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itdTechnician 07-02-2010 05:45 PM

Agent 1 failed to start. Error code 5305
I've been looking into this problem for a couple of days now and getting no where.


Windows Server 2008 R2
Exchange 2010
Exchange 2010 Rollup 1-4 is installed
Blackberry Enterprise Server Express (latest downloadable build as of 2 days ago)

We had a series of windows updates applied to the server and when it was restarted, we started getting the 5305 errors.
Before then everything was fine. Rather then uninstall the updates and see what happens, I'd like to try and solve the issue.

Main errors from the logs:
-Failed to retrieve the Server DN, shutting down
-BlackBerry Messaging Agent Blackberry Agent 1 failed to start. Error code 5305

At one point I was seeing the 001e6602 error in the logs, but adding the FQDN to the DAC registry areas did resolve that, but didn't fix the problem.

KB19074 - should no longer apply because I uninstalled and replaced it with the newest version but I did set this using Traittool.

KB01018 - I've gone through these and they don't appear to apply

IEMSTEST works fine for all users configured for BES

I ran Handheldcleanup with -u setting

I also deleted the profiles key out of the registry to recreate the MAPI profile
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows Messaging Subsystem\Profiles
But that didn't fix it.

I am getting no other errors, I can log into the web admin console fine.

If anyone has some suggestions, I would greatly appreciate it.

tsac 07-02-2010 06:20 PM


KB01018 - View Document

itdTechnician 07-05-2010 09:28 AM

As I said, the first issue no longer applies because we are running the latest version.

The rest don't apply or are fine.

freakinvibe 07-06-2010 04:11 AM

What are the symptoms? Can the users send and receive e-mail or not?

itdTechnician 07-06-2010 11:02 AM

Blackberry's have not been in contact since the windows updates.

You can send messages via PIN only from the admin console. But they don't get emails and activations do not work either.

freakinvibe 07-07-2010 02:02 AM

The root cause of this seems to be

"Failed to retrieve the Server DN, shutting down"

Can you post any MAGT log entries just before that one.

itdTechnician 07-08-2010 09:26 AM

I have tried using the hosts file as indicated in another post for a work around, that doesn't help either.


Originally Posted by freakinvibe (Post 1626236)
The root cause of this seems to be

"Failed to retrieve the Server DN, shutting down"

Can you post any MAGT log entries just before that one.

UTF-8 encoded
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.339):{0x23FC} Current Date: 2010/07/08
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.339):{0x23FC} [DIAG] EVENT=Thread_report, THREADID=0x23FC, THREADNAME="DebugLogger"
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.340):{0x23FC} [ENV] Current Process: C:\Program Files (x86)\Research In Motion\BlackBerry Enterprise Server\BlackBerryAgent.exe
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.340):{0x23FC} [ENV] Current Process logged on as: ITD01\besadmin, Start Time: Jul 08 2010 10:23:54, Uptime (seconds): 0
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.340):{0x23FC} [ENV] Current Process id: 13968
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.340):{0x23FC} [ENV] Computer Host Name: ITD01S1, OS Version: 6.1, Build number 7600, ServicePack Major 0, ServicePack Minor 0
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.340):{0x23FC} [ENV] Processor Identifier: Intel64 Family 6 Model 23 Stepping 6
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.340):{0x23FC} [ENV] Processor Vendor Identifier: GenuineIntel
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.340):{0x23FC} [ENV] Processor Name String: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5420 @ 2.50GHz
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.340):{0x23FC} [ENV] Number of Processors: 4
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.340):{0x23FC} [ENV] 98 percent of memory in use.
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.340):{0x23FC} [ENV] Total size of physical memory: 8383420 KB
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.340):{0x23FC} [ENV] Size of physical memory available: 132024 KB
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.340):{0x23FC} [ENV] Size of the committed memory limit: 16764940 KB
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.340):{0x23FC} [ENV] Size of available memory to commit: 4876984 KB
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.340):{0x23FC} [ENV] Total size of the user mode portion of the virtual address space of the BES process: 2097024 KB
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.340):{0x23FC} [ENV] Size of unreserved and uncommitted memory in the user mode portion of the virtual address space of the BES process: 2047848 KB
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.341):{0x23FC} [ENV] Size of private memory of the BES process: 4416 KB
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.341):{0x23FC} [ENV] Total HD bytes: 104855834624, Total free bytes = 67386089472
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.386):{0x23FC} [ENV] System up time: 5 days 16 hrs 22 mins 26 secs
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.386):{0x23FC} [ENV] Local Time Zone: Eastern Daylight Time (GMT-05:00)
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.386):{0x23FC} [ENV] TCP/IP provider (Winsock) File Version: 6.1.7600.16385 (C:\Windows\System32\wsock32.dll)
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.389):{0x23FC} [ENV] Local machine IP Address =
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.390):{0x23FC} [ENV] Winsock2 file: @%SystemRoot%\system32\nlasvc.dll,-1000, Version: 6.1.7600.16385 (C:\Windows\system32\NLAapi.dll)
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.390):{0x23FC} [ENV] Winsock2 file: @%SystemRoot%\system32\wshtcpip.dll,-60103, Version: 6.1.7600.16385 (C:\Windows\System32\mswsock.dll)
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.390):{0x23FC} [ENV] Winsock2 file: NTDS, Version: 6.1.7600.16385 (C:\Windows\System32\winrnr.dll)
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.390):{0x23FC} [ENV] Winsock2 file: @%SystemRoot%\system32\napinsp.dll,-1000, Version: 6.1.7600.16385 (C:\Windows\system32\napinsp.dll)
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.391):{0x23FC} [ENV] Microsoft XML Parser 6.0: C:\Windows\System32\msxml6.dll, Version: 6.30.7600.16385
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.721):{0x23FC} [ENV] MSSQL OLEDB provider is available: [SQLOLEDB]
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.721):{0x23FC} [ENV] SQLCLI provider is available: [SQLNCLI]
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.721):{0x23FC} [ENV] MDAC version: 6.1.7600.16385
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.722):{0x23FC} [ENV] MSADO15.DLL: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\System\ado\msado15.dll, Version: 6.1.7600.16385
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.771):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: System, ID: 4
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.771):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: smss.exe, ID: 240
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.772):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: csrss.exe, ID: 384
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.772):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: wininit.exe, ID: 436
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.772):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: csrss.exe, ID: 444
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.772):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: winlogon.exe, ID: 484
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.772):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: services.exe, ID: 532
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.772):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: lsass.exe, ID: 540
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.772):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: lsm.exe, ID: 548
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.772):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: svchost.exe, ID: 732
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.772):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: svchost.exe, ID: 824
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.772):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: LogonUI.exe, ID: 904
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.772):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: svchost.exe, ID: 916
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.773):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: svchost.exe, ID: 960
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.773):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: svchost.exe, ID: 992
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.773):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: svchost.exe, ID: 256
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.773):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: svchost.exe, ID: 12
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.773):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: svchost.exe, ID: 264
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.773):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: spoolsv.exe, ID: 1360
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.773):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.WebServices.exe, ID: 1388
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.773):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: svchost.exe, ID: 1424
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.773):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: beremote.exe, ID: 1448
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.773):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: bedbg.exe, ID: 1744
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.773):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: certsrv.exe, ID: 1296
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.773):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: dsm_sa_eventmgr32.exe, ID: 1588
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.774):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: dsm_sa_datamgr32.exe, ID: 2052
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.774):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: dfsrs.exe, ID: 2076
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.774):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: dns.exe, ID: 2096
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.774):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: PresentationFontCache.exe, ID: 2132
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.774):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: ismserv.exe, ID: 2308
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.774):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: mr2kserv.exe, ID: 2336
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.774):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: sqlservr.exe, ID: 2656
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.774):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: sqlservr.exe, ID: 2768
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.774):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: svchost.exe, ID: 2896
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.774):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: SMSvcHost.exe, ID: 2920
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.774):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: NSClient++.exe, ID: 2968
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.774):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: ntfrs.exe, ID: 3068
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.775):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: dsm_om_shrsvc32.exe, ID: 1664
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.775):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: svchost.exe, ID: 3172
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.775):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: dsm_om_connsvc32.exe, ID: 3220
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.775):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: snmp.exe, ID: 3240
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.775):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: sqlbrowser.exe, ID: 3272
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.775):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: sqlwriter.exe, ID: 3344
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.775):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: winvnc.exe, ID: 3396
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.775):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: svchost.exe, ID: 3460
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.775):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: winvnc.exe, ID: 4604
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.775):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: vmmservice.exe, ID: 4948
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.775):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: pvlsvr.exe, ID: 3504
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.775):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: vmwp.exe, ID: 6812
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.776):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: beserver.exe, ID: 6584
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.776):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: t64.exe, ID: 7880
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.776):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: benetns.exe, ID: 8804
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.776):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: bengine.exe, ID: 9244
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.776):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: svchost.exe, ID: 8468
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.776):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: vds.exe, ID: 10088
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.776):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: svchost.exe, ID: 3784
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.776):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: svchost.exe, ID: 9856
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.776):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: msdtc.exe, ID: 11032
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.776):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: inetinfo.exe, ID: 9456
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.776):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: WmiPrvSE.exe, ID: 12060
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.776):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: WmiPrvSE.exe, ID: 9692
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.776):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: MSExchangeADTopologyService.exe, ID: 8716
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.777):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: Microsoft.Exchange.AddressBook.Service.exe, ID: 6624
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.777):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: SpeechService.exe, ID: 2492
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.777):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: SESWorker.exe, ID: 9348
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.777):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: SESWorker.exe, ID: 6520
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.777):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: conhost.exe, ID: 13112
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.777):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: conhost.exe, ID: 3480
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.777):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: umservice.exe, ID: 6552
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.777):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: UMWorkerProcess.exe, ID: 2948
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.777):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: MSExchangeTransportLogSearch.exe, ID: 8092
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.777):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: MSExchangeTransport.exe, ID: 7296
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.777):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: EdgeTransport.exe, ID: 8752
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.777):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: conhost.exe, ID: 7204
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.778):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: MSExchangeThrottling.exe, ID: 9768
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.778):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: Microsoft.Exchange.ServiceHost.exe, ID: 11920
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.778):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: msftesql.exe, ID: 4908
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.778):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: Microsoft.Exchange.Search.ExSearch.exe, ID: 8328
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.778):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: Microsoft.Exchange.RpcClientAccess.Service.exe, ID: 1980
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.778):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: msexchangerepl.exe, ID: 13080
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.778):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: Microsoft.Exchange.ProtectedServiceHost.exe, ID: 8400
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.778):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: MSExchangeMailSubmission.exe, ID: 12156
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.778):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: MSExchangeMailboxReplication.exe, ID: 8780
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.778):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: MSExchangeMailboxAssistants.exe, ID: 8164
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.778):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: MsExchangeFDS.exe, ID: 11712
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.778):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: Microsoft.Exchange.EdgeSyncSvc.exe, ID: 10468
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.779):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: Microsoft.Exchange.AntispamUpdateSvc.exe, ID: 11332
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.779):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: exfba.exe, ID: 8312
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.779):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: store.exe, ID: 11688
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.779):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: mad.exe, ID: 2480
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.779):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: svchost.exe, ID: 10008
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.779):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: dfssvc.exe, ID: 6840
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.779):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: vmms.exe, ID: 7760
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.779):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: w3wp.exe, ID: 12900
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.779):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: vmmAgent.exe, ID: 12800
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.780):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: svchost.exe, ID: 1736
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.780):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: svchost.exe, ID: 2644
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.780):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: w3wp.exe, ID: 12168
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.780):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: w3wp.exe, ID: 9340
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.780):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: w3wp.exe, ID: 4304
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.780):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: svchost.exe, ID: 1720
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.780):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: w3wp.exe, ID: 11644
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.780):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: w3wp.exe, ID: 8912
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.780):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: w3wp.exe, ID: 15216
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.780):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: msftefd.exe, ID: 18620
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.780):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: csrss.exe, ID: 17992
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.780):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: winlogon.exe, ID: 19424
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.781):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: taskhost.exe, ID: 11336
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.781):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: rdpclip.exe, ID: 15516
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.781):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: dwm.exe, ID: 14644
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.781):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: explorer.exe, ID: 19220
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.781):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: jusched.exe, ID: 17352
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.781):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: mmc.exe, ID: 15676
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.781):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: sqlservr.exe, ID: 14160
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.781):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: BlackberryRouter.exe, ID: 15428
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.781):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: BlackBerryDispatcher.exe, ID: 14412
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.781):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: BlackBerryController.exe, ID: 11012
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.781):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: bmds.exe, ID: 3984
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.781):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: BlackBerryExtension.exe, ID: 4060
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.782):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: conhost.exe, ID: 3932
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.782):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: BlackBerrySyncServer.exe, ID: 6364
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.782):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: BlackBerryMailStoreSrvr.exe, ID: 10888
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.782):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: BlackBerryPolicyServer.exe, ID: 11060
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.782):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: wbengine.exe, ID: 1044
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.782):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: BBAttachServer.exe, ID: 18408
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.782):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: BBAttachMonitor.exe, ID: 15984
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.782):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: conhost.exe, ID: 15084
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.782):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: BBConvert.exe, ID: 14052
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.782):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: conhost.exe, ID: 18864
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.782):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: BBConvert.exe, ID: 13636
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.782):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: conhost.exe, ID: 17928
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.782):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: BBConvert.exe, ID: 18872
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.783):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: conhost.exe, ID: 8492
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.783):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: BBConvert.exe, ID: 4812
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.783):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: conhost.exe, ID: 13092
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.783):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: BESAlert.exe, ID: 13372
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.783):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: BAS-NCC.exe, ID: 5936
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.783):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: BAS-AS.exe, ID: 15240
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.783):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: BlackBerryAgent.exe, ID: 13968
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.783):{0x23FC} [ENV] Running Process: conhost.exe, ID: 2500
[40000] (07/08 10:23:54.785):{0x23FC} [DIAG] EVENT=Syslog_connected, EVENTMSG="Connected to"
[50076] (07/08 10:23:54.834):{0x46CC} Starting BlackBerry Mailbox Agent 1 for Server Blackberry - Version
[30000] (07/08 10:23:54.835):{0x3BA8} [DIAG] EVENT=Register_thread, THREADID=0x3BA8, THREADNAME="ExtUDPLogThread"
[50049] (07/08 10:23:54.835):{0x3BA8} Waiting for external UDP log messages on port 4085
[35060] (07/08 10:23:54.996):{0x3BA8} Controller: This BES Agent is under control of BlackBerry Controller
[35056] (07/08 10:23:54.996):{0x3BA8} Controller: Extension Process Configuration id 1
[30366] (07/08 10:23:54.996):{0x3BA8} Proxy specified for unnamed extension with id 1
[35058] (07/08 10:23:54.996):{0x3BA8} Controller: End of Extension Configuration
[30438] (07/08 10:23:55.517):{0x46CC} Waiting for Controller to provide Extension configuration information
[30221] (07/08 10:23:55.590):{0x46CC} BES Cryptographic Kernel module is initialized and working properly
[45009] (07/08 10:23:55.590):{0x46CC} More cache hit rate: 0.0%, requests: 0, adds: 0, size: 0.0/30.0 Mb
[45014] (07/08 10:23:55.590):{0x46CC} ExtMore cache hit rate: 0.0%, requests: 0, adds: 0, size: 0/20000
[45079] (07/08 10:23:55.590):{0x46CC} Attachment cache hit rate: 0.0%, requests: 0, adds: 0, size: 0.0/30.0 Mb
[40212] (07/08 10:23:55.590):{0x46CC} Address cache hit rate: 0.0%, requests: 0, adds: 0, size: 0
[40328] (07/08 10:23:55.590):{0x46CC} Failed cache hit rate: 0.0%, requests: 0, adds: 0, size: 2
[30058] (07/08 10:23:55.594):{0x46CC} Starting Database
[30000] (07/08 10:23:55.595):{0x46CC} ADO ConnectionTimeout value = 30s
[30000] (07/08 10:23:55.595):{0x46CC} ADO ConnectionTimeout for re-initalizing the pool = 45s
[45059] (07/08 10:23:55.617):{0x46CC} {ConnectionPool::InitializePool()}: Using connection pool with limit of 100 connections
[30000] (07/08 10:23:55.624):{0x46CC} [ENV] [DB] Connection String = Server=ITD01S1\BLACKBERRY;Database=BESMgmt;Network =dbmssocn;Trusted_Connection=Yes
[30000] (07/08 10:23:55.625):{0x46CC} [ENV] [DB] DBMS Name = Microsoft SQL Server; DBMS Version = 09.00.4053; Provider Name = sqlncli.dll; Provider Friendly Name = Microsoft SQL Native Client; OLE DB Version = 02.80; Provider Version = 9.00.4035.00; Failover Partner =
[35019] (07/08 10:23:55.626):{0x46CC} [ENV] [DB] Database Schema Version: 5.0.1 <5.0.2010.03.16>
[30000] (07/08 10:23:55.630):{0x46CC} ADO ConnectionTimeout value = 30s
[30000] (07/08 10:23:55.630):{0x46CC} ADO ConnectionTimeout for re-initalizing the pool = 45s
[40682] (07/08 10:23:55.634):{0x46CC} AddPagerToList(Jared Young) - UserId=1
[40682] (07/08 10:23:55.635):{0x46CC} AddPagerToList(Ray Brooke) - UserId=9
[40682] (07/08 10:23:55.636):{0x46CC} AddPagerToList(Dale Walsh) - UserId=12
[30231] (07/08 10:23:55.637):{0x46CC} [CFG] 3DES encryption keys are ENABLED on this server
[30231] (07/08 10:23:55.637):{0x46CC} [CFG] AES256 encryption keys are ENABLED on this server
[40000] (07/08 10:23:55.652):{0x46CC} [CFG] Trait Settings: EnableLegacyProfileConfig is true
[30054] (07/08 10:23:55.652):{0x46CC} Starting Message System
[30055] (07/08 10:23:55.652):{0x46CC} Using MAPI profile BlackBerryServer
[40206] (07/08 10:23:55.655):{0x46CC} MailboxManager::SubsystemInitialize - Using MAPI profile 'BlackBerryServer'
[40000] (07/08 10:23:55.717):{0x46CC} Current directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\Research In Motion\BlackBerry Enterprise Server
[30000] (07/08 10:23:55.717):{0x774} [DIAG] EVENT=Register_thread, THREADID=0x774, THREADNAME="PFContactMonitor"
[30000] (07/08 10:23:55.717):{0x46CC} [ENV] MAPI32.DLL: C:\Windows\system32\MAPI32.dll, Version: 1.0.2536.0
[30000] (07/08 10:23:55.718):{0x46CC} [ENV] CDO.DLL: C:\Program Files (x86)\ExchangeMapi\cdo.dll, Version: 6.5.8153.0
[30000] (07/08 10:23:55.719):{0x46CC} [ENV] Microsoft Management Console (MMC): C:\Windows\system32\mmc.exe, Version: 6.1.7600.16385
[30000] (07/08 10:23:55.719):{0x46CC} [ENV] Global Catalog Server (GCS) from the BlackBerry MAPI profile:
[30000] (07/08 10:23:55.719):{0x46CC} [ENV] BlackBerry Mailbox Agent 1 - BESX Version
[30000] (07/08 10:23:55.719):{0x46CC} [ENV] BES Service Name: BlackBerry Mailbox Agent
[30000] (07/08 10:23:55.720):{0x46CC} [ENV] BlackBerry Dispatcher: C:\Program Files (x86)\Research In Motion\BlackBerry Enterprise Server\BlackBerryDispatcher.exe, Version:
[30000] (07/08 10:23:55.720):{0x46CC} [ENV] BlackBerry User Administration Service: NOT FOUND
[30000] (07/08 10:23:55.722):{0x46CC} [ENV] BlackBerry MDS Connection Service: C:\Program Files (x86)\Research In Motion\BlackBerry Enterprise Server\MDS\bin\bmds.exe, Version:
[30000] (07/08 10:23:55.722):{0x46CC} [ENV] BlackBerry Database Consistency Service: NOT FOUND
[30000] (07/08 10:23:55.723):{0x46CC} [ENV] BlackBerry Policy Service: C:\Program Files (x86)\Research In Motion\BlackBerry Enterprise Server\BlackBerryPolicyServer.exe, Version:
[30000] (07/08 10:23:55.724):{0x46CC} [ENV] BlackBerry Synchronization Service: C:\Program Files (x86)\Research In Motion\BlackBerry Enterprise Server\SyncServer\BlackBerrySyncServer.exe, Version:
[30000] (07/08 10:23:55.725):{0x46CC} [ENV] BlackBerry Router: C:\Program Files (x86)\Research In Motion\BlackBerry Enterprise Server\BypassRouter\BlackberryRouter.exe, Version:
[30000] (07/08 10:23:55.726):{0x46CC} [ENV] BlackBerry Controller: C:\Program Files (x86)\Research In Motion\BlackBerry Enterprise Server\BlackBerryController.exe, Version:
[30000] (07/08 10:23:55.727):{0x46CC} [ENV] BlackBerry Alert: C:\Program Files (x86)\Research In Motion\BlackBerry Enterprise Server\BESAlert.exe, Version:
[30000] (07/08 10:23:55.728):{0x46CC} [ENV] BlackBerry Attachment Service: C:\Program Files (x86)\Research In Motion\BlackBerry Enterprise Server\AttachServer\BBAttachServer.exe, Version:
[35015] (07/08 10:23:55.729):{0x46CC} [ENV] Total number of requests for connections: 19
[35014] (07/08 10:23:55.729):{0x46CC} [ENV] Number of waits for connections since service was started: 0
[35019] (07/08 10:23:55.730):{0x46CC} [ENV] [DB] Database Schema Version: 5.0.1 <5.0.2010.03.16>
[30000] (07/08 10:23:55.731):{0x46CC} [ENV] [DB] Connection String = Server=ITD01S1\BLACKBERRY;Database=BESMgmt;Network =dbmssocn;Trusted_Connection=Yes
[30000] (07/08 10:23:55.732):{0x46CC} [ENV] [DB] DBMS Name = Microsoft SQL Server; DBMS Version = 09.00.4053; Provider Name = sqlncli.dll; Provider Friendly Name = Microsoft SQL Native Client; OLE DB Version = 02.80; Provider Version = 9.00.4035.00; Failover Partner =
[30480] (07/08 10:23:55.732):{0x46CC} [CFG] BES failover mode is ACTIVE
[41120] (07/08 10:23:55.732):{0x46CC} [CFG] Address Lookup is enabled
[41122] (07/08 10:23:55.732):{0x46CC} [CFG] LDAP search is disabled, LDAP PIM search is disabled, LDAP ALP search is disabled
[41123] (07/08 10:23:55.732):{0x46CC} [CFG] Using up to 10 external CDO Helpers in keep-alive mode
[41124] (07/08 10:23:55.732):{0x46CC} [CFG] AddOwnerApptID is disabled
[41125] (07/08 10:23:55.732):{0x46CC} [CFG] SetLocaleIDs is disabled
[30302] (07/08 10:23:55.732):{0x46CC} [CFG] OTAFM hard-delete server support is enabled, rescans are 0x06
[40532] (07/08 10:23:55.732):{0x46CC} [CFG] vCard conversion support has been enabled
[40892] (07/08 10:23:55.732):{0x46CC} [CFG] GlobalRescan config: messaging:O, calendar:O, pim:O
[41126] (07/08 10:23:55.732):{0x46CC} [CFG] EnableExceptionStackTrace is disabled
[40000] (07/08 10:23:55.732):{0x46CC} [CFG] MAPI Encoding is 1
[10275] (07/08 10:23:55.734):{0x46CC} Failed to retrieve the Server DN, shutting down
[10277] (07/08 10:23:55.734):{0x46CC} BlackBerry Messaging Agent Blackberry Agent 1 failed to start. Error code 5305
[50106] (07/08 10:23:55.735):{0x46CC} Stopping BlackBerry Mailbox Agent 1 for Server Blackberry
[30000] (07/08 10:23:55.735):{0x4B18} [DIAG] EVENT=Register_thread, THREADID=0x4B18, THREADNAME="TimerThread"
[40000] (07/08 10:23:55.735):{0x4B18} [DEBUG] EVENTMSG="TimerThread thread started"
[40507] (07/08 10:23:55.998):{0x3BA8} ExtUDPLogThread: Code on closing = 0
[30000] (07/08 10:23:55.998):{0x3BA8} [DIAG] EVENT=Unregister_thread, THREADID=0x3BA8, THREADNAME="ExtUDPLogThread"
[30000] (07/08 10:23:56.001):{0x774} [DIAG] EVENT=Unregister_thread, THREADID=0x774, THREADNAME="PFContactMonitor"
[30065] (07/08 10:23:56.518):{0x46CC} BlackBerry Mailbox Agent 1 for Server Blackberry shutdown complete
====== END OF LOG ======

Beancurd 07-08-2010 04:25 PM

I resolved this today.

I patched the server suing the wrong account. You can check to see what the blackberry services are running as. They should be running as the besadmin account. To resolve I reinstalled under the proper credentials.

Hope this helps anyone else who gets this 5305 error.

itdTechnician 07-08-2010 04:33 PM

This was a fresh install, and I used the besadmin account before and after the initial restart. Still get this error. (n)

Beancurd 07-08-2010 04:41 PM


Originally Posted by itdTechnician (Post 1626810)
This was a fresh install, and I used the besadmin account before and after the initial restart. Still get this error. (n)

I sorry :(

Best wishes getting this resolved!

itdTechnician 07-09-2010 03:37 PM

I managed to solve the issue (if you can call it solving)....

Something wrong with the BESAdmin account.

I deleted the BESAdmin mailbox and the account
Uninstalled BES
Deleted the SQL databases


Recreated BESAdmin, re-added persmissions, went through the entire document again to do a fresh install.
Added the users
They activated fine and started sending mail.

I am lucky that we don't depend too much on BES internally, unlike some of our clients, because it'd have a lot more issues with re-activations and upset people then I did internally.

tmy 07-14-2010 04:07 AM

Seeing the exact same issue.
Stopped working after the mandatory reboot of the windows update which installed (in German, sorry):
  • Update für die Kompatibilitätsansichtsliste für Internet Explorer 8 für Windows Server 2008 R2 x64 Edition (KB982632)
  • Regelupdate für Best Practice Analyzer für Active Directory-Domänendienste für Windows Server 2008 R2 x64 Edition (KB980360)
  • Update für Microsoft Silverlight (KB982926)
  • Update für Windows Server 2008 R2 x64 Edition (KB980846)
  • Update für Windows Server 2008 R2 x64 Edition (KB982519)
  • Microsoft .NET Framework 4 für Windows Server 2008 R2 x64-basierte Systeme (KB982671)
  • Update für Windows Server 2008 R2 x64 Edition (KB981793)
  • Update für Best Practices Analyzer für Dateidienste für Windows Server 2008 R2 x64 Edition (KB981111)
  • Windows-Tool zum Entfernen bösartiger Software x64 - Juni 2010 (KB890830)

I don't see any relevance in KB982632, KB980360, KB982926, KB981111 and KB890830.

That leaves
  • KB981793 (time zone change) - capable of causing trouble with outlook, but only because of wrong times in calendar entries - not very likely IMHO
  • KB980846 and KB982519 (changes in dll compatibility) - maybe
  • KB982671 (.NET 4) - BIG install - who knows

@itdTechnician: Were any of those installed on your system before the error?

Scraping the Database and reinstalling is not an option that seems very appealing to me...

TC Group 07-14-2010 05:42 AM

Same error
We are experiencing the exact same issues as we lately installed pending Windows Updates on our BES Express server.

I'm not reinstalling from scratch once again. I have done this earlier in order to solve various BB agent issues. This can't be the only universal solution to BB issues.

I have tried to uninstall the Windows Updates which were recently installed but unfortunately it didn't help either.

tmy 07-21-2010 05:43 AM

Installing from scratch was the solution I had to revert to as well.

Including wiping all devices to re-install the it policy which cannot be delivered when the DB is deleted.


dbarto 09-21-2010 04:41 PM

You could have applied Blackberry's KB23927. Worked fine for me.

freakinvibe 09-22-2010 01:23 AM

Not sure if KB23927 is really helping here as the original poster (itdTechnician) is reporting that users can't send and receive e-mail, but the KB states that only the admin service is affected, not the core services.

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