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jibi 01-31-2005 06:48 PM

Sent Items (from Outlook) showing up on BB Messages
Okay, since I have upgraded to OS4.0 (with BES4.0 in place), the messages destined for my Inbox in Outlook still come to my handheld, but now I'm also getting copies of my Sent Items sent through Outlook. I find this, umm, annoying.

I see in the Redirection settings in Desktop Manager that there is the option for Folder Redirection (now sporting Inbox & Sent Items with BBDM4.0). However, choosing 'Selected folders' and just marking Inbox (not Sent Items) does not fix this issue.

Anyone else had/have this issue?

bfrye 01-31-2005 07:42 PM

try doing the same on the device. By default, it will include the main inbox and sent items in the redirected list.

Messages->email settings->folder redirection

jibi 01-31-2005 08:01 PM

help me out for a second. i go into Messages and i have Options as an option. from there, i get Email Settings. but i do not see Folder Redirection anywhere.

bfrye 01-31-2005 08:13 PM

click the trackwheel and look in the sub-menu

jibi 01-31-2005 11:32 PM

hehe. thanks.

and now for the newbie (but good) question - WHY DOES IT NOT SYNC OVER FROM DESKTOP MANAGER?! GRR!


bfrye 01-31-2005 11:42 PM

Talk to RIM about that one man...

jibi 02-01-2005 12:59 AM

yeah, i am. hehe. i figure its just a minor bug. i'll open a ticket tomorrow and post back anything i hear back from them.

*sigh* why can't i just be that little person who never notices any issues? god, i feel sorry for mark. hehe. we should nickname him 'the exterminator' or something. heck, yourself as well.

bfrye 02-01-2005 07:46 PM

I'm right there with ya. I'll bet I avg 2hrs a day minimum on the phone with RIM developers. I've had some days where we'll both (me and developer) put the phone down for a 10min break, then come right back to working on problems. My best record yet is 6 1/2hrs without hanging up once.

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