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Golfhack 11-03-2010 07:32 PM

T-mo 5.0..900
found it today! problems!

mymeatb18 11-04-2010 09:11 AM

still no problems? did it fix any noticable problems that u had if any? do u notice any difference?

BarracudaBob 11-04-2010 10:55 AM

I hadn't heard of any leaked or official updates since the .822 for the 8900. Are you sure this is an 8900 update? Where did you hear about it? I just wish the 8900 was getting OS6. At least I have an upgrade coming in February.

cameron.personal 11-04-2010 11:53 AM

I got it too 8900 Version (Bundle 1626) downloaded and installed through Desktop Manager.


micutu 11-04-2010 02:33 PM

It would help if you guys could provide us a link for download...

mymeatb18 11-04-2010 03:47 PM

its through the DM. so i guess u could check the blackberry website

xlavinho 11-05-2010 07:30 AM

I installed it yesterday on my T-Mobile 8900. Bought the phone in the US but I'm using it now with a Norwegian BB carrier (Trigcom).
I've had huge problems with the phone the last 24h! I don't know if this is a matter with the .900, but it seems that Java isn't working properly. The installation went fine, the only difference I noticed from the previous version was the BB Messenger, the one in the new version is similar to the one in OS6, other than that no other news guys.
Back to my problem. After the install I restored the full data back to the phone and it worked smooth. Then I restored the apps using BBSAK, it rebooted and it was still fine. Then, some minutes later I wanted to see if the apps still worked, so I turned on the Navita Sports app, went through the setup and when it prompted if I wanted to update it to a newer version I thought why not... That went fine too, and after the update it wanted to reboot, and that's the last time the phone was working fine. It never got through the reboot so I had to use BBSAK to wipe the device and reinstall the OS, but after that everything has just gone wrong, whatever I have done the phone has just been a mess. The most frequent message I get is an error on the screen reading "JVM error 545", according to the BlackBerry Technical Solution Center this is a Java Virtual Machine application error...
So if anyone can figure this out, please help me. I have even tried to roll back to an old version using BBSAK without restoring but it just keeps showing the startup screen over and over again. It loads to a certain point and just reboots again.

mymeatb18 11-05-2010 02:27 PM

whu dont u try to do it a normal way instead of using all that mumbo jumbo stuff

xlavinho 11-05-2010 03:47 PM


Originally Posted by mymeatb18 (Post 1671476)
whu dont u try to do it a normal way instead of using all that mumbo jumbo stuff

Believe me, I've tried everything. Now the system runs for a couple of hours until the screen turns white again and the startup screen appears, it loads to a certain point, reboots and does the startup thing again.

mymeatb18 11-05-2010 08:34 PM


Originally Posted by xlavinho (Post 1671510)
Believe me, I've tried everything. Now the system runs for a couple of hours until the screen turns white again and the startup screen appears, it loads to a certain point, reboots and does the startup thing again.

Damn I had a phone like that before and then it eventually died but that one was messed up from the start but I guess u could follow the directions for a "nuked" phone in the FAQ section I updated my phone today and actually seems to run better the one thing I really did notice is that when I go to see my pictures they are already loaded as before they would have to load the preview but sorry about ur phone bro
Posted via Mobile

kgwld1 11-12-2010 06:13 PM

Re: T-mo 5.0..900
I've updated to this and uma calls are terrible.

JessicaLeighFL 11-16-2010 05:29 AM

Re: T-mo 5.0..900
.900 is garbage... there is a 5 second sound delay, where there never was before. The sluggishness during app use is maddening at times.

I always wind up reverting back to .411. Don't know why I bother, sometimes...

5.0bad 11-23-2010 07:25 PM

Re: T-mo 5.0..900
I called tmo when 900 came out. "No major probs" They said, a downgrade would fix any prob. Not so true. My 8900 quit making any noises. Othe folks having same issue. Some downgraded and re-upgraded. Prob came back. Any experience here? I'm going to try to get back to 4.6.whatnot and see if my phone survives.

Tmo, who said there were no major probs said, "So rim" I am so pissed at them. This was a known prob and they said nada. They don't test sware that hits phones on their network, they said they don't understadn downgrade....they had an A+ with me till this. Then when I get angry, and ask for a supe, I get someone who is ignorant and is merely taking one for the team. Has no idea what they do w- sware releases, knows nothing about "PDA's". Just wants me to get nice and go away. Infuriating.

Any help on the 4.6 downgrade fixing this prb?

kingston73 11-26-2010 02:44 PM

Re: T-mo 5.0..900

Originally Posted by 5.0bad (Post 1677072)
I called tmo when 900 came out. "No major probs" They said, a downgrade would fix any prob. Not so true. My 8900 quit making any noises. Othe folks having same issue. Some downgraded and re-upgraded. Prob came back. Any experience here? I'm going to try to get back to 4.6.whatnot and see if my phone survives.

Tmo, who said there were no major probs said, "So rim" I am so pissed at them. This was a known prob and they said nada. They don't test sware that hits phones on their network, they said they don't understadn downgrade....they had an A+ with me till this. Then when I get angry, and ask for a supe, I get someone who is ignorant and is merely taking one for the team. Has no idea what they do w- sware releases, knows nothing about "PDA's". Just wants me to get nice and go away. Infuriating.

Any help on the 4.6 downgrade fixing this prb?

Just curious, did you have any version of os5 before this? For the mods on here, does this 900 version not count as the most up-to-date version? I'm asking because in the sticky at the top it still has 822 listed. I just had DM update to 900 automatically today so I will post back after I've used it a little while.

kingston73 11-26-2010 08:33 PM

Re: T-mo 5.0..900
After putting things through their initial paces, I haven't experienced any of the issues posted before. All my sounds work the way they used to, and I made a couple calls over UMA that sounded just fine.

5.0bad 11-27-2010 02:16 PM


Originally Posted by kingston73 (Post 1677968)
Just curious, did you have any version of os5 before this? For the mods on here, does this 900 version not count as the most up-to-date version? I'm asking because in the sticky at the top it still has 822 listed. I just had DM update to 900 automatically today so I will post back after I've used it a little while.

No, I had no other 5. W-less upgrade offered 822 but tmo said not to use that as 900 had all the fixes in it. I went from 4.6.x as tmo was sooooo slow to support 5. I'm going to try to downgrade this weekend. I'll post my results.
Posted via Mobile

BallHawk3 11-30-2010 10:53 PM

Re: T-mo 5.0..900
The sound issues from .822 still exists for me!

kingston73 12-03-2010 08:46 AM

Re: T-mo 5.0..900
I wonder what the common thing is between the people who are having issues? I've had 900 a week now and still no problems at all.

SmokeyBehr 01-28-2011 11:41 PM

Re: T-mo 5.0..900
I loaded up 822 and had nothing but trouble. I went back to 4.6.whatever until 900 came out. 900 is working just okay, but the camera is giving me fits. It blacks out from time to time, freezes, and sometimes it'll error523 out, and sometimes I have to do a battery pull. I'm trying to DL 1036, but it's taking forever.

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