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Tri-Tip 09-23-2011 11:07 AM

Enterprise Activation restarting on the Blackberry
Hi all,

I don't know if this is specific to this model phone, although it didn't happen on my old Bold...

We're on a Blackberry Enterprise Server at work, and I'm the admin. Every few days, my Touch will decide to try to activate. It only gets one line when I go into the icon, and says:

Synchronizing Service Desktop
Calendar 280/283 (98%)

This just runs and runs and my battery life gets worse than normal. While it's running, everything else continues to work fine, phone calls come and go, as do new e-mail messages. When I try to cancel this process from the phone, it shows "cancelling..." but that can stay on for hours as well, and in the end, I do a battery pull and that solves it for a few days.

Sounds to me like I've got 3 calendar entries that can not be synchronized to the BB, but how can I found out what those are?

Any help is greatly appreciated.

stevew 09-23-2011 01:06 PM

Re: Enterprise Activation restarting on the Blackberry
I had it happen once, but that was when I went into the Enterprise activation screen and typed alt+cnfg...and as soon as I exited the screen, it started, I have not seen this happen the way you have described it though.

The only way I know of to establish which entries could not be synced, would be through the BES logs...and that's going to be fun. Good luck!

I'd say you need to java-wipe the device and re-do your enterprise activation, but do it through the DM. Fastest and easiest way to get it done.

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