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rmoise 01-20-2010 03:28 PM

9550 Double Click on end button
My end button is giving a double click instead of a single click. First the touch screen wasn't clickable. Meaning if your finger slightly touches the screen it's like you pushed down on it (Reboot fix that). Also did a wipe (erased .428) and installed .320 (same issue - with double click) - changed tap interval - swipe sens (same thing). Phone has never been droped - puzzling the crap out of me. Also I've been running .428 ever since it was released and it's been solid except for the SMS (which I can live with). Fellow blackberry user let's unit and figure this thing out - which has cause me sleepless nights :cry:

JSanders 01-20-2010 03:57 PM

I haven't seen a fix for this nuisance, it only happens sporadically for me, and hasn't really bothered me.

rmoise 01-20-2010 04:06 PM

If a clean wipe doesn't fix it - would you say then it's a hardware issue?

BUC 01-20-2010 06:10 PM

That happened to mine and not only in the location of the end button... it happened in many places of the screen... and then it went crazy, when I wanted to go back (arrow) it pressed the Send button so thats not good... I reboot it and it was a temporarily fix.. so I took it to Verizon the next time it happened without rebooting it and they gave me a new one...

Hopefully this wont happen again...
I was using .428 when it when wrong so now Im leaving the .320 on this one... runs good as it is...

rmoise 01-21-2010 02:31 PM

Damn I hope it doesn't go all over the screen and stays at the hang up button (I can live with that). Can't really bring it back to verizon cause I cancel the account once I got the phone to use it with T-Mobile

rmoise 01-22-2010 11:22 AM

Strangest thing - now the hang up button works fine. Maybe the 20th reboot did the trick - now I'm afraid to reboot it again cause I just installed another app - lol

rcenker 01-29-2010 01:46 PM

Just thought I'ld add to this. My 9550 (from VZW) just started doing a similar thing. It actually is fairly hard to press the End Key (the hang up key). And the Escape key double clicks at the slightest touch which is really a nuisance in normal usage. I've also noted that keys in the lower right hand side of the screen are actually tending to double-click. I've tried a soft reset as well as a battery-pull. Neither seem to help. It would appear that the lower right sensor (I believe there are four) is starting to malfunction. The device is three months old. I absolutely love the device (as long as it works like it should). I am considering taking it back to VZW for an exchange. Just wanted to share this experience with the group. I'm really not sure how to transfer all of the apps if I do the exchange.. help would be appreciated.

rcenker 01-29-2010 02:32 PM

An update on my last post... I'm not sure why I did it, but I decided to excercise the rest of the keyboard. I turned the device to landscape and opened memo pad. I typed a three or four line piece of text. I then discarded the memo and exited the application. The double-clicking issue and the difficulty in pressing the End Key was gone. I will continue to monitor this and report on what I find. If anyone else can either chime in on this line of reasoning, please jump in. I just can't believe that this problem lived through reboots, battery-pulls, leaving the device sit for a while... and all of a sudden after drilling the rest of the keys, the problem disappeared. Who knows, by the end of this post it may be back. But like I said, I will keep monitoring it.

BUC 01-29-2010 07:06 PM

I used to get my old storm 2 (the one I already returned) fixed by locking the screen (upper left button) and then hitting any of the BB keys (send, menu, back, end) so it would appear "Screen Locked" and then I just started hitting ramdomly at the screen... then unlock it and it would be fixed FOR A WHILE...

So good luck with that, I really hope its just a software issue so you guys can get it fixed by an upgrade and lets hope its not a common issue of the hardware (sensors)

rcenker 02-02-2010 08:58 AM

So far (since 1/29) my keyboard is working perfectly. I have to believe that this double-clicking is software related. Am anxiously awaiting the 5.0 update (I'm over VZW... I've heard that RIM has released the update... but VZW taking forever to approve). Will continue checking in on this issue. If it IS software, I would have to believe that more people would have thiis issue????

rmoise 02-02-2010 11:36 AM

Mines has been working fine ever since the last post and still running .428 -

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