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Superh3ro 08-11-2010 02:59 PM

Review: BlackBerry Torch 9800 and OS 6.0 by
i like this review
covers everything

Review: BlackBerry Torch 9800 and OS 6.0 | BlackBerry Leaks - Blackberry news, software, videos, info, reviews, previews

dulcamara 08-14-2010 09:35 AM

Yet another fair-to-poor review. I may sit this one out. I can't find an Android phone I like, or I'd jump ship now.

It's too bad. I want to keep my tasty ATT unlimited international data plan, and will give RIM a significant amount of slack on their OS + browser. However, my workplace is moving to gmail, and I'll need some serious support for that.

I could be sitting on my 9000 for another year.

Dubdub 08-14-2010 09:53 AM

Please update your profile to indicate the 9000 rather than just "Bold" - since the 9650 is also a Bold, but they are different.


Dubdub 08-14-2010 09:57 AM


Originally Posted by Superh3ro (Post 1639694)

I don't think many of these reviews are giving the 9800 a fair shake. It isn't a Droid or an iPhone, and can't be compared to one either.

Maybe we should have had a faster processor - but that eats battery. We could have had a better screen, but that also eats battery. RIM can't win, no matter what they do.

Consumers want one thing, technophobes want another, and business wants yet another. You cannot make one device for every use.

Plus, I am not 100% certain that these so called experts who do the reviews really have a clue about what they are reviewing. Have they even used a BB before?

poolbizz 08-14-2010 02:11 PM

That's right its a Turd
Posted via Mobile

Superh3ro 08-15-2010 02:08 PM

to be honest
i think rim should stop try to make touch screens, its not a blackberry if it had a touch screen to me. blackberries are famous for their awsome keyboards they just have to focus on that. i rather have my battery last for day or two instead of the fast processor or the touch screen. but thats just me...

dz8 08-15-2010 04:44 PM

Well I think they will continue making keyboard only units (if not, they should) for those people who only care about messaging.

But there's another class of enterprise user that needs a serviceable web browser. Part of my job requires I have access to internal web applications. Although a keyboard only device (9700 with BB6?) can handle this, I think it's safe to say that Apple hit it out of the park in terms of browser usability with the bigger screen and touch.

I think that's where the 9800 fits in. True BB messaging with a touch interface mainly for browsing or quick message scanning. It's not going to compete with Apple/Android for users who want multimedia, watch movies/tv, play games, etc but I don't even think they should try (well at least not with the Torch).

I don't need any of those media features. I just need a messaging device with proper browsing and in that sense the Torch works. It solves those two problems fairly well with good battery life.

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