


Google your location with the word Blackberry and the particular model you are interested. There are countless blogs / Facebook groups that will give you the best area specific advice and how to trouble shoot known issues.

My experience is that Blackberry services aren't quite up to speed in the Middle East and it will be rare that you can communicate via BBM to people overseas. However, you are in luck being that international SMS is dirt cheap in most non-US territories and messenger programs like Yahoo are free.

muratcolakoglu 11-17-2009 03:43 PM

In Germany cell phones are forbidden to be locked by the carriers by the law. So what ever you buy from Germany will be sealed unlocked in the box. Means no need to ask for the unlock code. Just buy a cell phone, insert your SIM Card and start using.

Alizawi 11-17-2009 11:56 PM

XelhaBB, that's not really true about BB services in the middle east...EVERYONE I know who has one can easily use the messenger to communicate with people anywhere, especially in the US. things seems to be very smooth in that sense.

as for the Germany thing, yes it's true. Has the Storm 2 been released for sale there though?? I can only see that it's sold in the US, Canada, and UK at the moment. If you have any websites I can buy the phone unlocked, please let me know

XelhaBB 11-18-2009 10:15 AM

Alizawi, go ahead and shoot me your PIN and lets test it out.

I have been unable to communicate with a couple friends in the UAE and one in Saudi Arabia; all are registered with BIS. I also have the same issue with family in South America.

Where are you located?

muratcolakoglu 11-18-2009 10:47 AM

Storm2 has already been relesed for sale in Germany from Vodafone Germany.

I don't think you can buy online from

Alizawi 11-19-2009 01:40 AM

I am in saudi... maybe they have particular problems...all my friends in saudi, bahrai, and UAE are communicating just fine via BBM to locations worldwide..
maybe the problem is on your side... I had one friend here who bought an unlocked BB from Canada, and subscribed in saudi... he can't seem to communicated efficiently to random loacations at random times...

otherwise, all others are fine.... i dont have a BBPIN yet...the storm 2 is going to be my first BB, but i'm waiting to c where the best place to get it is.

no, i can't get it from vodaphone germany. so far my best bets are ebay or other online marketplaces..but I need more feedback on the 9520

XelhaBB 11-19-2009 07:15 AM


shoot me your PIN when you get your Storm. I am curious to see if we can BB chat.

I just tried to BB chat with a Facebook friend in Indonesia and we were unable to chat. She also is unable to chat with some people in country. Weird...

Alizawi 11-21-2009 12:18 AM

yeah it's strange...I've heard of a lotte of issues with indonesia specifically though...I'll hit u up once I get it, and I'll compare with my other friends in north america....I'm still quite nervous about getting the phone...I'm convinced the 9520 is the one for me and not 9550,
I just want to know the most reliable place to get it from considering where i live.

BarryBerry 11-21-2009 05:31 AM


Originally Posted by Alizawi (Post 1507904)
which storm 2 are u getting, the 9520 or 9550? please update me on how it funtions once u receive it

Sorry for the late reply.

If i am correct it will be the GSM version. And i will let you know how it is working once i have received it on the 27th.

Otherwise add my pin 2553e14b

Alizawi 11-21-2009 06:00 AM

That's perfect Barry...I'm waiting for my next salary to come in before I make the purchase, which will be the a few days, so I'll be waiting to c what u think..? GSM version means u got the 9520...can you refer me to the person you bought it from in a private message?

XelhaBB 11-24-2009 10:57 AM

The 9520 IS the best version for you. The 9550 simply includes GSM radio and like JSanders stated, it will be a complicated process to get it to function on a GSM network.

BarryBerry 12-02-2009 02:30 AM

I have received the phone 9520 and just put in my Etisalat sim. Went to the BIS-site and there i was asked directly if i wanted the transfer my pin to the new device.

And that was all.

The 9520 is working perfectly with Etisalat. Did not have any flaws or connection losses.

Still i have to get used to the touchscreen thou, but that is normal. The touchscreen keyboard shows when you need it. So the 'smart' shortcuts are not of use anymore. Still i like the bigger screen a lot. It makes reading of longer emails much easier. And that was the whole plan.

So again 9520 from Germanay works out of the box in the UAE for me.

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