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MoniLuv 06-01-2010 11:03 AM

Unable to Locate BB Maps Download
I downloaded BB Maps to my BB Bold. The install was successful and I rebooted after the the download was complete. However, I am unable to locate the icon to run the program. I've checked everywhere, no icon. The file IS listed in my "applications" folder, but again no icon to launch anywhere. Do you know how I can access this application now?

I've downlaoded another program that tracks a runner's progress (time, distance, calories burned etc) and this program requires BB Maps for it work. Otherwise, I am very happy with Google Maps which is already installed on my phone.

Any guidance would be most helpful.


aiharkness 06-01-2010 11:39 AM

Wirelessly posted

I can't see your profile as I'm mobile, but one question is, does your carrier allow blackberry maps? For example, AT&T hides it. If that is the case, there may be a work around. Do a search.

Otherwise, make sure it isn't in a folder or hidden. Open the menu and select show all, and then look around for it. But if your carrier blocks it, you won't find it this way.

MoniLuv 06-01-2010 11:47 AM


Originally Posted by aiharkness (Post 1613445)
Wirelessly posted

I can't see your profile as I'm mobile, but one question is, does your carrier allow blackberry maps? For example, AT&T hides it. If that is the case, there may be a work around. Do a search.

Otherwise, make sure it isn't in a folder or hidden. Open the menu and select show all, and then look around for it. But if your carrier blocks it, you won't find it this way.

I AM using AT&T. That would explain it. I don't know about it being "hidden". I've already "unhid" everything and searched high and low and I am till unalbe to locate it.

aiharkness 06-01-2010 12:01 PM

Wirelessly posted

Ok. As I say, do a search. I don't think the info I have in mind will be hard to find.

Generally, what I recall is someone wrote an application that in effect launches BB maps, as BB Maps is not directly accessible to users such as yourself. But I don't rememeber any details.

It may be that the application you will be using can access BB Maps. Have you tested it?

kf0s 06-01-2010 12:09 PM

Search other posts. Here's one:

But you might try the app since I understand that 3rd party apps were still able to see it and use it.


MoniLuv 06-01-2010 12:56 PM


Originally Posted by kf0s (Post 1613463)
Search other posts. Here's one:

But you might try the app since I understand that 3rd party apps were still able to see it and use it.


Thanks Eric,

But geez, seems like so much to go through. I'm not THAT savy on the BB.

aiharkness 06-01-2010 01:08 PM

Wirelessly posted

MoniLuv, you mentioned the app you want to use that uses BB Maps.... Have you gone ahead and tried it. It may work. You may not need to do anything else. Do that first: Try it. See what you got.

MoniLuv 06-04-2010 05:10 PM


Originally Posted by aiharkness (Post 1613483)
Wirelessly posted

MoniLuv, you mentioned the app you want to use that uses BB Maps.... Have you gone ahead and tried it. It may work. You may not need to do anything else. Do that first: Try it. See what you got.

Hi Ira,

I gave up. After confirming with at&t that they BLOCK BB maps, I am unable to do what I want to do. When my contract is up, I'm going to switch to a carrier that offers free GPS if such exists. I'm slowing easing away from being a BB gal. Go DROID...!

option94 06-04-2010 05:12 PM

Have you tried google maps? from your blackberry.

MoniLuv 06-04-2010 05:24 PM


Originally Posted by option94 (Post 1614881)
Have you tried google maps? from your blackberry.

Yup, and I LOVE it! But BB Maps is required to run in the background for another 3rd party app to work. Without BB Maps, I am unable to use this program.

aiharkness 06-04-2010 05:25 PM

Wirelessly posted

I was going to ask the same thing. As far as I know with AT&T, the GPS is not locked out, just BBMaps is hidden. I think you can use Google Maps ok.

(EDIT: I see the answer above.)

Also, does your app only use BBMaps? I know for example that Poynt will use Google and BBMaps, select able by the user.
Anyway, I'm sorry to hear of your disappointment. But you should give it a try unhiding BBMaps. Take it slow and follow the instructions and it should be no trouble.

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