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aphr0deity 04-18-2006 02:59 PM

"Blank" icons in Zen home screen (and some in app folder)
Here's a funny thing.

Since receiving my --g yesterday, I've loaded Yak-On, Verichat, Webmessenger, Opera Mini, Total Fitness, Google Talk, Google Local, etc...

Two of the installed applications show a Windows-similar looking icon in all menus--the home screen as well as the all applications folder. However, a good portion (Yak-On, Verichat, WM, BB Messenger, Opera Mini, GTalk, etc) have the correct icons in the applications view but show the empty Windows-DOS thingie icon when put on the home screen.

Really a bit annoying. Has anyone had this issue, and does anyone know how to rectify it so that it shows the appropriate icons in the home screen? And if the app is missing the icon in both folders, what does that mean?

I'm going to go back and try uninstalling and reinstalling via the app loader instead of OTA and see if that helps, but installing things over OTA shouldn't lead to empty icons, I think. And not all of them did.

aphr0deity 04-18-2006 03:41 PM

Found a thread :).

cooperpwc 04-18-2006 04:40 PM

Hi aphr0deity,
Not sure where you found a thread on this because I didn't.
But you did discover a bug in Zen. I moved Fractal Explorer and CirclePopper up my apps menu so that they display on the home screen. Indeed they appear as MSDOS icons on the home screen although the proper icons still appear on the menu.
I think the only solution is to keep third party apps further down the menu or live with the ugliness.

Seattle18 04-18-2006 06:14 PM


Originally Posted by cooperpwc
Hi aphr0deity,

I think the only solution is to keep third party apps further down the menu or live with the ugliness.

You're right. And there is a thread out there somewhere, I remember posting in it a few weeks ago.

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