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Jhamika 06-16-2011 02:38 PM

BlackBerry vs iPhone
I have a problem with this. Yes i know there is craploads of posts with bb vs iphone but im posting this becuz i need a little bit of help on something. well i am pretty much the only one in my family who has a BB and the rest have iphones. I get ripped on the BB becuz "iphone is better" and "bb is garbage" and i dont know what to say. I know bb is alot better then iphone becuz iphone is really not advanced compared to Droid, BB, etc. My cousin says iphone is better than bb becuz more ppl have it and more is better.
So now that you know my story, what should i say to completely shut his a** up?

jsconyers 06-16-2011 02:45 PM

Re: BlackBerry vs iPhone
Better is a very subjective term. The iPhone may be better for your friends and family's needs but that doesn't mean it suits your needs. The iPhone isn't for everyone and the BB isn't for everyone either. It all depends on what you want your device to do.

It is a pointless argument.

aiharkness 06-16-2011 03:55 PM

Re: BlackBerry vs iPhone
A lot of people need the comfort of the crowd, like herding animals. And some have to pick on the ones not following the herd. Do what works for you and don't give a flip what the others think or say.

adperdue 06-17-2011 12:01 AM

Re: BlackBerry vs iPhone
What's better? 32 gb of storage? Or 36? BlackBerry wins.
What's better? Wired media syncing? Or wireless? BlackBerry wins.
What's better? Full data hogginess? Or using a third less data? BlackBerry wins.
What's better? Taking up to 20 minutes to configure a new email address? Or typing your address and password, then letting your phone do the rest in less than 30 seconds? BlackBerry wins.
What's better? Low rez screens? Or high rez screens? Iphone wins.
What's better? Powerful proccesors? Or weak proccesors? Iphone wins.
What's better? Hundreds of thousands of apps? Or thousands? Iphone wins.
It all comes down to personal preference. The iPhone is not evil or inferior. Its just different. If I liked virtual keyboards (yuck) more than physical, I may be a iFanboy, instead of a BerrySlave today.
Posted via Mobile

ArgonNJ 06-18-2011 08:36 PM

Re: BlackBerry vs iPhone

Originally Posted by adperdue (Post 1727892)
What's better? 32 gb of storage? Or 36? BlackBerry wins.
What's better? Wired media syncing? Or wireless? BlackBerry wins.
What's better? Full data hogginess? Or using a third less data? BlackBerry wins.
What's better? Taking up to 20 minutes to configure a new email address? Or typing your address and password, then letting your phone do the rest in less than 30 seconds? BlackBerry wins.
What's better? Low rez screens? Or high rez screens? Iphone wins.
What's better? Powerful proccesors? Or weak proccesors? Iphone wins.
What's better? Hundreds of thousands of apps? Or thousands? Iphone wins.
It all comes down to personal preference. The iPhone is not evil or inferior. Its just different. If I liked virtual keyboards (yuck) more than physical, I may be a iFanboy, instead of a BerrySlave today.
Posted via Mobile

Are you kidding?? It takes 5 minutes to set up an Exchange account on the iphone and it gives you folder, calendar and address book sync, plus push. BB BIS gives you, inbox and push, thats it. Sorry, iphone wins.

Daltonirl 06-28-2011 02:02 PM

Re: BlackBerry vs iPhone

Originally Posted by Jhamika (Post 1727808)
I have a problem with this. Yes i know there is craploads of posts with bb vs iphone but im posting this becuz i need a little bit of help on something. well i am pretty much the only one in my family who has a BB and the rest have iphones. I get ripped on the BB becuz "iphone is better" and "bb is garbage" and i dont know what to say. I know bb is alot better then iphone becuz iphone is really not advanced compared to Droid, BB, etc. My cousin says iphone is better than bb becuz more ppl have it and more is better.
So now that you know my story, what should i say to completely shut his a** up?

Well, depending on what generation iPhones they have, you might be screwed if you're trying to one-up them. If they have iPhone 4's, there isn't much you can say because hardware wise everything is a lot better, even the 3GS is as good as the best BlackBerry right now. From a software perspective, you could have made a decent case, and still sort of can, although both OS's are kind of outdated, but iOS 5 will clear that up probably- but still, point out that when you're doing something a notification can't potentially appear right in front of your face, interrupting everything you're doing; you can get themes; and your email is totally cool. With a little luck, you'll totally own them- but only if they aren't tech-savvy and don't know iOS 5 is coming. For now, your best bet is to rub BBM in their face until they get iMessage in a few months. You could also say something like "well, you're stupid, everyone knows iPhones are for iLosers," or something like that...

jbcohen 07-14-2011 07:41 AM

Re: BlackBerry vs iPhone
All very true however I would like to add one thing for jhamika. Iphone is a proprietary platform it can only use data and software that are explicitly approved by Apple corp for which the company takes a heafty cut of the sales. Blackberry however is only partly priprietary, the hardware is proprietary (you can not run out and buy a blackberry from dell or acer) and the OS is but beyond that there is nothing proprietary about it. RIM does not control what you can buy and run on the handset like apple does. So if your family likes being under the thumb of a big muti-national company who dictates what you can see and use then thats fine. Berries are better for people that don't like to be controlled.

Personally I have equated the use of apple products with a personality defect it seems to me that anytime I run into anyone with an apple anything they think that they have a patent of truth any anyone who doesn't do what they do as needing their head examined. They seem to think that they are the only ones with any sense in their heads. I have learned over the years life is never like this, its a bunch of greys and whats right for one is not necessarily the best for someone else, as jsconyers puts it so well. I don't argue with these people their is no sense. My own parents have the personality defect and I don't listen to them in matters concerning computers. At home I do not allow any proprietary anything, therefore apple has been baned from the network.

However lets recognize the Anroid is a lot more non-proprietary then blackberry is.

SmoothOperator 07-15-2011 11:18 PM

Re: BlackBerry vs iPhone
You can load all your regular media to your MicroSD memory card, and at the same time load your porno movie MP4's to another Micro SD memory card. Once your girlfriend steps out for a few minutes you can instantly pop in your porno MicroSD card and whack off for a few minutes until she returns. No way in hell can you do that to your iPhone without being discovered by your nosy girlfriend.

SmoothOperator 07-15-2011 11:19 PM

Re: BlackBerry vs iPhone
Also, beware iPhone once the new Bold 9900 comes out. Touch screen along with a physical keypad that kicks ass?

ArgonNJ 07-16-2011 02:48 PM

Re: BlackBerry vs iPhone

Originally Posted by SmoothOperator (Post 1732856)
Also, beware iPhone once the new Bold 9900 comes out. Touch screen along with a physical keypad that kicks ass?

Hahaha, are you kidding??? Beware iphone?? Bold 9900 running the same, old, repackaged OS from 4 years ago, a fraction of the apps that the iphone has, a dwindling fan base. Yeah, Apple has a lot to worry about. Thanks for the laugh.

ifonline 07-17-2011 06:28 AM

Re: BlackBerry vs iPhone
Unreal. What is the point of these threads, other than to bait people into arguing? Anyone bother to notice that the OP hasn't been back since starting this thread?

georgejo 09-05-2011 05:40 PM

Re: BlackBerry vs iPhone

Originally Posted by jsconyers (Post 1727811)
Better is a very subjective term. The iPhone may be better for your friends and family's needs but that doesn't mean it suits your needs. The iPhone isn't for everyone and the BB isn't for everyone either. It all depends on what you want your device to do.

It is a pointless argument.

Your post was kind of pointless. Now, if you had perhaps given some hints as to what sort of considerations one might have, it could be insightful. If all you are going to say is, "it depends", why did you post at all?

I've got a blackberry. For what I currently do, I probably don't really need either a blackberry or an iphone. I browse the internet very rarely and phone text often.

I like the blackberry key pad.

I hate the fact it has all kinds of bugs in it:
-- the ringer doesn't work any more. This happened within less than a year of owning the $600 9000 bold device
-- I already had to replace the wheel on it.

I'd love the gps but I haven't installed it yet.

dc/dc 09-06-2011 07:39 AM

Re: BlackBerry vs iPhone
Wow. ®

Why did you dredge up this retarded thread?

jsconyers 09-06-2011 07:59 AM

Re: BlackBerry vs iPhone

Originally Posted by georgejo (Post 1742370)
Your post was kind of pointless. Now, if you had perhaps given some hints as to what sort of considerations one might have, it could be insightful. If all you are going to say is, "it depends", why did you post at all?

I've got a blackberry. For what I currently do, I probably don't really need either a blackberry or an iphone. I browse the internet very rarely and phone text often.

I like the blackberry key pad.

I hate the fact it has all kinds of bugs in it:
-- the ringer doesn't work any more. This happened within less than a year of owning the $600 9000 bold device
-- I already had to replace the wheel on it.

I'd love the gps but I haven't installed it yet.

Pointless?! Well, thanks for your input. Take a look at these forums, there are literally HUNDREDS of threads on this subject that give very detailed reviews of the devices. So, why would I waste my time (and server space) typing out what has been said many times before. Also, there are tons of BlackBerry models and OSes which differ pretty significantly, such as the Storm, Bold, Torch, OS 4.x, OS5, OS6, OS7, etc.

Also, how am I to know what everyone's needs are to write them down. My opinion of a device could be very different than someone else's opinion. As you say, the ringer doesn't work on your device. I have had BlackBerry devices for YEARS, and never had an issue with that. So, I wouldn't have listed that as a complaint of a BlackBerry, and you did. BlackBerrys haven't had a scroll wheel in years either. They moved away from that and to a trackball, which is what I assume you meant. BlackBerrys have since moved away from that and to a trackpad. So, I wouldn't have listed that as a con for a BlackBerry either, but, again, you did. So, as you can see, my review would not have been helpful for you and would have been pointless to you.

ifonline 09-06-2011 02:12 PM

Re: BlackBerry vs iPhone
I am no longer going to say "wow" in response to comments like the one georgejo posted. Instead, I am going to use the phrase "magic bananas." So...


Originally Posted by georgejo
Your post was kind of pointless. Now, if you had perhaps given some hints as to what sort of considerations one might have, it could be insightful. If all you are going to say is, "it depends", why did you post at all?

Magic bananas.

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